Starting from:


Assignment 2: Intergalactic Venture Planning

CSC148 Assignment 2: Intergalactic Venture Planning

Coding Guidelines 1
Background 1
Preparation 2
Starter Code 3
Tasks 3
Task 1: Distance Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Task 2: Defining Enterprise Entities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Task 3: Priority Queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Task 4: Scheduling Passengers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Task 5: Command Central . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
File Structure 10
Galaxy Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Fleet Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Passenger Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Submission Instructions 12
Grading Scheme 12
Late Policy 12
Appendix A: Data Sources & Attribution 13
Appendix B: Example of Greedy Scheduling Algorithm 14
Iteration 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Iteration 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Iteration 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Iteration 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Coding Guidelines
All code that you write should follow the Function Design Recipe and the Class Design
Recipe. You may assume that all arguments passed to a method or function will satisfy its
For class DistanceMap, all attributes must be private. For all other classes except Passenger
and SpaceBike, you must NOT:
• change the interface (parameters, parameter type annotations, or return types) of
any methods provided in the starter code. Exception: you may change the inherited
initializer for subclasses of FleetScheduler.
• change the type annotations of any public or private attributes provided in the starter
• create any new public attributes.
• create any new public methods except to override the abtract schedule method that
GreedyScheduler and BogoScheduler inherit.
• add any import statements to your code.
You will be designing classes Passenger and SpaceBike; thus:
• You are allowed to make some or all attributes of Passenger and SpaceBike public.
• You may add public methods to Passenger and SpaceBike.
In general, you may:
• remove unused imports from the Typing module, or add imports from the Typing
• create new private helper methods for the classes you have been given.
– for any private methods you create, you must provide type annotations for every
parameter and return value. You must also write a full docstring for such methods,
as described in the Class Design Recipe.
• create new private attributes for the classes you have been given.
– if you create new private attributes you must add the type annotation and include
a description of them in the class docstring as described in the Class Design Recipe.
– Exception: In class PriorityQueue we have defined all the attributes needed. Do
not define any new attributes, even private.
The year is 2067. You (and your assignment partner, if you choose to have one) are the
(co)founder(s) of ZeroG Enterprise. ZeroG Enterprise is a cutting-edge ride-sharing service
that offers interplanetary travel on enterprise-owned, completely autopiloted SpaceBikes.
Max # Passengers
Fuel Capacity
Fuel Usage Rate
BCO (M$)
Atom Bike 2-4 3.5-4.5 0.4-0.6 1.2
Nova Bike 5-20 6.7-8.5 0.8-1.2 2.4
MCˆ2 Bike 25-30 25.2-36.5 4.5-5.1 10.1
Table 1: Different types of SpaceBikes and their characteristics.
ML: MegaLiter (1 million liters)
AU: Astronomical Unit
BCO: Base Cost of operation, in millions of dollars (M$).
There are different SpaceBike models, each with their own characteristics, indicated in Table
1. Every type of SpaceBike has its own range of fuel capacity, range of fuel usage rate, and
range of maximum Passenger capacities. For example, any given Atom Bike can have a
fuel capacity of any floating point number between 3.5 and 4.5 ML. The fuel usage rate is
independant of number of Passengers onboard, and is fixed for the lifetime of a particular
SpaceBike. Note that the Fuel Capacity, Fuel Usage Rate, and maximum Passenger capacity
differ within SpaceBikes of the same type. The base cost of operation is always the same for
a given type of SpaceBike.
A SpaceBike always starts off with full fuel (i.e. it has exactly the amount of fuel as its
maximum capacity). Once the SpaceBike starts travelling, it can not refuel.
Each location in our Galaxy has exactly one location that SpaceBikes dock in and embark
from. The distances between these hubs on each planet is provided in the Galaxy Data file
that you will read from in one of your tasks.
The SpaceBike business is so lucrative that the Passengers bid on fares, vying for a chance to
experience ZeroG. Your task is to devise a program to plan the SpaceBike travel itinerary to
attempt to maximize the profits you make, while taking into account those pesky physical
constraints like Passenger capacity and fuel usage regulated by the authorities.
ZeroG Enterprise previously relied on manual scheduling of Passengers. However, as you
amassed more SpaceBikes in your SpaceFleet, and the number of Passenger bids on space
travel skyrocketed, it is no longer reasonable to do the scheduling manually. You will be
writing a program to automatically schedule Passengers on SpaceBikes. Since you can think
of multiple ways to prioritize Passengers, you would like some concrete numbers to direct the
decision of how to schedule the Passengers to maximize your profits.
