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Assignment 2: Implement a TCP-based key-value store

Assignment 2:
Implement a TCP-based key-value store. The server implements the key-value store and clients make
use of it. The server must accept clients’ connections and serve their requests for ‘get’ and ‘put’ keyvalue pairs. All key-value pairs should be stored by the server only in memory. Keys and values are
The client accepts a variable no of command line arguments where the first argument is the server
hostname followed by port no. It should be followed by any sequence of “get <key” and/or “put <key
./client 5555 put city Kolkata put country India get country get city get Institute
The server should be running on a TCP port. The server should support multiple clients and maintain
their key-value stores separately.
Implement authorization so that only few clients having the role “manager” can access other’s key-value
stores. A user is assigned the “guest” role by default. The server can upgrade a “guest” user to a
“manager” user.

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