Starting from:


Assignment #2: Lonely Party Array

Programming Assignment #2: Lonely Party Array
COP 3502
In this programming assignment, you will implement lonely party arrays (arrays
that are broken into fragments that get allocated and deallocated on an asneeded basis, rather than being allocated all at once as one big array, in order to
eliminate unnecessary memory bloat). This is an immensely powerful and
awesome data structure, and it will ameliorate several problems we often
encounter with arrays in C (see Section 1 of this PDF).
By completing this assignment, you will gain advanced experience working
with dynamic memory management, pointers, and structs in C. You will also
learn how to use valgrind to test your programs for memory leaks, and you will
gain additional experience managing programs that use custom header files and
multiple source files. In the end, you will have an awesome and useful data
structure that you can use to solve all sorts of interesting problems.
Note! The capitalization and spelling of your filename matter!
Note! Code must be tested on Eustis, but submitted via Webcourses.
Note! A friendly guide for the overwhelmed is included on pg. 19.
1. Overview
For a lot of programming tasks that use arrays, it’s not uncommon to allocate an array that is large enough to
handle any worst-case scenario you might throw at your program, but which has a lot of unused, wasted memory
in most cases.
For example, suppose we’re writing a program that needs to store the frequency distribution of scores on some
exam. If we know the minimum possible exam score is zero and the maximum possible exam score is 109
(because there are a few bonus questions), and all possible scores are integers, then we might create an array of
length 110 (with indices 0 through 109) to meet our needs.
Suppose, then, that we’re storing data for 25 students who took that exam. If 3 of them earned 109%, 6 students
earned 98%, 8 students earned 95%, 5 students earned 92%, 2 students earned 83%, and 1 student earned a 34%,
the frequency array for storing their scores would look like this:
0 . . . 1 . . . 2 . . . 5 0 0 8 0 0 6 . . . 3
0 1..33 34 35..82 83 84..91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99..108 109
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
wasted space wasted
wasted space wasted space wasted
Notice that with only 6 distinct scores in the class, we only use 6 cells to record the frequencies of scores earned
for all 25 students. The other 104 cells in the array are just wasted space.
1.1 Lonely Party Arrays to the Rescue!
In this assignment, you will implement a new array-like data structure, called a lonely party array (or “LPA”), 1
that will solve the problem described above. In this data structure, instead of allocating one large array, we will
allocate smaller array fragments on an as-needed basis.
For example, in the application described above, we could split our array into 11 fragments, each of length 10.
The first fragment would be used to store the frequencies of scores 0 through 9, the second fragment would store
data for scores 10 through 19, and so on, up until the eleventh fragment, which would store data for scores 100
through 109.
The twist here is that we will only create array fragments on an as-needed basis. So, in the example above, the
only fragments we would allocate would be the fourth (for scores 30 through 39), ninth (for scores 80 through
89), tenth (for scores 90 through 99), and eleventh (for scores 100 through 109). Each fragment would use 40
bytes (since each one has 10 integers, and an integer in C is typically 4 bytes), meaning we’d be using a total of
160 bytes for those 4 fragments. Compare this to the 4 * 110 = 440 bytes occupied by the original array of length
110, and you can see how this new data structure allows us to save memory. In this case, the LPA would reduce
our memory footprint by over 63%.2
1 “It’s called a lonely party array because sometimes you invite 300 people to a party, but only 3 show up.” – Sad CS1 TA
2 We’ll see later that we also have to store quite a few pointers in our lonely party arrays, so although we will still save
memory, the savings won’t end up being quite so substantial in this particular example once we’ve fleshed it out.
There are a few other twists with this LonelyPartyArray data structure. If we have a bunch of small arrays (called
“fragments” in this assignment), we need to keep track of their addresses. So, we’ll create an array of integer
pointers to store all the base addresses of those arrays. If a fragment hasn’t been allocated, we’ll just store a
NULL pointer in place of the address for that fragment.
We’ll also store how many cells in each fragment are occupied. In the example above, fragment 3 only has one
occupied cell (since 34% is the only score that anyone earned in the range 30 through 39). We’ll keep track of
that so that if we delete values from the LPA and get to a point where there are zero occupied cells in a particular
fragment, we can free all the memory associated with that fragment.
The following diagram shows a complete LonelyPartyArray struct, with all its constituent members, for the
example described above. There are 11 fragments possible, each of length 10, with 4 currently active. Additional
details about the members of this struct are included in the pages that follow.
0x5298 (party->fragments[3])
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0x5432 (party->fragments[8])
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0x5664 (party->fragments[9])
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0x5708 (party->fragments[10])
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
 Note: To access this cell, you would use party->fragments[10][0].
0x88402 (party->fragments)
NULL NULL NULL 0x5298 NULL NULL NULL NULL 0x5432 0x5664 0x5708
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0x48664 (party->fragment_sizes)
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
int size
int num_fragments
int fragment_length
int num_active_fragments
int **fragments
int *fragment_sizes
0x64282 (*party)
LonelyPartyArray *party
As you can see from the diagram above, there are a few other things to keep track of, but this section gives the
basic idea behind the lonely party array. All the juicy details about everything else you need to keep track of are
given below in Section 3, “Function Requirements.”
1.2 Advantages of Lonely Party Arrays
As with normal arrays in C, we will have fast, direct access to any index of a lonely party array at any given
time. This data structure has three main advantages over C’s traditional arrays:
1. As we saw above, normal arrays often have wasted space. We will only allocate fragments of our lonely
party arrays on an as-needed basis, and deallocate them when they’re no longer in use, which will reduce
the amount of unused memory being wasted.
