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Assignment 2 Linux Networking Commands

CSP334: Computer Networks
Lab Assignment No 2
Assignment on Linux Networking Commands

• For each of your answer paste a screen dump of your screen in support of justification of
your answer, wherever applicable
1. Examine the following files in Linux and find out what is the purpose served by each. Write at least two
sentences mentioning the purpose of each.
• /etc/hosts
• /etc/sysconfig/network
• /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
• /etc/default-route
• /etc/resolv.conf
• /etc/nsswitch.conf
2. Display the file /etc/services on your screen, using appropriate Linux command. What is the use of
/etc/services file? Which layer in the TCP/IP protocol stack do you think would make use of this file
? Are the port numbers shown in this file well-known port numbers or ephemeral port numbers ? Why
are they so ? Give appropriate reasoning for your answer.
3. Read the man pages for the following programs:
• arp
• arping
• ifconfig
• tcpdump
• ping
• netstat
• route
Find out the the purpose of each of these commands. In those cases whereever applicable, list out
the application layer, transport layer and the network layer protocols used by each command. Prepare a table with the following columns to answer your question viz. command name, Purpose, Transport layer protocol used, Network layer protocol used.
4. This exercise is a simple exercise that only requires you to capture the tcpdump traffic. The problem
requires you to either use two virtual machines on your laptop or two different machines in the computer
lab - ask the administrator for the host name of both the machines, if so. Then run the tcpdump command
on one machine say PC1 (saving the output for your lab report) so that it monitors all the packets that
contain the IP address of PC2 only and none else. Next, open a new terminal window on PC1 and execute
a ping command to PC2. It may be necessary to press Ctrl-C to terminate the tcpdump session. It may
sometimes be best to simply redirect the output of tcpdump straight to a file and view it afterward with
the more command or a text editor. Find out how can you do so.
5. Run the command tcpdump −enx −w exe5.out. Do you see any output on the screen ? Why ?
6. This question is in continuation of the question no 5. Run telnet remote host. remote host is the host
name of either another virtual machine in your machine or it is the host name of any other machine in
the network used in the lab (Ask the lab technical suport staff about the name of other machine). This
command would generate some TCP traffic. After you login the remote machine, terminate the telnet
session and terminate the tcpdump program.
Next, you will use wireshark to open the packet trace captured by tcpdump and analyze the captured
packets. To do this, run wireshark -r exe5.out &. The wireshark Graphical User Interface (GUI) will
pop up and the packets captured by tcpdump will be displayed. For your report, you need to save any
one of the packets that contain the link, IP, and TCP headers. Carry out the following instructions.
• Click on a TCP packet from the list of captured packets in the wireshark window. Then go to the
Edit menu and choose Mark Frame.
• Go to the File menu and choose Print. In the Wireshark:Print dialog that pops up, check File,
Plain Text, Expand all levels, Print detail and supress unmarked frames. Then, enter the output
text file name, e.g., headers.txt, and click the OK button. The marked packet is now dumped into
the text file, with a detailed list of the name and value of every field in all the three headers.
Now answer the following questions:
a. Draw the format of the packet you saved, including the link, IP, and TCP headers (See Figs in the
handouts given to you for reference), and identify the value of each field in these headers. Express
the values in the decimal format.
b. What is the value of the protocol field in the IP header of the packet you saved? What is the use
of the protocol field?
7. In a manner similar to the previous exercise, now run tcpdump to capture an ARP request and an ARP
reply and then use wireshark to analyze the frames. If there are no arp requests and replies in the
network, generate some using arping a remote machine. After you see several ARP replies in the arping
output, terminate the arping and the tcpdump program. Open the tcpdump trace using Wireshark -r
exe7.out &. Print one ARP request and one ARP reply using wireshark. Now answer the following
a. What is the value of the frame type field in an Ethernet frame carrying an ARP request and in an
Ethernet frame carrying an ARP reply, respectively?
b. What is the value of the frame type field in an Ethernet frame carrying an IP datagram captured
in the previous exercise?
c. What is the use of the frame type field?
8. Explain briefly the purposes of the following tcpdump expressions.
a. tcpdump udp port 520
b. tcpdump -x -s 120 ip proto 89
c. tcpdump -x -s 70 host ip addr1 and (ip addr2 or ip addr3)
d. tcpdump -x -s 70 host ip addr1 and not ip addr2
9. Start tcpdump in a command window to capture packets between your machine and a remote host using:
tcpdump -n -nn host your host and remote host. Execute a TCP utility, telnet for example - as in the
problem before, in another command window. When you see a TCP packet in the tcpdump output,
terminate tcpdump and save its output. Now answer the following question:
a. What are the port numbers used by the remote and the local computer?
b. Which machine0
s port number matches the port number listed for telnet in the /etc/services file?
Note: In case telnet is not listed in the /etc/services file, use ssh.
10. Start tcpdump in one command window using tcpdump -n -nn host your host and remote host. Then,
telnet to the remote host from a second command window by typing telnetremotehost. Again issue
the same telnetremotehost command from a third command window. Now you are opening two telnet
sessions to the same remote host simultaneously, from two different command windows. Check the port
numbers being used on both sides of the two connections from the output in the tcpdump window. Save
a TCP packet from each of the connections. Now answer the following questions:
a. When you have two telnet sessions with your machine, what port number is used on the remote
machine? Are both sessions connected to the same port number on the remote machine?
b. What port numbers are used in your machine for the first and second telnet, respectively?
c. What is the range of Internet-wide well-known port numbers? What is the range of well-known port
numbers for Unix/Linux specific service? What is the range for a client port number? Compare
your answer to the well-known port numbers defined in the /etc/services file. Are they consistent?
In case they are not, try to discuss amongst peers and specify your view of the reason why they are
Note: In case telnet is not listed in the /etc/services file, use ssh.

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