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Assignment #2 implement A* Search

CSCE 420 - 
Programing Assignment #2

The overall goal of this assignment is to implement A* Search and use it to solve the classic
"Blocksworld" (BW) AI search problem. This problem involves stacking blocks from a random
initial configuration into a target configuration. You are to write a program to solve random
instances of this problem using your own implementation of A* in C++, based on the iterative
algorithm in the textbook using a priority queue. This project builds on the code you wrote for
Project 1; the function for BFS() (including checking for visited states, i.e. GraphSearch) should
only require slight modification to adapt it for A*. The focus of this assignment is to develop a
heuristic, h(n), for the Blocksworld that can be used by A* to improve the efficiency of the
search, enabling it to solve harder problems with longer solution paths.
A BW problem instance is given as 2 states: an initial state and a goal state. An example is
shown below. The operator for generating moves in this problem can only pick up the top block
on any stack and move it to the top of any other stack. Each action has equal (unit) cost. The
objective is to find a sequence of actions that will transform the initial state into the goal state
(preferably with the fewest moves, hence the shortest path to the goal.) Your program should
be able to handle problems with different numbers of stacks and blocks, and the goal state will
not always have blocks stacked in order on the first stack – it could be an arbitrary configuration.
(This instance requires 10 moves to solve, starting with moving D onto E, and then A into
(empty) stack 1…)
Recall that a heuristic h(n) is an estimate of the distance from a node in the search space to the
goal. A* uses the heuristic score, in combination with the pathcost to n, g(n), to keep the nodes
sorted in the frontier by f(n)=g(n)+h(n) using a priority queue. In the Blocksworld, the pathcost is
just the depth of a node, which you should already be tracking. The heuristic function is best
implemented as a member function of the State class. It also depends on the goal state, which
could be different for each problem instance:
float State::heuristic(State& goal);
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Your Node constructor will have to call this state-heuristic(goal) and add the value to the depth
to get the overall f(n) score for the node. This will then be used to keep the nodes sorted in the
priority queue, for which you should use priority_queue in the STL.
Your objective is to come up with the best heuristic possible, that will enable you to solve the
most BW problems in the least time (measured as number of goal tests). It is not easy to come
up with a quantitative function that accurately approximates the number of moves remaining;
everybody will come up with different ideas; use your intuition/reasoning about the problem.
You will probably end up developing a series of heuristic with better and better performance.
There is always the trivial heuristic, h0(n)=0, which returns a constant 0 for all nodes, and the
default heuristic, h1(n)=number of blocks out of place. Your job is to develop additional
heuristics h2(n), ,… that perform even better. Note: your heuristic does not have to be
admissible, but it should still approximate the distance to the goal (in number of moves).
Blocksworld Problem Challenge Set
I used the script (see Project 1) to generate a series of 45 blocksworld problems,
with difficulty ranging from easy to hard (based on solution path length, and hence depth of the
goal in the search tree). This is checked into the course Github project as a subdirectory
(Proj2/BWCHP/) containing the 45 blocksworld problems (in the same .bwp file format we used
for Project 1). These problems represent: Nstacks=3 or 5 or 10, Nblocks=5 or 10 or 20, with 5
instances for each of the 9 combinations.
What to Turn In
Create a subdirectory in your (private) Github project for the class (on the TAMU Github server)
called ‘Proj2’. In Proj2/, you should have at least 3 files:
• README – should explain how your program works (e.g. command-line arguments),
and any important parameters or constraints
• STATISTICS.txt or STATISTICS.xlsx – this is a table (or spreadsheet) containing
results for solving each of the 45 problems in the challenge set, giving the following
statistics for each: solved or failed? number of goal tests, max queue size, solution path
length. Note: set MAX_ITERS=100000.
• RESULTS.txt or RESULTS.docx - this is a text file
o Explain your heuristic. Show 1 or 2 examples of states with their h(n) score to
illustrate your heuristic.
o Give a descriptive summary of how your best heuristic performs – how
many problems could you solve? were there any trends in terms of which
problems could be solved, i.e. maximum number of blocks or stacks? did it ever
find sub-optimal solutions (e.g. where there exists an obvious solution with a
shorter path length)? how did the number of goal tests and max queue size
scale up with solution path length?
• makefile – we must be able to compile your C++ code on by
simply call ‘make’
• BlocksworldAstar.cpp – your main program should be called BlocksworldAstar.cpp,
but you might also want to have other .cpp or .hpp files, e.g. if you want to split your
code into multiple source files based on classes for modularity
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The date you commit your files and push them to the TAMU Github server will be used to
determine whether it is turned in on time, or whether any late penalties will be applied.
The materials you turn in will be graded according to the following criteria:
• 25% - does it compile and run without problems?
• 25% - does the implementation (of A*, successor function, heuristic, etc) look correct?
• 25% - is the heuristic described in RESULTS.txt designed well? does the
summary/explanation of performance make sense?
• 25% - performance on challenge problems: number of challenge problems solved as
reported in STATISTICS.txt (relative to the best in the class); are solution path lengths
and other metrics reasonable?

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