2. We will use get(), set(), and delete() functions to access and modify individual elements of the lonely
party array, and these functions will help us avoid segfaults by first checking that we aren’t accessing
array indices that are out of bounds. (Recall that C doesn’t check whether an array index is out of bounds
before accessing it during program execution. That can lead to all kinds of wacky trouble!)
3. In C, if we have to pass an array to a function, we also typically find ourselves passing its length to that
function as a second parameter. With lonely party arrays, all the information you need about the data
structure will get passed automatically with the array fragments themselves, as everything will be
packaged together in a struct.
1.3 Overview of What You’ll Submit
The lonely party arrays you implement for this assignment will be designed to hold integers. The precise number
of fragments – and the lengths of those fragments – will be allowed to vary from one LPA to the next. A
complete list of the functions you must implement, including their functional prototypes, is given below in
Section 3, “Function Requirements.”
You will submit a single source file, named LonelyPartyArray.c, that contains all required function definitions,
as well as any auxiliary functions you deem necessary. In LonelyPartyArray.c, you should #include any header
files necessary for your functions to work, including LonelyPartyArray.h (see Section 2, “LonelyPartyArray.h
(Super Important!)”).
Note that you will not write a main() function in the source file you submit! Rather, we will compile your
source file with our own main() function(s) in order to test your code. We have included example source files
that have main() functions, which you can use to test your code. You should also write your own main()
functions for testing purposes, but your code must not have a main() function when you submit it. We realize this
is still fairly new territory for most of you, so don’t panic. We’ve included instructions for compiling multiple
source files into a single executable (i.e., mixing your LonelyPartyArray.c with our LonelyPartyArray.h and
testcaseXX.c files) in Section 5 (pg. 14) of this PDF.
Although we have included sample main() functions to get you started with testing the functionality of your
code, we encourage you to develop your own test cases, as well. Ours are by no means comprehensive. We will
use much more elaborate test cases when grading your submission.
Start early. Work hard. Good luck!
2. LonelyPartyArray.h (Super Important!)
Your code for this assignment will go in a file named LonelyPartyArray.c. At the very top of that file, write a
comment with your name, the course number, the current semester, your NID, and perhaps a very brief overview
of the data structure you’re implementing. Directly below that, you must include the following line of code:
#include "LonelyPartyArray.h"
If you do not #include that file properly, your program will not compile on our end, and it will not receive credit.
Note that you should also #include any other standard libraries your code relies upon (such as stdio.h).
Think of LonelyPartyArray.h as a bridge between source files. It contains struct definitions and functional
prototypes for all the functions you’ll be defining in LonelyPartyArray.c, but which will be called from different
source files (such as testcase01.c). Because all the files in this project #include "LonelyPartyArray.h", they all
have awareness of those struct definitions and functional prototypes and can compile happily.
If you write auxiliary functions (“helper functions”) in LonelyPartyArray.c (which is strongly encouraged!), you
should not add those functional prototypes to LonelyPartyArray.h. Our test case programs will not call your
helper functions directly, so they do not need any awareness of the fact that your helper functions even exist. (We
only list functional prototypes in a header file if we want multiple source files to be able to call those functions.)
So, just put the functional prototypes for any helper functions you write at the top of your LonelyPartyArray.c
file. Please do not modify LonelyPartyArray.h in any way, and do not send LonelyPartyArray.h when you submit
your assignment. We will use our own copy of LonelyPartyArray.h when compiling your program.
The basic struct you will use for this data structure (defined in the header file) is as follows:
typedef struct LonelyPartyArray
 int size; // number of occupied cells across all fragments
 int num_fragments; // number of fragments (arrays) in this struct
 int fragment_length; // number of cells per fragment
 int num_active_fragments; // number of allocated (non-NULL) fragments
 int **fragments; // array of pointers to individual fragments
 int *fragment_sizes; // stores number of used cells in each fragment
} LonelyPartyArray;
The LonelyPartyArray struct contains an int** pointer that can be used to set up a 2D int array (which is just an
array of int arrays). That fragments array will have to be allocated dynamically whenever you create a new LPA
struct. The size member of this struct tells us how many elements currently reside in the lonely party array (i.e.,
how many int cells are actually being used across all the fragments and are not just wasted space). The
fragment_length member tells us how many integer cells there should be in each individual fragment that we
allocate. (All the non-NULL fragments within a given LPA struct will always be the same length.)
num_active_fragments tells us how many non-NULL fragments this lonely party array is using. The
fragment_sizes array is used to keep track of how many cells are actually being used in each fragment. This
count allows us to determine very quickly whether we can deallocate a fragment any time we delete one of the
elements it contains.
This header file also contains definitions for UNUSED, LPA_SUCCESS and LPA_FAILURE, which you will use in
some of the required functions described below. Do not re-define those constants in LonelyPartyArray.c.
3. Function Requirements
In the source file you submit, LonelyPartyArray.c, you must implement the following functions. You may
implement any auxiliary functions you need to make these work, as well. Please be sure the spelling,
capitalization, and return types of your functions match these prototypes exactly. In this section, I often refer to
malloc(), but you’re welcome to use calloc() or realloc() instead, if you’re familiar with those functions.
 LonelyPartyArray *createLonelyPartyArray(int num_fragments, int fragment_length);
Description: This function will create a LonelyPartyArray (LPA) that can accommodate up to
num_fragments different array fragments, each of length fragment_length. So, the maximum number of
integers this LPA can hold is num_fragments * fragment_length.