1. Read the entire A2 handout and the provided starter code.
2. In Appendix B, the first 4 iterations of the greedy algorithm are demonstrated. Complete
the remaining 2 iterations.
3. Complete the not-for-marks quiz.
Starter Code
Download the starter code Any files that start with a2_ are files that you will
need to modify and submit. Once you are done all the tasks, you will be able to run
the file runs the two schedulers you will create and
graphs their relative performance. You are provided with a basic set of starter tests,, to run locally, and a moderate set of tests on MarkUs. You are
expected to write your own test cases to thoroughly test your code, as we have additional
hidden tests you will be evaluated on.
This is a summary of the minimum requirements of each task that you are required to
complete. This checklist is meant to be a guide to help you keep track of your work, but is
not a comprehensive or complete description of your tasks.
• Task 1:
– define class DistanceMap
– complete method distance
– complete method add_distance consistent with doctest examples in
• Task 2:
– define class SpaceBikes (including interface design)
– define class Passenger (including interface design)
– implement class SpaceFleet
• Task 3:
– implement class PriorityQueue
– complete method is_empty
– complete method add
– complete method remove
• Task 4:
– define class BogoScheduler
– complete method BogoScheduler.schedule
– define class GreedyScheduler
– complete method GreedyScheduler.schedule
• Task 5:
– complete function load_fleet_data
– complete function load_galaxy_data
– complete function load_passenger_data
– complete class CommandCentral
∗ method init
∗ method _compute_stats
∗ method _print_report
Task 1: Distance Map
Task 1 is completed in
Use the Class Design Recipe to define a class called DistanceMap that lets client code store
and look up the distance between any two galaxy locations. Your program will use an instance
of this class to store the information from a map data file.
If a distance from location A to location B has been stored in your distance map, then it
must be capable of reporting the distance from location A to location B and of reporting the
distance from location B to location A (which could be the same or different). You may wish
to refer to the Galaxy Data file, as this is the data that your DistanceMap will represent.
Your DistanceMap class must provide a method called distance that takes two strings (the
names of two locations) and returns a float which is the distance from the first location to the
second, or -1.0 if the distance is not stored in the distance map. The doctest examples in class
SpaceFleet (a2_space_bikes) depend on there also being a method called add_distance.
Make sure that it exists and is consistent with those doctests.
The choice of data structure is up to you. Make sure to define representation invariants that
document any important facts about your data structure.
You may find it helpful to use a default parameter somewhere in this class. Here is an
example of how they work. This function takes two parameters, but if the caller sends only
one argument, it uses the default value 1 for the second argument.
def increase_items(lst: List[int], n: int = 1) -> None:
"""Mutate lst by adding n to each item.
>>> grades = [80, 76, 88]
>>> increase_items(grades, 5)
>>> grades == [85, 81, 93]
>>> increase_items(grades)
>>> grades == [86, 82, 94]
for i in range(len(lst)):
lst[i] += n
Task 2: Defining Enterprise Entities
Task 2 is completed in
You will now define the entities that exist in your enterprise to scaffold the automated system
you plan to implement.
Note that class SpaceFleet has its interface designed for you. You will need to implement
SpaceFleet according to its designed interface. Carefully read the doctests of SpaceFleet,
as they dictate what services SpaceBike and Passenger will need to provide to the client
You will need to design and define the classes SpaceBike and Passenger (using the Class
Design Recipe) such that they provide the services required by SpaceFleet. Additionally,
the SpaceBike class should allow a parameter that sets a starting location, defaulting to the
constant DEFAULT_STARTING_LOC provided.
It is recommended that you start by implementing classes SpaceBike and Passenger, focusing
on the data you know it must store and any operations that you are certain it must provide.
As you start to use these classes in later steps, you will likely add new operations or make
other changes. This is appropriate and a natural part of the design process. In particular,
you will need to refer to task 4 for specifications on how to board Passengers and modify the
SpaceBike’s route. Once you have classes SpaceBike and Passenger completed and tested,
you can move on to implement class SpaceFleet.
You may wish to refer to the
• Fleet Data file, as this is the data that your SpaceFleet and SpaceBike classes will
• Passenger Data file, as this is the data that your Passenger class will represent
Task 3: Priority Queue
Task 3 is completed in
With your automated Passenger scheduling system, it is reasonable to anticipate that you
might want to board Passengers, for example, starting with the highest bidder. This means
that each Passenger would be assigned a priority based on their bid amount. To keep track
of this priority, you will be implementing a priority queue.
