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Assignment 2 React Sudoku

React Sudoku
For this assignment, we will be building a react-based Sudoku web
application. For those unfamiliar with the game, here is a video
explaining the
This game will also feature a "time-travel" functionality where the user
can see a list of every "move" they've made and click on a move to
bring the game board back to the state it was at that move.
If you haven't already, watch the introduction video recording to this
assignment: Video Recording - Introduction to Homework 2
Do not procrastinate this assignment as there is a fair amount of work
here! But don't freak out. We will not be implementing the logic of
Sudoku ourselves, opting to rely on the sudoku npm library instead.
This project is also based on React's Tutorial where a tic-tac-toe game
is built with the same "time-travel" functionality. Going through that
tutorial and using that code as a foundation will ensure you can get it
done in under 12 days - no sweat.
Unlike a traditional Sudoku game using digits 1-9, the sudoku npm
library uses digits 0-8. This is totally fine. We are computer scientists
after all, and we know 0-indexed is the way to go. You can change this,
but I don't recommend you take on the additional work for yourself
until the end.
You will not have to handle things like disallowing the user to enter an
incorrect number into a cell. The user can enter whatever input they
would like on the non-hint fields regardless of how wrong it is. Our only
concern is to tell the user when they've finally got it right.
Submission Requirements
The submission should be a ZIP file with a name scheme of
Inside the ZIP, you should have your create-react-app generated
project. You do not need to upload the npm_modules folder (it will be
massive)! Your dependencies are already declared in
the package.json file, so I can get them locally by just executing npm
The way I will launch the app to grade/verify will be executing the npm
start command. If your website does not launch and work correctly
after executing this command within your project folder, points will be
The webpage must have a 9 x 9 sudoku grid. How you style it is mostly
up to you, but it should have the core structure of 9 x 9 cells to enter
numbers into. There should also be clearly visible sub-grids of 3x3 cells.
It is very helpful to have borders around each 3 x 3 sub-grid to help
solve the puzzle.
The board should be initialized with a partial solution so the user can
start applying the rules of Sudoku to complete the board.
The initialized hint cells should not be modifiable, and there should be
some styling applied to make it obvious these are the "hints" the game
was started with. I used a grey background, but you are open to do
things like text styling (perhaps bolded, or a different font).
User input / "moves"
1. The user should only be allowed to enter one number into each cell.
This means no letters, punctuation, etc. Just single digit integers. When
a digit is entered into a cell, this counts as a "move".
2. The user should also be able to remove their input on a cell with
backspace/delete. This also counts as a "move".
3. Somewhere on the web page should be a list of "moves" that
dynamically updates as the user plays the game (makes moves.)
4. Clicking on one of the "moves" will set the board state back to how it
was after the user conducted that particular move.
5. The "move" that is reflected currently on the game board should be
indicated in some way. In my example, I append " (Current)" to the
button label. But you can use a different color, etc.
Move history example
For example: when the game first launches there will only be one
"move" - game start (empty board.)
When the user creates their first move by entering a number into a cell
(let's say the first cell all the way top left - let's call it cell #1), there will
now be 2 moves - [ Game start, Move #1 ]
When the user backspaces/deletes 3 from the first top left cell, this
counts as their second "move"
The user can continue playing the game, adding moves.
When the user presses the button to jump back to move #1, the game
board should reflect the state of the board in that moment of "move"
From this point, the user can either press other "moves" to set the
board state the desired move, or start making additional "moves" that
will start overwriting the history from their current point. Put another
way - if the user fills the cell to the right of Cell #1 (let's call it Cell #2),
then the history after the current move will be discarded and there will
now be a new Move #2 to signify the value of "2" being entered into
Cell #2.
Successful Game Notification
As mentioned, we're not validating and rejecting player input that
violates the rules of Sudoku. We're only going to care about notifying
the user when the game is completed and satisfies the rules of Sudoku.
You can do this however you like as long as it's obvious when we "won."
Here is my example where I have both a "status" label up on the top
right that always reflects game status (either "Not complete..." or
"Completed!"), and a green background on the board padding area to
signify you're done. There are no requirements on game behavior once
the user has completed it successfully.