Start by dynamically allocating space for a new LonelyPartyArray struct. Initialize the struct’s
num_fragments and fragment_length members using the arguments passed to this function. Initialize
num_active_fragments and size to the appropriate values. Dynamically allocate the fragments array to be
an array of num_fragments integer pointers, and initialize all those pointers to NULL. (Eventually, that
array will store pointers to any individual array fragments you allocate when adding elements to this data
structure.) Dynamically allocate the fragment_sizes array, and initialize all values to zero (since none of
the fragments currently hold any elements).
If one or both of the parameters passed to this function are less than or equal to zero (i.e., if they are not
both positive integers), you should immediately return NULL. If any of your calls to malloc() fail, you
should free any memory you have dynamically allocated in this function call up until that point (to avoid
memory leaks), and then return NULL.
Output: If the function successfully creates a new LPA, print the following: “-> A new
LonelyPartyArray has emerged from the void. (capacity: <M>, fragments: <N>)”
Do not print the quotes, and do not print <brackets> around the variables. Terminate the line with a
newline character, ‘\n’. <M> is the maximum number of integers this LPA can contain (num_fragments *
fragment_length). <N> is simply num_fragments. Note that in testing, we will never create a lonely party
array whose capacity would be too large to store in a 32-bit int.
Returns: A pointer to the new LonelyPartyArray, or NULL if any calls to malloc() failed.
 LonelyPartyArray *destroyLonelyPartyArray(LonelyPartyArray *party);
Description: Free all dynamically allocated memory associated with this LonelyPartyArray struct, and
return NULL. Be careful to avoid segfaulting in the event that party is NULL.
Output: “-> The LonelyPartyArray has returned to the void.” (Output should not include the
quotes. Terminate the line with a newline character, ‘\n’.) If party is NULL, this function should not print
anything to the screen.
Returns: This function should always return NULL.
 int set(LonelyPartyArray *party, int index, int key);
Description: Insert key into the appropriate index of the lonely party array. Based on the index
parameter passed to this function, as well as the number of fragments in the LPA and the length of each
fragment, you will have to determine which fragment index maps to, and precisely which cell in that
array fragment is being sought. For example, if index is 14 and the LPA has num_fragments = 3 and
fragment_length = 12, then key would go into the second array fragment (fragments[1]) at index 2
(fragments[1][2]), since the first fragment (fragments[0]) would be used for indices 0 through 11, the
second fragment would be used for indices 12 through 23, and the third fragment would be used for
indices 24 through 35, for a total of 36 cells across the 3 fragments. For additional indexing examples,
please refer to the test cases included with this assignment.
If the fragment where we need to insert key is NULL, then you should dynamically allocate space for that
fragment (an array of fragment_length integers), initialize each cell in that new fragment to UNUSED
(which is #defined in LonelyPartyArray.h), update the struct’s num_active_fragments member, and store
key at the appropriate index in the newly allocated array.
If the index being modified was previously empty (i.e., UNUSED), and/or if the fragment was not yet
allocated, then after inserting key into the lonely party array, be sure to increment the struct’s size
member so that it always has an accurate count of the number of cells in the LPA that are currently
occupied, and be sure to increment the appropriate value in the struct’s fragment_sizes array so that it
always has an accurate count of the number of cells currently being used in each particular fragment.
If index is invalid (see note below), or if a NULL party pointer is passed to this function, simply return
LPA_FAILURE without attempting to modify the data structure in any way and without causing any
segmentation faults.
Note on “invalid index” values: In our set(), get(), and delete() functions, index is considered valid if it
falls in the range 0 through (num_fragments * fragment_length - 1), even if index refers to a cell marked
as UNUSED or a fragment that has not been allocated yet. An “invalid index” is one that falls outside that
specified range.
Output: There are three cases that should generate output for this function. (Do not print the quotes, and
do not print <brackets> around the variables. Terminate any output with ‘\n’.)
• If calling this function results in the allocation of a new fragment in memory, print:
“-> Spawned fragment <P>. (capacity: <Q>, indices: <R>..<S>)” <P> is the index
where the newly allocated fragment’s address is stored in the struct’s fragments array, <Q> is the
length of the new array (i.e., the number of integers it can hold), and <R> and <S> correspond to
the lowest and highest index values that would map to this particular fragment.
• If party is non-NULL and index is invalid (see definition of “invalid index” above), print: “->
Bloop! Invalid access in set(). (index: <L>, fragment: <M>, offset: <N>)” <L> is
the value of index passed to this function; <M> is the invalid fragments array index that index
would have mapped to, had that fragment been within bounds for this lonely party array; and
<N> is the precise index within that fragment that index would have mapped to. For example, if
num_fragments = 2, fragment_length = 10, and index = 21, then the valid indices for this LPA
would be 0 through 19, and index, being invalid, would produce this error message with <M> = 2
and <N> = 1. See testcase16.c and testcase16-output.txt for examples of how to handle output for
negative index values. For additional examples, please refer to the test cases included with this
• If party is NULL, print: “-> Bloop! NULL pointer detected in set().” Output should not
contain any quotes or angled brackets. Terminate the line with a newline character, ‘\n’.
Returns: If this operation is successful, return LPA_SUCCESS. If the operation is unsuccessful (either
because index is invalid or the function receives a NULL party pointer, or because any calls to malloc()
fail), return LPA_FAILURE. LPA_SUCCESS and LPA_FAILURE are #defined in LonelyPartyArray.h.
 int get(LonelyPartyArray *party, int index);
Description: Retrieve the value stored at the corresponding index of the lonely party array. As with the
set() function, based on the index parameter passed to this function, as well as the number of fragments
in the LPA and the length of each fragment, you will have to determine which fragment index maps to,
and precisely which cell in that array fragment is being sought.
Keep in mind that index could try taking you to a fragment that has not yet been allocated. It’s up to you
to avoid going out of bounds in an array and/or causing any segmentation faults.