The priority queue ADT is an extension of the queue ADT. It is a container that supports
add and remove operations, with the added structure of maintaining an order with respect to
a dictated priority. A priority queue always removes the item with the highest priority. If
there is a tie for highest priority, it chooses among the tied items the one that was inserted
first. (See the docstrings in class PriorityQueue for examples.)
. . . but what if you wanted to compare two ways of prioritizing Passengers, to
see which yields a higher profit?
We will enable our priority queue to prioritize its entries in different ways. Our PriorityQueue
class lets client code define what the priority is to be by passing to the initializer a function
that can compare two items, annotated with the Callable annotation. See section 1.4 of the
lecture notes.
File contains the general Container class, as well as a partially-complete
PriorityQueue class. PriorityQueue is a child class of Container.
The PriorityQueue is implemented as a linked list, using the _QueueNode class. _QueueNode
has been implemented for you.
You must complete the PriorityQueue methods is_empty, add, and remove according to
the docstrings.
Task 4: Scheduling Passengers
Task 4 is completed in
The abstract class FleetScheduler is defined for you. You must define and implement
two child classes of FleetScheduler, BogoScheduler and GreedyScheduler. Review the
docstring of the schedule method in FleetScheduler carefully.
A Passenger is only boarded onto a SpaceBike if the Passenger source is already in the
SpaceBike’s route. Additionally, the Passenger is only permitted to board if either the
SpaceBike is already travelling from the Passenger source to the destination, or the SpaceBike
has enough fuel to travel from the last location in its route to the Passenger destination.
For example, if Passenger A is travelling from location X to location Y, a SpaceBike that has
the following route:
(location Y -> location X)
is not travelling from the Passenger source to the destination. If we wanted to board
Passenger A on this SpaceBike, we would need to make sure the SpaceBike has enough fuel
to travel the following route:
(location Y -> location X -> location Y)
If you add any attributes to your child classes, make them private. You are permitted to
define an initializer for your child classes that has a different parameter list than the one it
inherits. Do not change the interface of any other methods in the starter code.
You MUST not mutate the lists passed to the schedule method. For example, do NOT call,
e.g., passengers.sort(). You are permitted (and required) to modify the objects within
the lists (e.g. adding a Passenger onboard a SpaceBike).
Named after the notoriously inefficient Bogosort, this scheduler randomly assigns Passengers
to SpaceBikes in its schedule method.
The random algorithm you will implement is as follows:
1. Choose the next Passenger you will board randomly.
2. Attempt to board the Passenger on each SpaceBike in the SpaceFleet until you succeed.
No particular order of candidate SpaceBikes is enforced. Make sure to follow the
boarding requirements described above. If you are unable to board the Passenger on
any bike, the Passenger is not boarded.
This scheduler is non-deterministic; i.e., if you run it multiple times on the same scheduling
problem, it will produce different results.
Repeat steps (1)-(2) until all Passengers have been considered for boarding.
The GreedyScheduler picks the best option among all the available options at any given
step to implement its schedule method. We will determine best using assigned priorities.
You will use your PriorityQueue and DistanceMap implementations for this task. You may
find it helpful to define three functions for Passenger priority, and one function for SpaceBike
priority. Define these functions at the module level (outside of any class) and name each with
a leading underscore to indicate that it is private. Your greedy scheduler must allow three
ways of prioritizing Passengers:
• Non-descending order of (distance between Passenger source and destination)
• Non-ascending order of fare bid
• Non-ascending order of (fare bid, divided by distance between Passenger source and
The distance between Passenger source and destination should be retrieved from a common
instance of a DistanceMap for all Passengers, as per the distance method applied to the
Passenger source and destination. Each instance of the GreedyScheduler will only use one
way of Passenger prioritization (i.e. the prioritization of Passengers will not change for the
duration of the scheduler’s existence; the different prioritizations are meant to be used in
separate scheduling instances)
Implement the GreedyScheduler by repeating steps (1)-(4) until all Passengers have been
considered for boarding, as follows:
1. Choose the next Passenger you will board according to the defined Passenger priority.
2. Choose a candidate SpaceBike to attempt to board the Passenger. The candidate
SpaceBike is chosen from SpaceBikes with non-zero capacity as follows:
• In the order of non-decreasing capacity, select the first bike that is already travelling
from the Passenger source to the Passenger destination.
• If no bikes fulfill the previous criteria, select the SpaceBike that requires the
minimum additional fuel expended to travel to the Passenger’s destination. The
additional fuel expended is defined as the amount of fuel required for the bike to
travel from the last location in its route to the Passenger’s destination.
