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Assignment 2 – Maze Search

CSCE 451 Assignment 2 – Maze Search
In this assignment we solve a simple maze game using some of the algorithms we learned in the class.
1- The board
Under the data folder, there are maze files (saved as *.lay files) that represent board map with
different sizes. Each % in the file represents a boundary or obstacle and white spaces are path (roads)
that the game character can choose for a correct route.
2- Basic Pathfinding
This assignment is simplified and updated from Berkeley CS 188 projects
To begin with, you will consider the problem of finding a path through a maze from a given start state to
a given goal state. This scenario is illustrated in the figure above, where the start position is indicated by
the "Pacman" icon and the goal state is a dot. The maze layout will be given to you in a simple text
format, where '%' stands for walls, 'P' for the starting position, and '.' for the goal (see sample maze file).
For this assignment, all step costs are equal to one.
Implement the following search algorithms for solving different mazes:
 Depth-first search;
 Breadth-first search;
 A* search.
For A* search, use the Manhattan distance from the current position to the goal as the heuristic
Run each of the above algorithms on the small maze, medium maze, big maze, and the open maze. For
each problem instance and each search algorithm, report the following:
 The solution and its path cost;
 Number of nodes expanded;
 Maximum size of the fringe (or frontier)
Display the solution by putting a '.' in every maze square visited on the path (example solution to the big
Note: For any input maze above, if there are more than one solution only show the best solution.
 Make sure you get all the bookkeeping right. This includes handling of repeated states (in
particular, what happens when you find a better path to a state already on the fringe) and
saving the optimal solution path.
 You will be graded on the correctness of your solution, not on the efficiency and elegance of
your data structures. For example, I don't care whether your priority queue or repeated state
detection uses brute-force search, as long as you end up expanding (roughly) the correct
number of nodes and find the optimal solution. So, feel free to use "dumb" data structures as
long as it makes your life easier and still enables you to complete the assignment in a reasonable
amount of time.
Grading Requirements:
You will need to turn in the following
1- A report in PDF or Word format. The report should briefly describe your implemented solution
and fully answer the questions for every part of the assignment.
2- Your report should contain a snapshot of the maze solutions (the visual part)
3- Your report should be self-contained and it should (ideally) make it possible for me to
understand your solution without having to run your source code.
4- The name of the report file should be lastname_firstname_assignment1.pdf.
5- Your source code compressed to a single ZIP file. The code should be well commented, and it
should be easy to see the correspondence between what's in the code and what's in the report.
Please do not send your code in Jupyter sheets. Make your code in .py file.
6- The name of the code archive should be

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