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Assignment 2: My Restaurant

Assignment 2: My Restaurant
• Write and validate an HTML file for a web browser.
• Use an HTML table to lay out menu items available at a restaurant.
• Create an image logo for your website.
Everything should go in a directory called “firstname_lastname_assignmentNo”. No points
are associated with this requirement, but if you don’t do this properly, we will deduct 10
points. In addition, all of your images should go in a subfolder named “images”.
Part 1
In this part, you will design (but not code) a logo for your restaurant website. First, you
need to come up with the following:
• 5 points. Create an original name for your restaurant. I named mine “Church’s
Cooking.” (I would have called this “Church’s Chicken,” but that’s not original.)
• 20 points. Make a logo for your restaurant.
– You’ll need to use an image manipulation tool. Examples of free tools are Paint
(already installed in every version of Windows), (available at, or Gimp (available at
– 5 points. Use at least one image in your logo. I recommend getting a clip art
image from The Clip Art Library.
– 5 points. Use at least two colors in your logo. You can use any two or more
colors you like, but you can’t use black and white together. You can use black or
white as one of your colors, but not together. Use one color as the foreground
and the other as the background. There needs to be good contrast between the
colors, meaning I can read the text in the foreground color while on the
background color. (In other words, don’t use two shades of the same color that
are so similar that it makes the text difficult to read.)
– 5 points. Your restaurant name must be in the logo. Use a readable font with a
font size that is 36 points or larger.
– 5 points. You must save the logo in PNG or GIF format. It’s best to use PNG
– Store your image in a subfolder named “images”.
Part 2
In this part, you will design your home page. Make this file “index.html”.
Part 2a.
All of these parts will go in the “header” tag.
• 10 points. Put your logo at the top of your page. Put the exact words used in your logo
into the “alt” description. Remember: someone with a visual impairment will rely on
this to know the name of your restaurant.
• 2 points. Add an “hr” tag under your logo.
Part 2b.
All of these parts will go in the “main” tag.
• 48 points. Create a table to represent your menu.
– 3 points. Add a caption stating the food items for sale.
– Create a header row of your table which outlines the “Image”, “Food”,
“Description”, and “Price” columns.
– Create four menu items. Each menu item is 10 points.
• Each menu item should have an image (use to find
pictures), a name, a short description, and a price. Of course, you can
make up all of this information.
• You may have to resize images. Or you can download the smallest image
on Unsplash.
• For example: Find a picture of a hamburger, give it a name, list the
ingredients used in it, and give it a price.
• As always, store your images in an " images" subfolder.
– Your table should have four columns and n+1 row, where n is the number of
items required to display. The extra row is the header row.
Part 2c.
All of these parts will go in the “footer” tag.
• 5 points. Add an “hr” tag before the copyright notice.
• 10 points. Add “Copyright”, the copyright symbol, the current year, and your name.
Turn it in
• I will deduct 20 points for every error and 2 points for every warning when validating
your files. Validating your content before submitting it is critical. Each of your files
should show no warnings and no errors. Here’s the validator link:
• Important: Part of web design is that your websites must be readable. I will deduct
points if anything on your page is not 100% readable. For example, if there is text on a
background and the background makes the text unreadable, I will deduct points. If an
image obstructs text flow, I will deduct points. I will deduct points if anything about
your page makes it difficult to read the content.
• There are several critical parts of this assignment that (if missing) will automatically
fail the project:
– The page content isn’t as specified in this assignment.
– Using images that aren’t taken by you or in the public domain.
– You fail to put your name in the assignment.
• You need to upload one file in the same upload:
– Zip up your folder containing your HTML and image files into a single ZIP file
and upload it.

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