• In the case of a tie for fuel expended, choose the SpaceBike with the least available
capacity. In the case of a further tie for available capacity, choose the SpaceBike
with the smaller ID.
• If no bikes meet the selection criteria, then there is no candidate SpaceBike to
board the current Passenger.
3. If there is no candidate SpaceBike to admit the Passenger, the Passenger is not boarded
on any SpaceBike.
4. If there is a candidate SpaceBike to admit the Passenger, board the Passenger on the
SpaceBike. If the SpaceBike is not yet travelling from the source to the destination
in its route, add the Passenger’s destination to the end of the SpaceBike’s
This scheduler is deterministic; i.e., if you run it multiple times on the same scheduling
problem, it should produce the same result.
Task 5: Command Central
You are now ready to pass along your code base to command central, so that they can run
the Fleet Schedulers you have created and decide on the best path forward.
The CommandCentral class and its run method are defined for you. You will need to complete
the __init__, _compute_stats, and _print_stats methods.
The parameter for the init method is a configuration dictionary, with the following possible
keys (str) and corresponding values (Union[str, int]):
• "scheduler_type": "bogo" or "greedy"
• "verbosity": 0, or any other non-zero integer you have chosen when implementing
your FleetScheduler child classes
• "passenger_priority": "travel_dist", "fare_bid", or "fare_per_dist"; corresponding to the different Passenger priorities as described in Task 4, the greedy
scheduler subsection. If the "scheduler_type" is "bogo", "Passenger_priority"
does not need to be set.
• "passenger_fname": a file name of a file containing data as per the passenger data
file structure.
• "galaxy_fname": a file name of a file containing data as per the galaxy data file
• "fleet_fname": a file name of a file containing data as per the fleet data file structure.
To complete _compute_stats, you should populate all the values for the following keys in
the <self>._stats dictionary as follows:
• 'num_bikes': The total number of SpaceBikes in the SpaceFleet.
• 'num_empty_bikes': The total number of empty SpaceBikes in the SpaceFleet;
i.e. SpaceBikes that have no Passengers assigned.
• 'average_fill_percent': The result of theSpaceFleet method average_fill_percent
• 'average_distance_travelled': The result of the SpaceFleet method
• 'vacant_seats': The result of the SpaceFleet method vacant_seats
• 'total_fare_collected': The result of the SpaceFleet method total_fare_collected
• 'deployment_cost': The result of the SpaceFleet method total_deployment_cost
• 'profit': the result of <total_fare_collected> - <total_deployment_cost>
File Structure
You can find files that have been prepared for the express purpose of testing your work on
in the data/testing directory. The data/full_passenger and data/full_space_fleet
directories contain data that will be used in; you are free to use these files
for your own testing as well. The recommended testing order for files in the data/testing
directory are described here.
For all files, the following will hold: There are no blank lines separating content in the file.
Once you read a blank line in the file, you may assume the file has ended. Blank lines are lines
that are only comprised of whitespace. Any string s such that Python’s str.isspace(s)
evaluates toTrue is considered to be whitespace.
The functions that read from data files all have strong preconditions allowing the code to
assume inputs are valid and exactly as described in the handout.
Notice that there is little to no focus on validating data.
Galaxy Data
The galaxy data is stored in the data directory. It is stored as tab-separated data, where
each row is guaranteed to have 3 columns. Each column is separated by one or more tab
characters, and may have excess leading and trailing whitespace that must be removed. Tabs
are represented in Python as \t.
• The first column represents the <source>
• The second column represents the <destination>
• The third column represents the distance required to travel from the <source> to the
<destination>. Once stripped of whitespace, this is guaranteed to be a valid floating
point value.
For example, the following string read in as a line of the file:
means that to travel from location A to location B, is a distance of 2.0.
Note that the distance required to travel from e.g. Earth to Mars may not be the same as the
distance required to travel from Mars to Earth. In the galaxy data file provided, you are
guaranteed one of the following:
• If the distance travel from (<a> to <b>) is the same as (<b> to <a>), there will only be
one row in the entire galaxy data file representing this.
• If the distance to travel from (<a> to <b>) is not the same as (<b> to <a>), the data
will be reported in consecutive lines (i.e. if a row reports the distance to travel from
<a> to <b>, the row immediately following it will report the distance to travel from <b>
to <a>).
This file is guaranteed to have one or more lines.
