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Assignment 2 Introduction to node and express

Assignment 2
This assignment is an introduction to node and express and it will serve as the beginning back end for
the next assignments it is imperative that this assignment be done and done correctly so that the next
assignment after this can rely on it.
Write a Node application which will listen for request (web server) on port 3000 and it should provide
the following routes and functionality for each route respectively.
Method URL Description
GET / This is the default route the application should respond with a HELP Page in
simple HTML that outlines the available functionality. A simple table which
outlines each available request, the expected input and output data as well as
any expected errors or requirements.
Basically this description (with some examples) here are a few examples of
what that page should look like (in terms of content)
GET /Users Should return a list of any user in the database (as a JSON array) with all their
POST /User Should Create a new User record and take in the following properties
Fist Name
Last Name
Email Address
There should be error checking to ensure that the UserID doesn’t already exist
if it does an error should be returned
If the user is successfully create it should return the user entity along with a
201 (Created Status)
GET /User/{ID} Should return a specific User ID (the user ID provided in the URL) with all its
properties if it exists.
If the User ID is not found it should return an error 404 (Not Found) with an
appropriate message
PATCH /User/{ID} Should allow you to Update (change) any data (except the ID) for an existing
User. If the User isn’t found return an error (same as above 404 not found)
DELETE /User/{ID} Should Delete a user (if it exists) if it doesn’t exist it should return an Error
with a status code 404 (Not found)
As extra credit provide an Input <HTML form that can perform all of the above functions
Create User
Update User
Delete User
Get User Info
Make sure the user info is stored in a User Class (OOP!)
Any requests to other Routes not outlined above should redirect to the [GET] / Route which provides
the Help
The assignment must be written using TypeScript, Node and Express no other external tools or libraries
are necessary

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