Output: There are two cases that should generate output for this function. (Do not print the quotes, and
do not print <brackets> around the variables. Terminate any output with ‘\n’.)
• If index is invalid (see definition of “invalid index” in the set() function description) and party is
non-NULL, print: “-> Bloop! Invalid access in get(). (index: <L>, fragment: <M>,
offset: <N>)” For explanations of <L>, <M>, and <N>, see the set() function description above.
Note that if a cell is marked as UNUSED, but index is within range, you should not generate this
error message.
• If party is NULL, print: “-> Bloop! NULL pointer detected in get().”
Returns: If index is valid (see definition of “invalid index” in the set() function description), return the
value stored at the appropriate index in the lonely party array (even if it is marked as UNUSED). If index is
technically valid (according to the definition in the set() function description) but refers to a cell in an
unallocated fragment, return UNUSED. If the operation is unsuccessful (either because index is invalid or
because the function receives a NULL party pointer), return LPA_FAILURE.
 int delete(LonelyPartyArray *party, int index);
Description: Set the value stored at the corresponding index of the lonely party array to UNUSED. As with
the set() and get() functions, based on the index parameter passed to this function, as well as the number
of fragments in the LPA and the length of each fragment, you will have to determine which fragment
index maps to, and precisely which cell in that array fragment is being sought.
If the cell being sought is not already set to UNUSED, then after writing UNUSED to that cell, decrement the
struct’s size member so that it always has an accurate count of the total number of cells that are currently
being used, and decrement the appropriate value in the struct’s fragment_size array so that it always has
an accurate count of the number of cells currently being used in each fragment.
If deleting the value at this index causes the fragment containing that value to become empty (i.e., all of
its cells are now UNUSED), deallocate that array, set the appropriate pointer in the struct’s fragments array
to NULL, and update the struct’s num_active_fragments member. You should never loop through a
fragment to see if all of its cells are unused. Instead, you should rely on the fragment_sizes array to keep
track of whether or not a fragment is ready for deallocation.
Keep in mind that index could try taking you to a fragment that has not yet been allocated. It’s up to you
to avoid going out of bounds in an array and/or causing any segmentation faults.
Output: There are three cases that should generate output for this function. (Do not print the quotes, and
do not print <brackets> around the variables. Terminate any output with ‘\n’.)
• If calling this function results in the deallocation of a fragment in memory, print:
“-> Deallocated fragment <P>. (capacity: <Q>, indices: <R>..<S>)” For explanations
of <P>, <Q>, <R>, and <S>, see the set() function description above.
• If index is invalid (see definition of “invalid index” in the set() function description) and party is
non-NULL, print: “-> Bloop! Invalid access in delete(). (index: <L>, fragment:
<M>, offset: <N>)” For explanations of <L>, <M>, and <N>, see the set() function description
above. Note that if a cell is marked as UNUSED, but index is within range, you should not generate
this error message.
• If party is NULL, print: “-> Bloop! NULL pointer detected in delete().”
Returns: Return LPA_FAILURE if this operation refers to an invalid index (as defined in the set() function
description), if this function receives a NULL party pointer, if this operation refers to a cell that lies within
an unallocated fragment, or if this operation refers to a cell whose value was already set to UNUSED when
the function was called. Otherwise, return LPA_SUCCESS.
 int containsKey(LonelyPartyArray *party, int key);
Description: Perform a linear search through the entire lonely party array to determine whether it
contains key (i.e., whether key is stored in any of the cells in the LPA). Be careful to avoid segmentation
Output: This function should not print anything to the screen.
Returns: Return 1 if the LPA contains key. Otherwise, return 0. If party is NULL, return 0.
 int isSet(LonelyPartyArray *party, int index);
Description: Determine whether there is a value (other than UNUSED) being stored at the corresponding
index of the lonely party array. Be careful to avoid segmentation faults.
Output: This function should not print anything to the screen.
Returns: If index is invalid (according to the definition of “invalid index” given in the set() function
description), or if it refers to a cell marked as UNUSED or a fragment that has not been allocated yet, or if
party is NULL, return 0. Otherwise, return 1.
 int printIfValid(LonelyPartyArray *party, int index);
Description: Print the value stored at the corresponding index of the lonely party array. As with the
set(), get(), and delete() functions, based on the index parameter passed to this function, as well as the
number of fragments in the LPA and the length of each fragment, you will have to determine which
fragment index maps to, and precisely which cell in that array fragment is being sought.
Output: Simply print the appropriate integer to the screen, followed by a newline character, ‘\n’. This
function should not print anything if index is invalid (as defined in the set() function description), if
index refers to a cell whose value is set to UNUSED, or if party is NULL.
Returns: Return LPA_SUCCESS if this function prints a value to the screen. Otherwise, return
 LonelyPartyArray *resetLonelyPartyArray(LonelyPartyArray *party);
Description: Reset the lonely party array to the state it was in just after it was created with
createLonelyPartyArray(). Be sure to avoid any memory leaks or segmentation faults.
You will need to deallocate any array fragments that are currently active within party. You will also need
to reset all the values in the struct’s fragments and fragment_sizes arrays. However, you should not reallocate the fragments or fragment_sizes arrays; simply reset the values contained in those alreadyexisting arrays.
You will also need to reset the struct’s size and num_active_fragments members. You should not,
however, change the values of num_fragments or fragment_length.
Output: There are two cases that should generate output for this function. (Do not print the quotes, and
do not print <brackets> around the variables. Terminate any output with ‘\n’.)