Cheat Code Button
This assignment would be impossible to complete if you had to solve a
sudoku puzzle to completion every time you wanted to test your
successful game notification feature. So there should be a button
somewhere on the page that will fill almost the entire solution, letting
you (the developer) fill in just one final cell to complete the game. In my
example, I've added a button labeled "Complete most of puzzle" where I
take the puzzle solution array and overwrite the 0 array index with the
value that represents no input. I then set the most recent game state in
the history to this "almost solution" state, leaving just Cell #0 without a
value. You don't have to worry if this is buggy because a Hint cell is
rendered as Cell #0. If Cell #0 is a Hint, then I'll just refresh the
assignment until it's not.
How to complete the assignment
Complete the React Tutorial
This assignment is essentially a variation of the Tic-Tac-Toe tutorial on
React's website. Go through it and skim the documentation pages to
familiarize yourself with props, state, JSX, and the render method.
Important note: In the tutorial, there are two setup options. Go with
Option 2. Generate yourself a new react app, and launch it in the
browser. I recommend also setting up Visual Studio Code with a
debugger, so when you run into issues you can set a breakpoint and
step through your code in the debugger.
Play with the sudoku library
In the Lecture 2 content area, there is an article on how to set up a
basic sandbox to play with an npm library. Set up your sandbox with
the sudoku npm library and try creating a puzzle, and then obtaining the
solution for the puzzle. Notice how the puzzle is represented as an
array of 81 elements. This represents the 81 cells of the sudoku game
(9x9 grid = 81 cells) in a left to right, top to bottom fashion.
Set up your HTML sudoku grid
Google is your friend here - there are some questions & answers on
how to create a sudoku grid on the web. If I were to pick, my
preference would be the <table> solution that may be found on a
StackOverflow thread somewhere...
Start small - wire up each one of your cells to first display their "index",
and perhaps console.log their own IDs when you click them. The
structure should map to the game array like so:
Incorporate Game Initialization
Initialize the game board with the initial state of the puzzle provided by
the sudoku library. Indicate the fields as hints, and have them be nonmodifiable. Tip: a hint cell and an input cell do not necessarily have to a
single type of react component. The Hint component can have different
CSS classes applied to it, have a "disabled" attribute applied, etc. etc.
Start updating the game board state
When a user inputs a value into a cell, update the global game state &
history. Use the React tutorial as a guide, as the mechanics are very
Helpful Resources & Tips
First and foremost - remember why this framework is called "React."
Shift your mind away from grabbing individual DOM elements and
modifying them, and instead think about modifying state and let React
do all the hard work for you. Remember, making one "move" is creating
an entirely new board and adding it to the history. Let React handle
creating the DOM elements for you! Let it re-render everything! The
point is that the library is smart enough to manipulate the DOM
efficiently on your behalf. All you need to do is tell React how to render
a DOM tree from state, and then update that state as needed
using setState.
React Tutorial - This will serve as the foundation for this assignment.
Go through it, download the final code, and start modifying it.
Conditional Rendering - Sometimes we want to render a different
component based on a condition. An example could be rendering Hint
cells vs regular input cells on our Sudoku grid. This article walks you
through conditional rendering strategies.
This is why we need to bind event handlers - You will inevitably run
into the following bug: you have a button and you've set an onClick
handler to a function defined in your component,
e.g. onClick={this.handleClick}> And when clicking that button - nothing
happens! And in your console, it seems that the handler is undefined.
Why is this? And how do we solve that? This article explains it.
How to manage React state with Arrays - You may be wondering why
you see the tutorial code call methods like slice() on arrays to make a
copy of them. React's smart virtual DOM uses comparisons between
old and new state to determine what to render. Passing in the exact
same array may cause React to think nothing has changed, despite the
contents of the array being different. So by passing a new array, you
are informing React that it's been modified and should be compared.
This article goes into a bit more detail on the subject.
Thinking in React - This will help you understand how to structure your
React application and components. What type of information should I
pass through props? What should I store in state? And in what
component should the state live in? This article addresses it all.

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