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Assignment 2: Roguelike

CS 242: Programming Languages Assignments Course Policies Guides Final Project
Assignment 2: Roguelike

As mentioned in lecture, Lua doesn’t come with a built-in object system — so we can make our own! In this assignment,
you’ll build a homebrew class system and use it to implement a simple text-based adventure game. Then you will use
the Lua C API to implement an accelerated version of one of the classes in the game.
On the Rice machines:
cp -r /afs/ir/class/cs242/assignments/assign2 assign2
On your local machine:
scp -r < assign2
You must implement functions in:
Then upload the files in your copy of assign2 to Rice. To submit, navigate to the assignment root and execute:
python /afs/ir/class/cs242/bin/ 2
In order to verify that your assignment was submitted, execute
ls /afs/ir/class/cs242/submissions/assign2/<SUnet ID
You should see the timestamps of your submissions.
Part 1: Class system
In this section of the assignment, you will implement a library that provides a single-inheritance class system with
public methods and private data members, similar to a restricted subset of Java or C++. Here’s a simple example:
local class = require("class")
local Counter = class.class(
class.Object, {
constructor = function(self, n)
self.n = n
data = {
counter = 0,
methods = {
incr = function(self)
self.counter = self.counter + self.n
value = function(self)
return self.counter
local inst =
inst:incr() -- can call methods from the outsdie
assert(inst:value() == 10)
assert(inst.counter == nil) -- can't access data members
We can extend the above example to demonstrate inheritance:
local WeightedCounter = class.class(
Counter, {
constructor = function(self, n, weight)
Counter.constructor(self, n)
self.weight = weight
methods = {
incr = function(self)
self.counter = self.counter + self.n * self.weight
set_weight = function(self, weight)
self.weight = weight
local inst =, 0.2)
inst:incr() -- overriden in WeightedCounter
assert(inst:value() == 1) -- inherited from Counter
inst:set_weight(2.0) -- new function in WeightedCounter
assert(inst:value() == 11)
assert(inst:isinstance(WeightedCounter)) -- isinstance checks the class of inst
assert(inst:isinstance(Counter)) -- a child is an instance of the parent
The core of this section will be implementing the class function in class.lua . That function fulfills the following
class takes two arguments, a parent class parent (either Object or a class returned by class ) and a description
of a child class child with the following structure:
constructor = function(self, ...)
-- to be called when an instance is created
data = {
-- table of initial values for private members
-- e.g. x = 3
methods = {
-- table of public methods that can be called on an instance
-- e.g. foo = function(self) print(self.x) end
metamethods = {
-- table of metamethods assigned to each instance
-- e.g. __index = function(t, k) return nil end
class returns a Class table that fulfills the following specification:
Constructors: is a function that creates a new instance t and runs either the child’s
constructor(t, ...) if it is defined, and the parent’s constructor otherwise.
Methods: An instance t can have any of the methods in its class’s methods table or any of its parent classes’ methods
tables invoked on the instance. All methods take the t (or self ) as the first parameter.
Data: When inside a method, the self variable should provide access to both private data members as well as public
methods. Any data members should be initialized to their value in the child or any parent’s data table. Any new parameters
added to self , e.g. in the constructor, must also be private (i.e. not accessible outside the class methods).
Metamethods: An instance t should have any metamethods in the child and any inherited metamethods set to its
metatable, with the exception of the __index metamethod.
isinstance: t has an additional method t:isinstance(Class) that returns true if t is an instance of the given Class
or a subclass of Class .
We have provided you a small set of basic tests. You can run them similarly as before:
lua class_tests.lua
Getting started
This is expected to be the hardest part of the assignment, and will take some time to think through. To help you along
the way, we’ve tried to break the problem down into sub-parts for you to tackle individually.
1. Methods
local Part1Class = class(
Object, {
methods = {
setX = function(self, x)
self.x = x
getX = function(self)
return self.x
local inst =
assert(inst:getX() == 10)
Here, use the metatable approach discussed in class to associate the methods in Part1Class with the instance inst .
Don’t worry about whether x is private or public for now.
2. Data
local Part2Class = class(
Object, {
data = {
x = 0
methods = {
setX = function(self, x)
self.x = x
getX = function(self)
return self.x
local inst =
assert(inst:getX() == 0)
assert(inst.x == nil)
assert(inst:getX() == 10)
assert(inst.x == nil)
To get private data members, essentially you will need two instances: a private instance that contains the data
members ( x in this case) and a public instance that just contains the class methods. Here inst would be the public
instance. Normally calling inst:getX() desugars to inst.getX(inst) which calls the public method using the public
instance. However, consider using closures to force methods to be called using the private instance. For example:
local public_inst = {}
local private_inst = {x = 0}
public_inst.getX = function(self, ...)
return Part2Class.methods.getX(private_inst, ...)
You will want to use the __index metamethod to enable the private_inst to refer to methods on the public_inst .
Note: having default values for data gets a little tricky when dealing with tables. For example:
local Class = {x = {y = 1}}
local inst = {}
setmetatable(inst, {__index = Class})
inst.x.y = 2
print(Class.x.y) -- it's now 2 as well. We just modified the Class!
You may assume that a class instance will never do any such kinds of mutations that would affect the data table within
the Class table. Furthermore, you can assume that method implementations will never try to return private instances,
or otherwise cause private instances to escape the current function call.
local Part3Class = class(
Object, {
constructor = function(self, x)
self.x = x
