CSC 230 Assignment 2
For integers n and k, the binomial coefficient
(read ‘n choose k’) is the number
of ways to choose k objects from a collection of n objects. One way to visualize and
compute the binomial coefficients is via Pascal’s Triangle1
, which is constructed
using the identities below.
= 1
= 1
n − 1
n − 1
k − 1
for 1 < k < n
The rules above can be used to conveniently compute binomial coefficients in a
table (starting from n = 0), by computing each row’s values using the values in
the previous row.
The table below shows the first ten rows of Pascal’s Triangle (n = 0, 1, . . . , 9) as a
2D array (one of many ways that it could be stored in memory). All of the blank
entries can be left undefined (or set to zero) to fit the triangle into a square array.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1
1 1 1
2 1 2 1
3 1 3 3 1
4 1 4 6 4 1
5 1 5 10 10 5 1
6 1 6 15 20 15 6 1
7 1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1
8 1 8 28 56 70 56 28 8 1
9 1 9 36 84 126 126 84 36 9 1
1. https://www.mathsisfun.com/pascals-triangle.html
Your task for this assignment is to write an AVR Assembly program for the ATMega2560 that allows the user to navigate an invisible cursor (or index) through
Pascal’s Triangle using the black buttons on the LCD Shield (which is mounted
on top of our AVR board). At each step, the program will display the value of
the triangle at the current location of the cursor/index in binary using the LED
lights. The program will implement the following specification.
1. User input (buttons):
• When the program starts (at the RESET signal), the cursor will be
positioned at index [0, 0] of the table above and display the value 1 in
binary on the LEDs (as described below).
• When the user presses the UP button, the position [i, j] will change
as follows.
– If i = j, nothing will happen.
– Otherwise, the program will change to position [i − 1, j] in the
• When the user presses the DOWN button, the position [i, j] will
change as follows.
– If i = 9, nothing will happen.
– Otherwise, the program will change to position [i + 1, j] in the
• When the user presses the LEFT button, the position [i, j] will change
as follows.
– If j = 0, nothing will happen.
– Otherwise, the program will change to position [i, j − 1] in the
• When the user presses the RIGHT button, the position [i, j] will
change as follows.
– If i = j, nothing will happen.
– Otherwise, the program will change to position [i, j + 1] in the
2. Program output (LEDs):
At all times, the program will track the current location [i, j] (row i, column
j) in the table, and the LED lights will display the corresponding table value
in binary format, with the least significant bit on PORTL (pin 42) and the
most significant bit on PORTB (pin 52). For example, for [i, j] = [9, 4]
the LEDs will display 0b111000. Note that we have only 6 LEDs and can
effectively display only the lowest 6 bits of a given binary number, so
for this assignment, you are expected to ignore any higher order bits. As
mentioned above, when the program starts, the initial position of the index
is [0, 0] and the LEDs will display the binary value 0b000001, which means
only the LED on pin 42 (PORTL) will be on and the rest will be off.
3. Pascal’s Triangle (data/processing):
You may compute or store the table values in memory using any format you
want. There are several ways to do this including (1) creating a 2D array
representation (data structure in memory) as shown above and filling it in
with a loop or with pre-computed data and (2) using a recursive function
to compute values of the table on-the-fly.
This problem is composed of several sub-problems (hint: functions) that can be
completed and tested separately before combining them into the the final solution.
Submit your solution via conneX. When doing so, verify that your file is actually
uploaded correctly and is not corrupted. You can do so by navigating back to the
Assignments section, then downloading your a2.asm submission (which you just
uploaded), opening it in an editor and visually verifying it’s contents.
It must be possible to build and run your program on the equipment provided in
the labs (using the same procedure discussed in the lab sessions), otherwise your
solution will not be graded.
The solution is worth 6% of your final grade and must be your individual