Fleet Data
The test SpaceFleet data is found in the data/testing directory. There are three SpaceFleet
data files:
• space_fleet_data.txt is a small file of SpaceBikes. You should test on this file to
start with.
• space_fleet_data_larger.txt is a moderately sized file of SpaceBikes. You should
not test on this file until you are sure your code works on space_fleet_data.txt
• space_fleet_data_huge.txt is a large file of SpaceBikes. You should not test on this
file until you are sure your code works on space_fleet_data.txt
This file starts with a line indicating the type of SpaceBike (one of Atom Bike, Nova Bike,
or MCˆ2 Bike).
The next line consists of tab-separated values, that may be separated by one or more tab
characters, and may have excess leading and trailing whitespace that must be removed. The
tab-separated values appear in the order as follows:
• ID_<bike_id>, where <bike_id> is a valid integer value.
• A valid integer value representing the maximum Passenger capacity of the SpaceBike.
• A valid floating point value representing the maximum fuel capacity of the SpaceBike
in ML.
• A valid floating point value representing the fuel usage rate of the SpaceBike in ML/AU.
The next line, if there is one present, repeats the same two-line pattern as above, representing
the next SpaceBike in the Fleet.
Every SpaceBike in the Fleet has a starting position of the DEFAULT_STARTING_LOC constant
in You should make use of this constant, as we may change it to ensure
your code still works when the default starting position is changed.
This file is guaranteed to have two or more lines.
Passenger Data
The test Passenger data is found in the data/testing directory. There are three Passenger
data files:
• passenger_off_peak.txt is a small file of 35 Passengers. You should test on this file
to start with.
• passenger_on_peak.txt is a file of 800 Passengers. You should not test on this file
until you are sure your code works on passenger_off_peak.txt
• passenger_huge.txt is a file of 50,000 Passengers. You should not test on this file
until you are sure your code works on passenger_on_peak.txt
The format of any Passenger files adheres to the following format:
The first line of the file is the name of a Passenger. The next line consists of tab-separated
values, that may be separated by one or more tab characters, and may have excess leading
and trailing whitespace that must be removed. The tab-separated values appear in the order
as follows:
• BID: followed by one or more spaces, followed by a valid floating point value representing
the potential Passenger’s bid amount (in millions of dollars).
• SOURCE: followed by one or more spaces, followed by the source location of the Passenger.
• DEST: followed by one or more spaces, followed by the destination location of the
The next line, if there is one present, repeats the same two-line pattern as above, representing
the next Passenger.
This file is guaranteed to have two or more lines.
Submission Instructions
and on MarkUs. We strongly recommend that you submit early
and often. We will grade the latest version you submit. To avoid accidentally incurring late
penalties, do not submit files after the time you intend to submit. Run the tests on MarkUs
one last time before the due date to make sure that you didn’t accidentally submit the wrong
Grading Scheme
There will be no marks associated with defining your own test cases with pytest or hypothesis.
The grading scheme is as follows:
• pyTA: 10 marks, with 1 mark deducted for each occurrence of each pyTA error.
• following the coding guidelines: 5 marks
• self-tests, provided in MarkUs: 20 marks
• Passenger and SpaceBike classes: will not be tested directly, other than for aspects
that are proscribed by the doctest examples in class SpaceFleet
• hidden tests: 65 marks
Late Policy
• 0% deduction for the first hour
• then 5% deduction per hour for the next 5 hours
• then 15% deduction for the next 5 hours
• after 11 hours, no lates are accepted.
Appendix A: Data Sources & Attribution
Data was sourced from:
• Distances of galactic bodies:
• Fake names for Passengers:
This assignment was adapted from the Winter 2021 offering of CSC148 (A1 created by Diane
Horton, Ian Berlott-Attwell, Jonathan Calver, Sophia Huynh, Maryam Majedi, and Jaisie
Sin). The content was adapted for the Summer 2021 offering by Saima Ali and Marina
A heartfelt thanks to Ian Berlott-Attwell and Sophia Huynh for their continued efforts in the
creation and delivery of this assessment!
Appendix B: Example of Greedy Scheduling Algorithm
Galaxy Distances
Here, we will assume that the distance from <a> to <b> is the same as the distance from <b>
to <a> to simplify the example. In general, this is not a valid assumption for this assignment.
Source Destination Distance (AU)
Earth Venus 4.5
Sun Venus 1.0
Earth Mars 2.0
Venus Mars 4.0
In this example, we will prioritize Passengers based on their fare bid.
