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Assignment 2 Producer-Consumer Problem

CMPUT 379 Winter 2020
Assignment 2
Producer-Consumer Problem
In computing, the producer–consumer problem (also known as the bounded-buffer
problem) is a classic example of a multi-process synchronization problem. The problem
describes two processes, the producer and the consumer, who share a common, fixedsize buffer used as a queue. The producer's job is to generate data, put it into the buffer,
and start again. At the same time, the consumer is consuming the data (i.e., removing it
from the buffer), one piece at a time. The problem is to make sure that the producer
won't try to add data into the buffer if it's full and that the consumer won't try to remove
data from an empty buffer.
This assignment is for you to implement a solution to the producer-consumer problem. Think of
the producer as a server, accepting incoming transactions and adding them to a queue of work
to be done. The consumers are each a thread looking for work from the server to execute. The
assignment has several important goals, including exposing you to thread programming, shared
memory, and synchronization.
You will write a program called prodcon that accepts one or two command line arguments:
prodcon nthreads <id
where nthreads is the number of consumer threads to be created and id is optional and
represents an integer to be used to differentiate the output files. If id is not given, then it
defaults to 0. More specifically, the command:
prodcon 8 12
will spawn 8 consumer threads, and all activity will be logged in the file prodcon.12.log.
prodcon 6
will spawn 6 consumer threads, and with an id value of 0 (explicitly or implicitly) all activity
will be logged in the file prodcon.log.
prodcon reads in input (either from the keyboard or redirected from a file) containing two
T<n Execute a transaction with integer parameter n, with n 0. You will have a routine
that gets called for each transaction: void Trans(int n). The parameter n is
used by Trans to determine how long to simulate the execution of the transaction.
S<n The sleep command simulates having the producer wait between receiving new
transactions to process. The producer sleeps for a time determined by integer 
parameter n, with n between 0 and 100. You will have a routine that gets called for
each sleep request: void Sleep(int n).
We will guarantee that the input files used are in the correct format. The code for Trans and
Sleep will be available on eclass. Do not change these functions!
When the producer reaches the end of file, then the program will end once all the consumers
have completed their work.
Sample Output
Comments (not part of the program’s output) are added at the end of the line. Note that:
• times in the log file are given in seconds, to three decimal places;
• the Producer has ID=0 and all Consumers have IDs 0.
• Q is the number of transactions received and waiting to be consumed.
• Ask/Receive/Work/Sleep/Complete/End indicate high-level events that occur in
the computation, and that are recorded in the log file.
• The last number in a line is the parameter that was given to the T or S command.
• Be warned: transactions may appear in your log file in an order you do not expect. For
example, lines 3 and 5 in the output below are odd – it seems like the consumer starts
doing work (n=4) before the producer receives it!
~/Assign2 cat inputexample
~/Assign2 prodcon 3 1 < inputexample // Run 3 consumers using id 1
~/Assign2 cat prodcon.1.log
 0.000 ID= 1 Ask // Thread 1 asks for work
 0.000 ID= 3 Ask // Thread 3 asks for work
 0.000 ID= 3 Q= 0 Receive 4 // Thread 3 takes work, n=4
 0.000 ID= 2 Ask // Thread 2 asks for work
 0.000 ID= 0 Q= 1 Work 4 // Parent receives work with n=4
 0.000 ID= 0 Q= 1 Work 2 // Parent receives work with n=2
 0.000 ID= 0 Q= 2 Work 1 // Parent receives work with n=1
 0.000 ID= 1 Q= 1 Receive 2 // Thread 1 takes work, n=2
 0.000 ID= 2 Q= 1 Receive 1 // Thread 2 takes work, n=1
 0.000 ID= 0 Q= 2 Work 1 // Parent receives work with n=1
 0.000 ID= 0 Sleep 9 // Parent sleeps, n=9
 0.002 ID= 2 Complete 1 // Thread 2 completes task, n=1
 0.002 ID= 2 Ask // Thread 2 asks for work
 0.002 ID= 2 Q= 0 Receive 1 // Thread 2 takes work, n=1
