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Assignment 2 Programming Languages and Paradigms

Assignment 2
COMP 302 Programming Languages and Paradigms

Q1 [25 points] Inductive proofs (Hand in your proofs as a pdf file q1.pdf).
type ’a tree = Empty | Node of ’a * ’a tree * ’a tree
Q1.1 [10 points]. Consider the following program reflect which swaps every pair of
children (not just the first pair).
let rec reflect t = match t with
| Empty - Empty
| Node (x,left,right) - Node (x, reflect right, reflect left)
Prove reflect (reflect t)= t.
Q1.2 [15 points]. Below we give two functions which both compute the overall size
of a tree. The second function, called size’, computes the size of a tree tailrecursively using an accumulator.
let rec size m = match m with
| Empty - 0
| Node(x, left, right) - 1 + size left + size right
let rec size’ m acc = match m with
| Empty - acc
| Node(x, left, right) - size’ left (size’ right (1 + acc))
Prove that for all m:’a tree, size m = size’ m 0.
Q2 [60 points] Fun with trees.
Q2.1 [10 points]
Implement a function create_tree: (’a * ’b)list - (’a * ’b)tree which
when given a list of entries consisting of key and data creates a binary tree
storing all the entries, i.e. it repeatedly inserts the entries into an empty tree.
You can rely on the function insert e t which we wrote in class. Recall its
type: insert: ’a * ’b - (’a * ’b)tree - (’a * ’b)tree.
Use fold_left:(’a - ’b - ’a)- ’a - ’b list - ’a to traverse the list
of entries and insert them one by one into a tree. fold_left is a library function
and it behaves as follows:
List.fold_left f e [b1; ...; bn] returns f (... (f (f e b1)b2)...)bn.
Q2.2 [10 points]
Implement a function tree_map: (’a - ’b)- ’a tree - ’b tree which when
given a function f and a tree applies f to all the entries in the tree.
Q2.3 [5 points]
We want to delete the data from a tree which stores key - data pairs, i.e. implement a function delete_data: (’a * ’b)tree - ’a tree.
Note that if the initial tree was a binary search tree the resulting tree is still a
binary search tree of the same shape. Use the function function tree_mapp to
write your function delete_data.
Q2.4 [15 points]
Intuitively, the fold-function on lists replaces every :: by f and nil by an initial
element e in a list. In this question, you are asked to implement an analogous
function for trees.
The function tree_fold: (’a * ’b * ’b - ’b)- ’b - ’a tree - ’b expects a function f:(’a * ’b * ’b - ’b) together with an initial element e
and a tree t and replaces each leaf with e and each node by the application of
the three argument function f.
For example, given the following tree
t = Node (x0, Node (x1, Empty, Empty),
Node (x2, Node (x3, Empty, Empty), Empty))
the result of tree_fold f e t is:
f(x0, f (x1, e, e), f (x2, f (x3, e, e), e))
Q2.5 [20 points]
The tree_fold function allows us to express many programs which traverse
trees elegantly in one line.
(a) Re-implement the function size : ’a tree - int which given a binary
tree returns the number of nodes in the tree using tree_fold. (5 points)
(b) Implement the function reflect : ’a tree - ’a tree which given a binary tree swaps the left and the right child using tree_fold. Note your
function should swap every pair of children (not just the first pair). (5
(c) Implement inorder: ’a tree - ’a list which given a binary tree returns a list of all entries in order using tree_fold (10 points)
Q3 [15 points] Power generation.
Write a function pow_series: int - int list - (int - int) which computes
the power series. Given a constant c and a list of coefficients a0, . . . , ak return a
function :
f(x) = a0 + a1 ∗ (x − c)
1 + a2 ∗ (x − c)
2 + ... + ak ∗ (x − c)
Note that the function you return should be independently meaningful, i.e. it should
contain only calls to pow, addition, subtraction or multiplication, but no other functions. Stage your function properly!

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