CSC 106 Assignment 2: Sorting through the
bubbles, and in through the Or Gate
Marks: 60 marks.
Learning Goals:
At the end of this assignment you will be able to:
• Describe the Bubble Sort method of sorting a list of items;
• Determine which sort might work best in a given application;
• Design and create a circuit diagram using logic gate symbols;
• Create an animation in Scratch
• Create and update variables in Scratch
• Re-use code and update an interface in Scratch
Submission: This assignment may be done in groups of up to 4 people. You may also
work individually if you prefer. The submitted assignment will have several components:
The written component should be submitted in pdf format.
As well, you will have two Scratch file (.sb files) – one called Task4.sb, the other will be
called myBubbler.sb
All files should be attached to the CSC106 Assignment 1 submission page on conneX.
A few submission notes:
---- Make sure that you include all group member's NAMES in the Assignment Text box
on conneX. As well, please make sure that everyone's names are on the submitted file
-- In the word processed document converted to a pdf, please make sure that you include
the Task number/section you are answering above your response.
-- In the Scratch programs, make sure you have information in the project notes about
what your programs do.
• Video overview of various sorts (Bubblesort is towards the end -- spoiler alert - they
don't like it very well!): http://youtu.be/INHF_5RIxTE
• Overview of a number of sorts with animations (the descriptions are a bit technical,
but the animations are good):
• Comparison of sorts:
• Scratch reference: http://scratch.mit.edu/help/
• Scratch lessons (video): http://learnscratch.org/video-courses
• Scratch ideas: http://scratch.mit.edu/
• Installing Scratch v. 1.4 on your own computer: http://scratch.mit.edu/scratch_1.4/
TASK 1: Sorting (15 marks)
How does the sorting algorithm Bubble Sort work?
1. Research this algorithm and describe it in your own words (not copied from
the research materials you found). Do not give pseudo code, but rather an
overview of why and how the algorithm works. Feel free to use drawings or
examples to support your answer. Provide references to any material you used
to help come up with your description
2. Give pseudo code for Bubble Sort that matches your description in (1).
3. Consider this list: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
How many comparisons in total would it take to sort this list into ascending
order using the Bubble Sort you wrote pseudo code for? How many swaps
would it take?
What if the list was 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
How many comparisons in total would it take to sort this list using Bubble
Sort? How many swaps would it take?
What about 10, 3, 8, 2, 5
How many comparisons in total, how many swaps?
You can use the Bubbler to help you count the swaps, but you’ll need to either
have Scratch installed on your computer, or use Scratch on any of the lab
TASK 1 DELIVERABLES: A word processed document containing the Task heading,
the description (written in your own words), any diagrams you wish, and
references/citations listed below the description. The pseudo code should be below the
Marks will be assigned as follows:
5 Marks for 1. (Remember to give your references in one of the styles discussed in lab.
Be as clear as possible in your description. Don't copy and paste -- must be in your own
words. )
5 Marks for 2. (Remember, state assumptions.)
5 Marks for 3. (I have not asked you to show your work, but don't just get the answer
from someone else. This would be a great type of question for a midterm or final -- hint,
hint -- so you should know how to approach a question like this. If you get help from
someone, make sure you see how the comparisons and swaps work. )
TASK 2: Picking the right sort of sort. (5 marks)
You are part of a software design team creating a game for a mobile device (e.g. iPhone,
tablet, iPad, etc.). It is a fantasy role playing game. The goal of the game is to develop
characters of sufficient power so that the characters can take on ever more difficult
quests. Any quest that a character undertakes will involve expending and replacing
(hopefully) that character's power.
The game arena contains objects, and each object has an amount of power associated
with it. When characters obtain these objects, the power associated with the object
transfers to the character. Power allows characters to move about the fantasy realm,
create structures and tools, overcome other characters, etc. -- essentially anything that
helps the character solve the current quest.
The game space is full of power objects. Each object has an arbitrary power "value", so
some objects are more powerful than others. Each character begins with 1 object. Each
character can amass up to 10 objects. Every time a character gathers a new object a sorted
list of that character's power objects is presented on the game screen, with the new object
correctly inserted. It is a linear list, sorted in order of least powerful to most powerful.