• If party is non-NULL, print: “-> The LonelyPartyArray has returned to its nascent
state. (capacity: <M>, fragments: <N>)” Here, <M> is the maximum number of integers
the lonely party array can hold, and <N> is the value of the struct’s num_fragments member.
• If party is NULL, be sure to avoid segmentation faults, and simply return from the function after
printing the following: “-> Bloop! NULL pointer detected in
Returns: This function should always return party.
 int getSize(LonelyPartyArray *party);
Description: This function simply returns the number of elements currently in the LPA (not including
any elements marked as UNUSED). This should be a near-instantaneous function call; it should not loop
through the cells in the LPA at all.
We provide this function to discourage other programmers from ever accessing party→size directly if
they try to compile code that uses our fancy LPA data structure. That way, if we release this data
structure to the public but then end up updating it a few months later to rename the size member of the
LonelyPartyArray struct to something else, the programmers who have been using our code and end up
downloading the latest version can get it working right out of the box; they don’t have to go through
their own code and change all instances of party→size to something else, as long as we still provide
them with a getSize() function that works as intended.3
Output: This function should not print anything to the screen.
Returns: Return the number of elements currently in the LPA, or -1 if party is NULL.
 int getCapacity(LonelyPartyArray *party);
Description: This function should simply return the maximum number of elements that party can hold,
based on the values of its num_fragments and fragment_length members. For example, for the lonely
party array shown on pg. 3 of this PDF, getCapacity() would return 110, because when all of its array
fragments are allocated, it will be able to hold up to 110 integer elements.
Note that in testing, we will never create a lonely party array whose capacity would be too large to store
in a 32-bit int, so you don’t need to worry about type casting when calculating this return value.
Output: This function should not print anything to the screen.
Returns: Return the capacity of the LPA (as just described), or -1 if party is NULL.
 int getAllocatedCellCount(LonelyPartyArray *party);
Description: This function should return the maximum number of elements that party can hold without
allocating any new array fragments. For example, for the lonely party array shown on pg. 3 of this PDF,
getAllocatedCellCount() would return 40, because the non-NULL fragments are able to hold up to 40
integer elements in total.
Output: This function should not print anything to the screen.
Returns: Return the number of allocated integer cells (as just described), or -1 if the party pointer is
 long long unsigned int getArraySizeInBytes(LonelyPartyArray *party);
Description: This function should return the number of bytes that would be used if we were using a
standard array rather than a LonelyPartyArray struct. For example, for the LPA struct shown on pg. 3 of
this PDF, a traditional array representation would have 110 integer cells, which would occupy 110 *
sizeof(int) = 440 bytes, and so this function should return 440 for that struct. For additional examples,
please refer to the test cases included with this assignment.
3 Note, by the way, that it is common to use the term “size” to refer to the number of elements that have been inserted
into a data structure, while “length” often refers to the number of cells in an array, whether those cells have been used or
not. (I.e., “length” refers to the maximum capacity of an array, in terms of the number of elements it can hold.)
Note: This number could get quite large, and so as you perform the arithmetic here, you should cast to
long long unsigned int. (For details, see Appendix B on pg. 21.)
Note: You should use sizeof() in this function (rather than hard-coding the size of an integer as 4 bytes),
and cast the sizeof() values to long long unsigned int as appropriate.
Note: If your system does not use 32-bit integers for some reason, using sizeof() in this function could
cause output mismatches on some test cases. For this function to work, you will need to ensure that
you’re testing on a system that uses 32-bit integers (which you almost certainly are). To check that, you
can compile and run SanityCheck.c (included with this assignment), or simply run the script.
Output: This function should not print anything to the screen.
Returns: Return the number of bytes (as just described), or 0 if the party pointer is NULL.
 long long unsigned int getCurrentSizeInBytes(LonelyPartyArray *party);
Description: This function should return the number of bytes currently taken up in memory by the LPA.
You will need to account for all of the following:
• The number of bytes taken up by the LPA pointer itself: sizeof(LPA*)
• The number of bytes taken up by the LPA struct (which is just the number of bytes taken up by
the four integers and two pointers within the struct): sizeof(LPA)
• The number of bytes taken up by the fragments array (i.e., the number of bytes taken up by the
pointers in that array).
• The number of bytes taken up by the fragment_sizes array (i.e., the number of bytes taken up by
the integers in that array).
• The number of bytes taken up by the active fragments (i.e., the number of bytes taken up by all
the integer cells in the individual array fragments).
The getArraySizeInBytes() and getCurrentSizeInBytes() functions will let you see, concretely, the
amount of memory saved by using a lonely party array instead of a traditional C-style array.4
Note: This number could get quite large, and so as you perform the arithmetic here, you should cast to
long long unsigned int. (For details, see Appendix B on pg. 21.)
Note: You should use sizeof() in this function (rather than hard-coding the sizes of any data types), and
cast the sizeof() values to long long unsigned int as appropriate.
Output: This function should not print anything to the screen.
Returns: Return the number of bytes (as just described), or 0 if the party pointer is NULL.
4 Note that lonely party arrays are best used to replace large, sparsely populated arrays. Because of all the pointers in the
LPA struct, a densely populated lonely party array could actually take up more space than a traditional C-style array.
 double difficultyRating(void);
Description: Return a double indicating how difficult you found this assignment on a scale of 1.0
(ridiculously easy) through 5.0 (insanely difficult). This function should not print anything to the screen.
You do not need to call this function anywhere in your code. I will call this function myself to gather
data on how difficult students found this assignment.
 double hoursSpent(void);
Description: Return an estimate (greater than zero) of the number of hours you spent on this
assignment. Your return value must be a realistic and reasonable estimate. Unreasonably large values
will result in loss of credit. This function should not print anything to the screen.
