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Assignment 2: Power vs. Image Reconstruction Error

ECE 3056
Assignment 2
Part I (100 pts): Power vs. Image Reconstruction Error
Purpose: To gain familiarity with thinking about tradeoff’s involving power consumption.
Dynamic Power consumption depends on switching activity. Here we will think about dynamic
power consumption in a more abstract manner (how much computation is necessary) instead of
thinking about individual logic/circuit elements.
Background: Image processing is a pervasive and compute intensive task, used in applications
ranging from facebook/instagram photos to youtube videos. Delivering high fidelity image
processing with low power consumption is a common challenge. Raw image content typically
involves large amounts of data which is typically compressed with formats like JPEG. These formats
convert the original image from the spatial domain to the frequency domain using transforms such as
the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). These transformations reveal that most of the information in
the signal/image can be stored in a small number of coefficients (allowing us to throw away the rest
and save space). Representing an image with a smaller amount of data means that performing
operations like filtering require less computation (and therefore less power consumption). However,
if too many coefficients (you will explore how many) are thrown away, the signal reconstruction
deteriorates and it can become unrecognizable (pictures below).
The DCT of an N x N pixel image produces an N x N matrix. Elements of the DCT matrix represent
coefficients in the frequency domain. Typically it is possible to discard (set to 0) higher frequency
coefficients without losing too much information/degrading image quality. The image is recovered
by taking an inverse DCT (which produces another N x N matrix representing the image in the
spatial domain). This works because most images have information concentrated in lower frequency
components. Beyond that, we (humans) cannot visually perceive the higher frequencies beyond a
certain limit.
Original Image: N x N
values representing each pixel
of the image in spatial
domain(i,j are pixel coordinates)
DCT: N x N matrix of values
representing the image in
frequency domain (u,v are
frequency co-ordinates)
Truncated DCT: N-K x N-K
matrix of coefficients (black)
left un-touched. The ‘K’
discarded (set to 0) coefficients
shown in red.
K ≠ 3 (red blocks-illustration only)
Images shown on right
reconstructed from the
respective un-truncated and
truncated DCT transforms
illustrated in the row above
Spring 2015 ECE 3056
NOTE: You do not have to do any image processing in this assignment. Nor do you need
to have taken ECE 2026 to do this assignment. Everything you need in terms of image
processing related guidance (Formulae, libraries) will be provided. You are NOT required to
implement the DCT (or inverse DCT) on images
Goal: Develop an energy model to compute the dynamic power dissipation and reconstruction error
(%) when running a generic image filtering task with a given image. The model should allow you to
configure how many terms of the DCT you wish to discard (K) and calculate corresponding power
consumption and reconstruction error. You will use this model to trade off power consumption
(reducing the number of coefficients) against reconstruction quality (% age error in reconstructed
image) and find a good balance.
Calculating Power:
1. Each mult operation/instruction costs 10 fJ (fJ = 10-15 J) of energy.
2. A hypothetical filter (no actual filtering is needed) which is another N – K x N- K matrix.
3. The truncated DCT (N – K x N – K) is multiplied by the hypothetical filter
4. The image is processed in 1/30th of a second (regardless of what ‘K you choose).
Calculating Reconstruction error:
1. Formula1
: �������������� ����� % = 100 ∗ 23456 789:9;<=4?6@ 789) C B D
C 23456 789B D
With an accurately implemented model, you can study the tradeoff between power consumption and
image quality with different ‘K’. For example, you can use it to figure out the lowest reconstruction
error achievable within a given power budget OR alternatively, figure out the minimum amount of
power needed to support a maximum tolerable reconstruction error.
Write a C++ program that will
• Read a csv file specified by the user that contains the DCT of an image
• Read a csv filename specified by the user that it will write the truncated DCT to
• Read an integer 'K', the number of terms that will be truncated from the original DCT
• You don't need to change the size of the matrix, you can just set all the truncated terms to 0
when writing the truncated DCT to the filename specified in 2.
• Calculate and print the power consumption and reconstruction error for the truncated DCT
corresponding to the input parameters.
You are given
1. A make file
2. A Skeleton C program (EnergyModel.cpp), which takes the following inputs
a. csv filename from which it will read the DCT of an image (files mentioned in 3.)
b. a csv filename where it should write the truncated DCT
c. an integer K which denotes the number of terms that should be truncated from the DCT.
3. Additional Resources [DO NOT SUBMIT THESE – 20 point penalty if you do]
a. 6 csv files which contain the DCT's of the images mentioned above (for use as 2.a)
b. [Optional Use]: 6 tiff files which contain the respective images mapping to 3
1 If you are curious about the math and have not taken ECE 2026 - see Parseval's Theorem
Spring 2015 ECE 3056
c. [Optional Use]: The following MATLAB functions and script
i. ConvertImgToDCT.m: Reads an image file. Shows image. Takes DCT of image and writes it
to a specified filename. Use it if you wish to experiment with images beyond those provided.
