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ASSIGNMENT 2 Scanner objects


Program Description:
This assignment will test your understanding of the use of the Scanner objects, Strings,
Random objects, static methods, and everything covered so far.
You should limit yourself to the Java features covered in class so far (lecture 5).
Modularity in your code is very important, YOU MUST USE STATIC METHODS.
Problem 1:
Write a program that allows the user to play a simple guessing game in which you think up an
integer and have the computer guess the integer until it gets it right. For each incorrect guess you
will tell the program whether the right answer is higher or lower. Your program is required to
exactly reproduce the format and behavior of the log of execution.
You are to define a class constant for the maximum number used in the guessing game. The sample
log shows the program making guesses from 1 to 100, but the choice of 100 is arbitrary. By
introducing a constant for 100, you should be able to change just the value of the constant to make
the program play the game with a range of 1 to 50 or a range of 1 to 250 or some other range starting
with 1.
When you ask the user whether or not to play again, you should use the next() method of the
Scanner class to read a one-word answer from the user. You should continue playing if this answer
begins with the letter “y” or the letter “Y”. Notice that the user is allowed to type words like “yes”.
You are to look just at the first letter of the user’s response and see whether it begins with a “y” or
“n” (either capitalized or not) to determine whether to play again.
Assume that the user always types “higher”, “lower”, or “correct” in response to the program’s
guess, that the user guesses an appropriate number and answers truthfully, and that the user gives
you a one-word answer beginning with “y”, “Y”, “n” or “N” when asked whether to play again.
You will notice at the end of the log that you are to report various statistics about the series of
games played by the user. You are to report the total number of games played, the total number of
guesses made (all games included), the average number of guesses per game and the maximum
number of guesses used in any single game.
Log of execution (user input bolded)
This program allows you to play a guessing game.
Think of a number between 1 and 100
and I will guess until I get it.
For each guess, tell me if the
right answer is higher or lower than your guess, or if it is correct.
Think of a number...
My guess: 66
My guess: 90
My guess: 88
My guess: 85
I got it right in 4 guesses
Do you want to play again? Yes
Think of a number...
My guess: 20
My guess: 15
My guess: 12
My guess: 8
My guess: 10
My guess: 9
I got it right in 6 guesses
Do you want to play again? No
Overall results:
 total games = 2
 total guesses = 10
 guesses/game = 5.0
 max guesses = 6
Problem 2:
Write a reverse Hangman game in which the user thinks of a word and the computer tries to guess
the letters in that word. The user tells the computer how many letters the word contains. Your
program must output what the computer guessed on each turn and show the partially completed
word. It also must use pseudorandom functions to make guesses (i.e., it should not simply try all
the letters in order, nor should it use the user’s input to its advantage) and it should not guess the
same letter more than once.
1. The only String methods that you are allowed to use are: length(), substring(), charAt(),
toUpperCase(), toLowerCase().
2. Because this program uses pseudorandom numbers, you won’t be able to recreate this exact
log. The key requirement is that you reproduce the format of this log.
Log of execution (user input bolded)
This program plays a game of reverse hangman.
You think up a word (by typing it on the computer) and I'll try to guess
the letters.
How many letters are in your word? 5
Please enter the word for me to guess (letters only): hello
- - - - -
| |
I've got 0 of the 5 letters so far
I guess: M
Is that letter in the word? n
- - - - -
| |
| O
I've got 0 of the 5 letters so far
I guess: U
Is that letter in the word? n
- - - - -
| |
| O
| |
I've got 0 of the 5 letters so far
I guess: G
Is that letter in the word? n
- - - - -
| |
| O
| |
| \
I've got 0 of the 5 letters so far
I guess: P
Is that letter in the word? n
- - - - -
| |
| O
| |
| / \
I've got 0 of the 5 letters so far
I guess: E
Is that letter in the word? y
How many of that letter are in the word? 1
- e - - -
| |
| O
| |
| / \
I've got 1 of the 5 letters so far
I guess: V
Is that letter in the word? n
- e - - -
| |
| O
| |\
| / \
I've got 1 of the 5 letters so far
I guess: H
Is that letter in the word? y
How many of that letter are in the word? 1
h e - - -
| |
| O
| |\
| / \
I've got 2 of the 5 letters so far
I guess: I
Is that letter in the word? n
h e - - -
| |
| O
| /|\
| / \
I've got 2 of the 5 letters so far
I guess: B
Is that letter in the word? n
h e - - -
| |
| O
| /|\
| / \
You beat me this time.
You will be graded on
o External Correctness: The output of your program should match exactly what is expected.
Programs that do not compile will not receive points for external correctness.
o Internal Correctness: Your source code should follow the stylistic guidelines linked in
LATTE. Also, remember to include the comment header at the beginning of your program.
Create a folder with the name <Firstname_LastnamePA2> containing all your source code files.
(eg. Iraklis_TsekourakisPA2) You will create a source code file for each problem named (eg. for the first one etc.). Make sure that you include the header
comment with your name in every single source code file. As a last step compress the folder into
a .zip file named <> and upload it on Latte by the day it is due. For
late policy check the syllabus. This is an individual assignment, and any sign of collaboration will
result in a zero. Please check the syllabus for the academic integrity policy.
Header comment example:
# Name Student
# COSI 12b, Fall 2021
# Programming Assignment #2
# Description: ...

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