3.1 Bonus Function
This function is optional. Any credit awarded for this function will be given as bonus points.
 LonelyPartyArray *cloneLonelyPartyArray(LonelyPartyArray *party);
Description: Dynamically allocate a new LonelyPartyArray struct and set it up to be a clone of party.
The clone should have entirely new, separate copies of all the data contained within party. (For example,
the clone should not simply refer to party’s fragments. Instead, it should have entirely new copies of
those fragments.)
If any calls to malloc() fail, free any memory that this function dynamically allocated up until that point,
and then return NULL.
Output: If party is non-NULL, print the following: “-> Successfully cloned the
LonelyPartyArray. (capacity: <M>, fragments: <N>)” This output should not include the quotes
or angled brackets. Terminate the line with a newline character, ‘\n’. <M> is the maximum number of
integers this LPA can contain (num_fragments * fragment_length). <N> is simply num_fragments. Note
that in testing, we will never create a lonely party array whose capacity would be too large to store in a
32-bit int. If party is NULL, or if any calls to malloc() fail, this function should not print anything to the
Returns: If party is NULL, or if any calls to malloc() fail, simply return NULL. Otherwise, return a pointer
to the newly allocated lonely party array.
4. Running All Test Cases on Eustis (
The test cases included with this assignment are designed to show you some ways in which we might test your
code and to shed light on the expected functionality of your code. We’ve also included a script,, that
will compile and run all test cases for you.
Super Important: Using the script to test your code on Eustis is the safest, most sure-fire way to make
sure your code is working properly before submitting.
To run on Eustis, first transfer it to Eustis in a folder with LonelyPartyArray.c, LonelyPartyArray.h, all
the test case files, and the sample_output directory. Transferring all your files to Eustis with MobaXTerm is
fairly straightforward, but if you want to transfer them from a Linux or Mac command line, here’s how you do it:
1. At your command line on your own system, use cd to go to the folder that contains all your files for this
project (LonelyPartyArray .c, LonelyPartyArray.h, all the test case files, and the sample_output folder).
2. From that directory, type the following command (replacing YOUR_NID with your actual NID) to transfer
that whole folder to Eustis:
scp -r $(pwd)
Warning: Note that the $(pwd) in the command above refers to your current directory when you’re at the
command line in Linux or Mac OS. The command above transfers the entire contents of your current
directory to Eustis. That will include all subdirectories, so for the love of all that is good, please don’t run
that command from your desktop folder if you have a ton of files on your desktop!
Once you have all your files on Eustis, you can run by connecting to Eustis and typing the following:
If you put those files in their own folder on Eustis, you will first have to cd into that directory. For example:
cd LonelyPartyProject
That command (bash will also work on Linux systems and with the bash shell for Windows. It will
not work at the Windows Command Prompt, and it might have limited functionality in Mac OS.
Warning: When working at the command line, any spaces in file names or directory names either need to be
escaped in the commands you type (cd project\ 2), or the entire name needs to be wrapped in double quotes.
5. Running the Provided Test Cases Individually
If the script is telling you that some of your test cases are failing, you’ll want to compile and run those
test cases individually to inspect their output. Here’s how to do that:
1. Place all the test case files released with this assignment in one folder, along with your
LonelyPartyArray.c file.
2. At the command line, cd to the directory with all your files for this assignment, and compile your source
file with one of our test cases (such as testcase01.c) like so:
gcc LonelyPartyArray.c testcase01.c
3. To run your program and redirect the output to output.txt, execute the following command:
./a.out > output.txt
4. Use diff to compare your output to the expected (correct) output for the program:
diff output.txt sample_output/testcase01-output.txt
If the files differ, diff will spit out some information about the lines that aren’t the same. For example:
seansz@eustis:~$ diff output.txt sample_output/testcase01-output.txt
< fail whale :(
> Hooray!
seansz@eustis:~$ _
If the contents of output.txt and testcase01-output.txt are exactly the same, diff won’t have any output:
seansz@eustis:~$ diff output.txt sample_output/testcase01-output.txt
seansz@eustis:~$ _
Super Important: Remember, using the script to test your code on Eustis is the safest, most sure-fire
way to make sure your code is working properly before submitting.
6. Testing for Memory Leaks with Valgrind
Part of the credit for this assignment will be awarded based on your ability to implement the program without
any memory leaks. To test for memory leaks, you can use a program called valgrind, which is installed on
Eustis. (This was covered in labs this semester.)
Valgrind will not guarantee that your code is completely free of memory leaks. It will only detect whether any
memory leaks occur when you run your program. So, if you have a function called foo() that has a nasty memory
leak, but you run your program in such a way that foo() never gets called, valgrind won’t be able to find that
potential memory leak.
The script will automatically run your program through all test cases and use valgrind to check
whether any of them result in memory leaks. If you want to run valgrind manually, simply compile your program
with the -g flag, and then run it through valgrind, like so:
gcc LonelyPartyArray.c testcase01.c -g
valgrind --leak-check=yes ./a.out
In the output of valgrind, the magic phrase you’re looking for to indicate that no memory leaks were detected is:
All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
For more information about valgrind’s output, see:
7. Special Restrictions (Super Important!)
You must abide by the following restrictions in the LonelyPartyArray.c file you submit. Failure to abide by any
one of these restrictions could result in a catastrophic loss of points.
 Do not read or write to files (using, e.g., C’s fopen(), fprintf(), or fscanf() functions). Also, please do not
use scanf() to read input from the keyboard.
 Do not declare new variables part way through a function. All variable declarations should occur at the
top of a function, and all variables must be declared inside your functions or declared as function
 Do not use goto statements in your code.