Looking for more images? Check here or here
ii. ConvertDCTFileToImg.m: Reads DCT (truncated or otherwise) from a CSV file (like the
kind your program will generate), applies inverse DCT and renders the image in a MATLAB
figure. Use it to see how images look after truncation.
iii. ECE3056_Assignment2_SampleScript.m: Simple script which calls the above functions in
sequence for a file 'Cronkite.tiff'.
Submission Guidelines
Please submit the following in a zip file named “”. Do not submit anything else.
• Your make file
• Your completed C program (EnergyModel.cpp)
• PDF Report (described below in Grading Guidelines)
Grading Guidelines
We'll be checking whether your model produces correct results. To do so, we'll be using some
images (not given to you) and some truncation parameters we select during grading. We'll compare
the output of your model with our model solution.
• Program compiles without errors on Klaus Linux labs: 25 points
• Program Produces results in reasonable ranges (not perfectly accurate, but close): 25 points
• Program produces precisely correct results: 25 points
• Report with your findings and program documentation, description and comments: 25 points
o Your code has your name on top and meaningful comments which help TA's follow it
o You submit a report (PDF file) along with your code which has
o Your name and GTID
o A Concise (0.5 - 0.75 page max) and clear description of how your program works.
o A brief (1 page max) summary which includes results from using the model to explore
the parameter space (i.e., for different images, what happens to energy/reconstruction
values at different truncation levels/ K’s). Your report should include at least one 2 axis
plot (here is how to do them in excel OR matlab, whichever you prefer) which overlays
reconstruction error AND energy consumption (y axes) with different values of ‘K’ on
the x axis and a qualitative explanation of your observations from doing this analysis.
This analysis MUST be done for at least one image, but you are welcome to evaluate
more images and share your observations/additional plots if you wish (viewed favorably
for grading).
Logistical Advice: The code provided works on Klaus Linux labs machines. This is where it will be
graded (NO EXCEPTIONS) using the makefile and EnergyModel.cpp only. It is your responsibility
to make sure that your code works in that environment prior to submission. You can code in the lab
or on your Mac, Windows, Linux machines in any preferred environment (VS, Eclipse etc), but
please test that everything works in the lab (DON’T ASSUME).
Spring 2015 ECE 3056
Part II (50 pts): Problem Set
(15 pts.) Write the MIPS assembly equivalent of following C code:
// Sample C program snippet
// Swapping two numbers without using a temporary variable
int main()
int x = 10, y = 5;
// code to swap 'x' and 'y'
x = x + y; // x now becomes 15
y = x - y; // y becomes 10
x = x - y; // x becomes 5
printf("After Swapping: x = %d, y = %d\n", x, y); // use QTSPIM I/O here
return 0;
2. (25 pts) Answer the following questions with respect to the MIPS program shown below. Assume
that the data segment starts at 0x10010000 and that the text segment starts at 0x00400000.
label: .word 24, 28
.byte 64, 32
.asciiz “Example Program”
main: jal push
jal pop
li $v0, 10
pop: lw $fp, 0($sp)
lw $ra, 4($sp)
add $sp, $sp, 32
ret1: jr $ra
push: subiu $sp, $sp, 32
sw $fp, 0($sp)
sw $ra, 4($sp)
ret2: jr $ra
a) Write the values of the words stored at the following memory locations. Provide your answer in
hexadecimal notation.
Word Address Value
Spring 2015 ECE 3056
b) Consider the process of assembly of the above program,
i) What would the symbol table in the output file contain?
ii) What relocation information would be recorded if any?
c) what are the values of the following labels?
d) Assume that the procedure push and pop were assembled in a distinct file and statically linked
with the main program. Further assume that the procedures (starting with the instruction labeled pop)
are placed in the memory starting at location 0x00400040. Provide the encoding of the jal pop
3. (10 pts) Assume that all register-register instructions except jump instructions consume10nJ of
energy while jump instructions consume 20nJ. All memory instructions consume 40nJ. Consider the
following program
# a simple counting for loop and a conditional if-then-else statement
L1: .word 0x44, 22, 33, 55 # array for which we will compute the sum
.globl main
main: la $t0, L1 # initialize starting address
li $t1, 4 # initialize loop count
add $t2, $zero, $zero # initialize sum
loop: lw $t3, 0($t0) # load first element
add $t2, $t2, $t3 # update sum
addi $t0, $t0, 4 # point to next word
addi $t1, $t1, -1 # decrement count
bne $t1, $zero, loop # check if done
bgt $t2, $0, then # if the sum 0, move sum to $s0
move $s0, $t2
j exit
then: move $s1, $t2 # else move sum to $s1
exit: li $v0, 10
1. For the preceding program
a. How much energy is expended in the execution of the above program.
b. What is the average power dissipation if the processor is executing at 1 GHz

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