 0.003 ID= 1 Complete 2 // Thread 1 completes task, n=2
 0.003 ID= 1 Ask // Thread 1 asks for work
 0.003 ID= 2 Complete 1 // Thread 2 completes task, n=1
 0.003 ID= 2 Ask // Thread 2 asks for work
 0.007 ID= 3 Complete 4 // Thread 3 completes task, n=4
 0.007 ID= 3 Ask // Thread 3 asks for work
// Notice nothing is happening…
// because there is no work
 0.090 ID= 0 Q= 1 Work 5 // Parent receives work with n=5
 0.090 ID= 0 Sleep 1 // Parent sleeps, n=1
 0.090 ID= 1 Q= 0 Receive 5 // Thread 1 takes work, n=5
 0.099 ID= 1 Complete 5 // Thread 1 completes task, n=5
 0.099 ID= 1 Ask // Thread 1 asks for work
 0.100 ID= 0 Q= 1 Work 1 // Parent receives work with n=1
 0.100 ID= 0 Q= 2 Work 1 // Parent receives work with n=1
 0.100 ID= 2 Q= 1 Receive 1 // Thread 2 takes work, n=1
 0.100 ID= 0 Q= 2 Work 1 // Parent receives work with n=1
 0.100 ID= 3 Q= 1 Receive 1 // Thread 3 takes work, n=1
 0.100 ID= 1 Q= 0 Receive 1 // Thread 1 takes work, n=1
 0.100 ID= 0 End // End of input for producer
 0.101 ID= 2 Complete 1 // Thread 2 completes task, n=1
 0.101 ID= 2 Ask // Thread 2 asks for work
 0.102 ID= 1 Complete 1 // Thread 1 completes task, n=1
 0.102 ID= 1 Ask // Thread 1 asks for work
 0.102 ID= 3 Complete 1 // Thread 3 completes task, n=1
 0.102 ID= 3 Ask // Thread 1 asks for work
Summary: // All work complete
 Work 8 // Producer: # of ‘T’ commands
 Ask 11 // Consumer: # of asks for work
 Receive 8 // Consumer: # work assignments
 Complete 8 // Consumer: # completed tasks
 Sleep 2 // Producer: # of ‘S’ commands
 Thread 1 3 // Number of ‘T’s completed by 1
 Thread 2 3 // Number of ‘T’s completed by 2
 Thread 3 2 // Number of ‘T’s completed by 3
Transactions per second: 78.13 // 8 pieces of work in .102 secs
Your program will maintain a queue, with the producer adding work to the queue and
consumers removing work from it. The queue must be able to hold 2 x #consumers amount of
work. For example, if there are 10 consumers, the queue must be able to hold 20 pieces of
work. When the queue gets full, the producer has to wait until a piece of work is removed by a
consumer before continuing. When the work queue is empty, consumers have to wait until
work gets added to the queue by the producer.
There are many ways you can implement synchronization between the producer and
consumers, and between the consumers. It is up to you to choose an appropriate method. Two
criteria to consider: simplicity (save programming time) and efficiency (there are good software
solutions, but something as extreme as using files will not be viewed favorably). Explore the
man pages to find possible options. Document your decision in your comments.
The consumer threads should be running concurrently to each other and to the producer. Be
careful in that there is only one log file, and you will have multiple producer/consumers
wanting to write to that file. Make sure the I/O does not get garbled!
You will be provided with a single file called tands.c that contains only the functions
Trans() and Sleep(). Do not change these functions.
Important: make sure you provide a way in your makefile to allow us to compile your
program with “-O” (optimization) instead of “-g” (debugging).
Here are some important things to watch out for:
• The producer and consumers must all execute concurrently.
• All consumers should be treated roughly equally (e.g., one thread should not be
receiving the bulk of the work).
• The log file must not contain garbled output (lines out of order is okay).
• Be careful about boundary conditions – full or empty conditions.
• Do not “over synchronize” your solution (i.e., synchronize beyond the minimum needed
for correctness).
• Your makefile should do the minimum amount of work required to produce an
• Do not leave anything running after the producer exits. Students who log out and leave
processes running – any time before the assignment deadline – will be penalized.
Submit the following as a single tar file:
• All source code files (C, C++, headers), and
• Makefile.
The assignment is due no later than 10:00 PM on Sunday, March 1. Late assignments received
before 10:00 PM on Monday, March 2 will have their assignment grade lowered by 20%.

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