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Assignment 2 - Image Segmentation

CS 558: Homework Assignment 2 - Image Segmentation
Collaboration Policy. Homeworks will be done individually: each student must hand in their
own answers. It is acceptable for students to collaborate in understanding the material but not in
solving the problems. Use of the Internet is allowed, but should not include searching for previous
solutions or answers to the specific questions of the assignment.
Late Policy. No late submissions will be allowed without consent from the instructor.
Submission Format. Electronic submission on Canvas is mandatory. Submit a zip file containing:
• a pdf file with the source code (excluding libraries), the resulting images and a brief explanation of the implementation.
• the code,
• the output images.
Problem 1: k-means Segmentation. (35 points) Apply k-means segmentation on white-tower.png
with k=10. The distance function should only consider the RGB color channels and ignore pixel
coordinates. Randomly pick 10 RGB triplets from the existing pixels as initial seeds and run to
After k-means has converged, represent each cluster with the average RGB value of its members, creating an image as in slide 18 of Week 6.
Problem 2: SLIC. (65 points) Apply a variant of the SLIC algorithm to wt slic.png, by implementing the following steps:
1. Divide the image in blocks of 50×50 pixels and initialize a centroid at the center of each
2. Compute the magnitude of the gradient in each of the RGB channels and use the square root
of the sum of squares of the three magnitudes as the combined gradient magnitude. Move
the centroids to the position with the smallest gradient magnitude in 3×3 windows centered
on the initial centroids.
3. Apply k-means in the 5D space of x, y, R, G, B. Use the Euclidean distance in this space,
but divide x and y by 2.
4. After convergence, display the output image as in slide 41 of week 6: color pixels that touch
two different clusters black and the remaining pixels by the average RGB value of their
Requirements and notes.
• You can use any programming language.
• You are allowed to use image reading and writing functions, as well as plotting functions,
but you are not allowed to use filtering, edge detection or other image processing functions.
You can convert the images to a different format for reading them.
• The complexity of k-means is linear with respect to the number of pixels and k. Start developing on small images with small values of k.

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