 Do not make calls to C’s system() function.
 Do not write malicious code, including code that attempts to open files it shouldn’t be opening, whether
for reading or writing. (I would hope this would go without saying.)
 No crazy shenanigans.
8. Style Restrictions (Super Important!)
Please conform as closely as possible to the style I use while coding in class. To encourage everyone to develop
a commitment to writing consistent and readable code, the following restrictions will be strictly enforced:
 Any time you open a curly brace, that curly brace should start on a new line.
 Any time you open a new code block, indent all the code within that code block one level deeper than
you were already indenting.
 Be consistent with the amount of indentation you’re using, and be consistent in using either spaces or tabs
for indentation throughout your source file. If you’re using spaces for indentation, please use at least two
spaces for each new level of indentation, because trying to read code that uses just a single space for each
level of indentation is downright painful.
 Please avoid block-style comments: /* comment */
 Instead, please use inline-style comments: // comment
 Always include a space after the “//” in your comments: “// comment” instead of “//comment”
 The header comments introducing your source file (including the comment(s) with your name, course
number, semester, NID, and so on), should always be placed above your #include statements.
 Use end-of-line comments sparingly. Comments longer than three words should always be placed above
the lines of code to which they refer. Furthermore, such comments should be indented to properly align
with the code to which they refer. For example, if line 16 of your code is indented with two tabs, and line
15 contains a comment referring to line 16, then line 15 should also be intended with two tabs.
 Please do not write excessively long lines of code. Lines must be no longer than 100 characters wide.
 Avoid excessive consecutive blank lines. In general, you should never have more than one or two
consecutive blank lines.
 When defining a function that doesn’t take any arguments, always put void in its parentheses. For
example, define a function using int do_something(void) instead of int do_something().
 When defining or calling a function, do not leave a space before its opening parenthesis. For example:
use int main(int argc, char **argv) instead of int main (int argc, char **argv). Similarly, use printf("...")
instead of printf ("...").
 Do leave a space before the opening parenthesis in an if statement or a loop. For example, use
use for (i = 0; i < n; i++) instead of for(i = 0; i < n; i++), and use if (condition) instead of if(condition)
or if( condition ).
 Please leave a space on both sides of any binary operators you use in your code (i.e., operators that take
two operands). For example, use (a + b) - c instead of (a+b)-c. (The only place you do not have to follow
this restriction is within the square brackets used to access an array index, as in: array[i+j].)
 Use meaningful variable names that convey the purpose of your variables. It’s fine to use single-letter
variable names for short functions (e.g., a simple max function, such as int max(int a, int b), where it
would be silly to try to come up with more meaningful variable names for those two input parameters),
for control variables in your for loops (where i, j, and k are common variable name choices), or for sizes
and lengths of certain inputs (e.g., using n for the length of an array). Otherwise, please try to use variable
names that convey the intended use of your variables. Names like cheeseburger and pizza are not good
choices for this particular program.
9. Deliverables (Submitted via Webcourses, Not Eustis)
Submit a single source file, named LonelyPartyArray.c, via Webcourses. The source file should contain
definitions for all the required functions (listed above), as well as any auxiliary functions you need to make them
work. Be sure to include your name and NID in a header comment at the top of your source file. Also, don’t
forget to #include "LonelyPartyArray.h" in your source code (with correct capitalization).
Do not submit additional source files, do not submit a modified LonelyPartyArray.h header file, and do not
include a main() function in your LonelyPartyArray.c source file. Your source file must work with the
script, and it must also compile on Eustis in both of the following ways:
gcc -c LonelyPartyArray.c
gcc LonelyPartyArray.c testcase01.c
Sorry for this big, awkward, empty gap. The fun continues on the following page!
10. Grading
Important Note: When grading your programs, we will use different test cases from the ones we’ve released
with this assignment, to ensure that no one can game the system and earn credit by simply hard-coding the
expected output for the test cases we’ve released to you. You should create additional test cases of your own
in order to thoroughly test your code. In creating your own test cases, you should always ask yourself, “How
could these functions be called in ways that don’t violate the function descriptions, but which haven’t already
been covered in the test cases included with the assignment?”
The tentative scoring breakdown (not set in stone) for this programming assignment is:
60% Passes test cases with 100% correct output formatting.
10% Passes valgrind test cases (no memory leaks).
10% Implementation details and adherence to the special restrictions imposed on this assignment.
This will likely involve some manual inspection of your code.
20% Follows all style restrictions; has adequate comments and whitespace; source file is named
correctly and includes student name and NID (not your UCF ID) in a header comment. We
will likely impose huge penalties for small deviations from style restrictions because we
really want you to develop good style habits in this class.
Note! Your program must be submitted via Webcourses, and it must compile and run on Eustis to receive credit.
Programs that do not compile will receive an automatic zero.
Your grade will be based largely on your program’s ability to compile and produce the exact output expected.
Even minor deviations (such as capitalization or punctuation errors) in your output will cause your program’s
output to be marked as incorrect, resulting in severe point deductions. The same is true of how you name your
functions and their parameters. Please be sure to follow all requirements carefully and test your program
throughly. Your best bet is to submit your program in advance of the deadline, then download the source code
from Webcourses, re-compile, and re-test your code in order to ensure that you uploaded the correct version of
your source code.
Start early. Work hard. Good luck!
Appendix A:
Getting Started: A Guide for the Overwhelmed
Okay, so, this might all be overwhelming, and you might be thinking, “Where do I even start with this
assignment?! I’m in way over my head!” First and foremost:
There are oodles of TA office hours where you can get help, and here’s my general advice on starting the
1. First and foremost, sit down and read Section 1, “Overview,” on pg. 2. Read it carefully and thoroughly,
and make sure you understand the diagram on pg. 3. This might take some time. It might help to print out
this PDF and go read it somewhere quiet, with your phone turned off and no other distractions.