Any time a character expends power and uses up the power of an object, or picks up a
new power object the list is sorted and presented again. As well, a sorted list can be
requested by its owner any time throughout the game.
Your task is to select an algorithm to handle the sorting. At this point you don't have to
worry about coding, or defining data structures, but you do have to select a sorting
algorithm to use at the back end. You narrow your selection down to two different
comparison sorting algorithms that you think will do the job. You select two comparison
sorts - Insertion Sort and Quick Sort
Create a table comparing the two algorithms. Make sure to compare how objects with the
same power value are handled. As well, compare space requirements, worst case number
of comparisons, and number of swaps (if applicable). As a final point, compare the ease
of programming the two different sorts.
Finally, write no more than a paragraph noting which one of the two you recommend and
Using the same word processed document as you created for Task 1 make a new Task 2
3 marks for correctly comparing two algorithms.
2 marks for well reasoned final recommendations.
TASK 3: Logic Gate Design (20 marks)
Given the following formula:
1). Draw a diagram of this circuit using the logic gate symbols shown in the
2). Fill in the truth table for this circuit
A B C D A⋀B C⋀¬A (A⋀B) ∨
( C⋀¬A)
A∧D ((A⋀B) ∨ ( C⋀¬A)) ⋀
Use the notes from the 3rd lab to help you create the circuit. If you like, you
can draw (neatly!) the circuit on paper, take a photo of it, or scan it, and insert
TASK 3 DELIVERABLES: Responses to this question in your word processed
document. PDF format is preferred, but just about any word processed file format will
work. Use the notes from the 3rd lab to help you create the circuit. If you like, you can
draw (neatly!) the circuit on paper, take a photo of it, or scan it, and insert it into your
word processed document.
5 marks for correct response in the table.
15 marks for correct diagram.
TASK 4: Scratch – basic animation (5 marks)
1). Create a Scratch animation with at least two different sprites that move on
the Scratch stage. The two sprites should communicate with one another via the
“Broadcast and / or Broadcast and wait” and “When I receive” control
structures. The animation should start when the green flag is clicked.
2). Create two variables and, using one or more of the repeat structures, display
the changing / changed values of the variables on the stage
TASK 4 DELIVERABLES: Using Scratch (the stand-alone version 1.4) attach a .sb file
called Task4.sb to the assignment. Make sure your Scratch file has info in the project
notes describing what your program does.
3 marks for a two different sprites that move and communicate on the Scratch Stage.
2 marks for the variables – 1 mark for the variables, 1 mark for use of at least one repeat
TASK 5: Improving the Bubbler (15 marks)
1). The Bubbler is a Scratch program, written using Version 1.4 (standalone
version – it is attached to the bottom of the assignment). It prompts the user to
put five integer values in a list. Then, it prompts the user to guess how many
swaps will occur when the populated list is sorted using Bubble Sort. The user
is told whether her or his guess is correct, but this is not really enough. If the
user is incorrect the feedback from the sprite is “Almost, but not quite right”.
The sprite should also say, using a talking bubble (e.g. like when she says
“Hello”) what the actual number of swaps was. You may use another sprite for
this task if you like.
2). Create a variable – call it comps – to show how many comparisons are
performed when the Bubbler sorts the list of five items. Let comps show up on
the left hand of the stage.
3). Improve the user interface used in the Bubbler. You can improve as you
wish, but there are a few requirements that must be met:
A). Another sprite should be added.
B). Some type of animation should be added
C). It should be more of a game – your choice as to how this might be
D). Anything else that you think might improve the program.
E). Update the Project Notes (erase what is there already) with what you did
and why.
TASK 5 DELIVERABLES: Using Scratch (the stand-alone version 1.4) attach a .sb file
called myBubbler.sb to the assignment. myBubbler.sb will be based on theBubbler.sb
2 marks for updating the sprite code to display actual number of swaps in a sentence
3 marks for a variable called comps which shows up on the left side of the stage, and
shows how many comparisons are performed after the sort is completed.
10 marks for improving the game (innovation and “fun” will be well rewarded – but the
project notes must explain what you have done and why you chose to do it).
Final note -- the staff at the Computer Science Assistance Center are there to help you.
They can't "do" the assignment for you, but they can help out with application problems,
printer problems, understanding questions, saving documents, uploading and moving
files, etc. Call on them for help.