Passenger Fare Bid (M$) Source Destination
Laura Engelman 2.5 Earth Venus
Jonathan McMyers 1.5 Sun Venus
MaryAnn Jacobs 1.0 Earth Mars
Robert Robarts 0.5 Venus Sun
Lily Jenkins 0.2 Venus Sun
Melanie Kim 0.1 Earth Venus
Note that we always prioritize the SpaceBikes in non-descending order of available capacity. The default starting location for every spacebike is set to Earth (constant defined in
ID Type
Fuel Usage
(ML/AU) Route
1 Atom Bike 2 4.0 0.5 Earth
2 Atom Bike 4 4.0 0.5 Earth
3 Nova Bike 20 8.0 1.0 Earth
Iteration 1
Passenger with the highest bid: Laura Engelman
Check each bike in the order of non-descending available capacity.
SpaceBike 1 (capacity 2):
• Is Passenger source (Earth) in SpaceBike 1’s current route?
– Yes.
• Does SpaceBike 1’s current route travel from source (Earth) to destination (Venus)?
– No.
• Does SpaceBike 1 have enough fuel to add destination (Venus) to the end of its route?
– Yes.
∗ Proposed new route: Earth -> Venus
∗ Distance: 4.5
∗ Fuel required: 4.5 * 0.5 = 2.25 ML
∗ Fuel available: 4.0 ML
Board Laura Engelman on SpaceBike 1.
Updated SpaceBikes
• SpaceBike 1
– Available Capacity: 1
∗ Boarded Passengers: Laura Engelman
– Route: Earth -> Venus
Iteration 2
Passenger with the highest bid: Jonathan McMyers
Check each bike in the order of non-descending available capacity.
SpaceBike 1 (capacity 1):
• Is Passenger source (Sun) in SpaceBike 1’s current route?
– No.
• Check next SpaceBike.
SpaceBike 2 (capacity 4):
• Is Passenger source (Sun) in SpaceBike 2’s current route?
– No.
• Check next SpaceBike.
SpaceBike 3 (capacity 20):
• Is Passenger source (Sun) in SpaceBike 3’s current route?
– No.
No more SpaceBikes to check. Passenger not boarded.
Iteration 3
Passenger with the highest bid: MaryAnn Jacobs
Check each bike in the order of non-descending available capacity.
SpaceBike 1 (capacity 1):
• Is Passenger source (Earth) in SpaceBike 1’s current route?
– Yes.
• Does SpaceBike 1’s current route travel from source (Earth) to destination (Mars)?
– No.
• Does SpaceBike 1 have enough fuel to add destination (Mars) to the end of its route?
– No.
∗ Proposed new route: Earth -> Venus -> Mars
∗ Distance: 4.5 + 4.0 = 8.5
∗ Fuel required: 8.5 * 0.5 = 4.25 ML
∗ Fuel available: 4.0 ML
Check next SpaceBike.
SpaceBike 2 (capacity 4):
• Is Passenger source (Earth) in SpaceBike 1’s current route?
– Yes.
• Does SpaceBike 2’s current route travel from source (Earth) to destination (Mars)?
– No.
• Does SpaceBike 2 have enough fuel to add destination (Mars) to the end of its route?
– Yes.
∗ Proposed new route: Earth -> Mars
∗ Distance: 2.0
∗ Fuel required: 2.0 * 0.5 = 1.0 ML
∗ Fuel available: 4.0 ML
Board MaryAnn Jacobs on SpaceBike 2.
Updated SpaceBikes
• SpaceBike 2
– Available Capacity: 3
∗ Boarded Passengers: MaryAnn Jacobs
– Route: Earth -> Mars
Iteration 4
Passenger with the highest bid: Robert Robarts
Check each bike in the order of non-descending available capacity.
SpaceBike 1 (capacity 1):
• Is Passenger source (Venus) in SpaceBike 1’s current route?
– Yes.
• Does SpaceBike 1’s current route travel from source (Venus) to destination (Sun)?
– No.
• Does SpaceBike 1 have enough fuel to add destination (Sun) to the end of its route?
– Yes.
∗ Proposed new route: Earth -> Venus -> Sun
∗ Distance: 4.5 + 1.0 = 5.5
∗ Fuel required: 5.5 * 0.5 = 2.75 ML
∗ Fuel available: 4.0 ML
• Board Robert Robarts on SpaceBike 1.
Updated SpaceBikes
• SpaceBike 1
– Available Capacity: 0
∗ Boarded Passengers: Laura Engelman, Robert Robarts
– Route: Earth -> Venus -> Sun

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