2. Glance through Sections 2 (“LonelyPartyArray.h (Super Important!)”) and 3 (“Function Requirements”).
Also check out Appendix B (“Type Casting and the long long unsigned int Data Type”) on pg. 21. Again,
take some time to figure out what’s going on.
3. Start by creating a skeleton LonelyPartyArray.c file. Add a header comment, add some standard #include
directives, and be sure to #include "LonelyPartyArray.h" from your source file. Then copy and paste each
functional prototype from LonelyPartyArray.h into LonelyPartyArray.c, and set up all those functions to
return dummy values (zero, NULL, etc.). For example:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "LonelyPartyArray.h"
LonelyPartyArray *createLonelyPartyArray(int num_fragments, int fragment_length)
 return NULL;
LonelyPartyArray *destroyLonelyPartyArray(LonelyPartyArray *party)
 return NULL;
int set(LonelyPartyArray *party, int index, int key)
 return 0;
// ... and so on.
4. Test that your LonelyPartyArray.c source file compiles. If you’re at the command line, your source file
will need to be in the same folder as LonelyPartyArray.h, and you can test compilation like so:
gcc -c LonelyPartyArray.c
Alternatively, you can try compiling it with one of the test case source files, like so:
gcc LonelyPartyArray.c testcase01.c
For more details, see Section 5, “Running the Provided Test Cases Individually.”
5. Once you have your project compiling, go back to the list of required functions (Section 3, “Function
Requirements”), and try to implement one function at a time. Always stop to compile and test your code
before moving on to another function!
6. You’ll probably want to start with the createLonelyPartyArray() function. As you work on
createLonelyPartyArray(), write your own main() function that calls createLonelyPartyArray() and then
checks the results. For example, you’ll want to ensure that createLonelyPartyArray() is returning a nonNULL pointer to begin with, and that the fields inside the LonelyPartyArray struct that it creates are
properly initialized when you examine them back in main(). If you’re uncertain about how to call certain
functions, read through my sample test case files for examples.
7. After writing createLonelyPartyArray(), I would probably work on the set(), get(), and printIfValid()
functions, because they will be immensely useful in debugging your code as you work. Here’s how I’d
test these functions at first: In your own main() function, call createLonelyPartyArray(). Then, from
main(), call set() to insert one or two integers into the LPA you just created, and then call printfIfValid()
on a few different indices (some valid, some invalid) to make sure everything is working as intended. If
you get some unexpected output, trace carefully through your code to see what went wrong.
8. If you get stuck, draw diagrams. Make boxes for all the variables in your program. If you’re using
pointers and dynamically allocated memory, diagram everything out and make up addresses for all your
variables. Trace through your code carefully using these diagrams.
9. With so many pointers, you’re bound to encounter errors in your code at some point. Use printf()
statements liberally to verify that your code is producing the results you think it should be producing
(rather than making assumptions that certain components are working as intended). You should get in the
habit of being immensely skeptical of your own code and using printf() to provide yourself with evidence
that your code does what you think it does.
10. When looking for the cause of a segmentation fault, you should always be able to use printf() and fflush()
to track down the exact line you’re crashing on. Alternatively, you can use valgrind to help debug your
code (which was covered in labs).
Appendix B:
Type Casting and the long long unsigned int Data Type
In two of the required functions for this assignment, we will be dealing with numbers so large that a traditional
int simply can’t handle them.
An int in C is typically 32 bits (4 bytes). Although that might not be the case on all systems, it almost certainly is
the case for whatever system you’re using to write your programs this semester. With 32 bits (each of which can
take on the value of 0 or 1), we can represent 232 = 4,294,967,296 different integers. About half of those integers
are positive, and about half of them are negative; the range of a 32-bit int in C is -2,147,483,648 through
C offers another integer data type called a long long unsigned int. This data type uses at least 64 bits (8 bytes),
and does not allow for negative integers, so it can handle integers on the range 0 through 264 - 1 =
18,446,744,073,709,551,615. Yes, that number is huge.
Here’s an example of how to declare a long long unsigned int and how to print out its value with the appropriate
conversion code (“%llu”):
long long unsigned int x = 4000000000; // 4 billion (too big for an int)
printf("%llu\n", x);
If you want to do math with two large int values and you think the result might exceed 2,147,483,647, you will
need to explicitly transform one of those int values into a long long unsigned int by performing a “type cast.”
That’s where you take an existing variable, and in front of it, you put a different data type in parentheses. For
example, in the following, (x * y) is way too big to be an int:
int x = 2000000000, y = 2000000000;
long long unsigned int z = (long long unsigned int)x * y; // type cast x
printf("%llu\n", (long long unsigned int)x * y); // type cast x
printf("%llu\n", z);
You’ll need to be careful with your type casts. When performing an arithmetic operation on a regular int and a
variable that has been cast as a long long unsigned int, you get a long long unsigned int result. However, the
following arithmetic expression is problematic because although the first (x * y) yields a long long unsigned int,
order of operations then performs the second (x * y), and since neither of those variables are explicitly type cast
in the second multiplication operation, C treats them as regular int values, and everything falls apart because a
regular int can’t hold that huge result.
int x = 2000000000, y = 2000000000; // x * y is way too big for an int
printf("%llu\n", (long long unsigned int)x * y + x * y); // BAD
printf("%llu\n", (long long unsigned int)x * y
 + (long long unsigned int)x * y); // GOOD

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