methods = {
getX = function(self)
return self.x
local inst =
assert(inst:getX() == 5)
assert(inst.x == nil)
Constructors should be invoked during .
4. Metamethods
local Part4Class = class(
Object, {
metamethods = {
__add = function(a, b) return 0 end
local inst =
assert(inst + 0 == 0)
Metamethods need to be assigned to each instance generated by new . Implementations of metamethods will only use
methods on objects, and will not try to directly access object properties. Futhermore, no class definition will try to
override the __index metamethod, thus letting you use the __index metamethod for method and data lookup.
local Part5BaseClass = class(
Object, {
data = {
x = 0,
y = 1
methods = {
getX = function(self)
return self.x
setX = function(self, x)
self.x = x
local Part5ChildClass = class(
Part5BaseClass, {
data = {
x = 2
methods = {
getY = function(self)
return self.y
setX = function(self, x)
self.x = x * 2
local inst =
assert(inst:getY() == 1)
assert(inst:getX() == 2)
assert(inst:getX() == 20)
Inheritance for methods and data members should use a similar mechanism, i.e. metatables, to define fallbacks. An
instance should fallback to its class, its class should fallback to its parent, and so on.
Note that although a similar mechanism could theoretically work for metamethods, in practice Lua doesn’t allow
metatables to themselves have metatables, so you will need to copy all the metamethods from the child and each of its
parents into a single metatable.
Part 2: Roguelike
To provide more thorough testing for your class library and provide you a chance to use it in practice, we have built
most of a roguelike text-based game for you. This game consists of wandering around a dungeon and running into
monsters until they are vanquished. We have distributed a reference solution for the game so you can try it out:
lua solution.bin
If your class library is fully functional, then the game should work almost as expected. To run the game with your
version of the class library, run:
lua roguelike.lua
The game is roughly structured as follows: the map is a 2D grid of tiles, represented by integer coordinates described
with the Point class. The grid contains instances of the Entity class (see entity.lua ), which represent movable
objects including the user (the hero) and the three monsters. Entities are built around callbacks—for example, if an
entity collides with another entity, then the game will call the Collide method. On every game tick (whenever the user
inputs a move command), the game will call Think on every entity.
Your task for this portion is to implement one of the characters in the game, the monster that runs towards the player
to attack. You will implement the Think method in the Monster class in monster.lua .
The monster’s Think should follow this specification: if the monster can see the hero, then it attempts to move one
step in the direction of the hero. That’s it! The solution should be short (5-6 lines of code), and is primarily just to
demonstrate an interaction with the class system.
To accomplish some of these goals (like visibility testing), you should look at the methods available on the Entity class
in entity.lua , of which Monster is a subclass. Additionally, look at the Hero and TryMove methods on the Game
class in game.lua . Note that you must use TryMove instead of SetPos when moving in order for the game to correctly
handle collision detection.
Part 3: Fast points
One of the classes we use in the game is the Point class defined in point.lua that represents a 2D coordinate or
vector. The class itself is relatively simple, but it’s important that it be fast–although our game is relatively small,
games frequently require millions of instances of classes like Point . In this final portion of the assignment, you will
use the Lua C API discussed in lecture to create a C implementation of the Point class.
All the code for this portion is in native_point.c . Specifically, you will implement the following functions (prefixed
with point_ ): add , dist , eq , sub , x , y , setx , sety , tostring . The end result will be a class that functions
identically to the Point class in point.lua , except must faster! This native Point class does not need to implement
p:isinstance(cls) .
Note: we have already implemented the function luaopen_native_point which is the function called when you
require the C library. This sets up the Point class table for you—you just need to implement the class’s methods.
Note that this function also creates the "point_native" metatable.
We have defined for you at the top a point_t struct that represents an instance of a Point with an x and y of type
lua_Number (which will be double on our platforms). You will need pass around handles to point_t pointers using
Lua’s concept of userdata, or opaque C pointers. Specifically, you will need to investigate the following functions:
Note that userdata can have metatables just like normal tables, including the __index method. We have created for
you the "point_native" metatable that contains an __index equal to the method list defined in
luaopen_native_point , so setting a userdata’s metatable to "point_native" will enable method lookup to work as
Building andtesting
To build a Lua module out of your C file, we use gcc to create a shared library. This build process is defined by the
Makefile , so you can build by running:
To test your native_point.c , you can run a small benchmark script we have written:
lua benchmark_point.lua
This will both check that your native Point class works correctly and demonstrate its speedups relative to the equivalent
Lua implementation. Your C implementation should be much faster! You can also test your implementation inside the
game by running it with:
lua roguelike.lua --native-point
Getting started
I would start by implementing the point_new , point_x , and point_setx functions. Your goal for new is to create a
new userdata representing the point_t . point_x should exercise returning values out of a C function into Lua, and
point_setx demonstrates reading arguments from Lua into C.
Then implement/test the point_add function to make sure that you properly set the metatable on any points you
created. After that, implementing the remaining functions should be relatively straightforward.

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