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Assignment 2- SQL Queries

Database Systems for Software Engineers
SOEN 363 - 
Assignment 2

1 SQL Queries [100 Points]
Consider a simplified version of a known social application, Twitter ! At a high-level, Twitter
works as follows:
• A User may post a Tweet that is a short piece of text. a Tweet may be retweeted by any
user, including the original poster.
• A User may tag their tweets with zero or more hashtags of their own choices. A hashtag must begin with the ‘#’ sign . For example, a user tweeting about the Database
Applications course may decide to tag the tweet with #DBApps #socool.
• Users may follow zero or more other users. Whenever a user logs in, they are assumed
to read ALL tweets by the users they follow.
Given the above Twitter ’s description, we define the following relation schemas:
Users (userId, userName, city, lastLogin)
Tweets (tweetId, userId, tweetTimestamp, tweetText)
Retweets (userId, tweetId, retweetTimestamp)
TweetTags (tweetId, hashtag)
Follows (followerId, followeeId)
• userName is in the format “<first_name> <last_name>”.
• Original tweets are added to Tweets with the poster’s userId. Retweets contains
retweets by any user, including the original poster.
Now, we would like to extract some useful information from the database and we leave this
job to our database expert (you!). For each of the following problems, write an SQL query.
State the reason clearly if an expression and/or query cannot be expressed. You may want to
populate your database with mock data to test your queries. For your ease, you are given the
SQL table creation queries.
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userName VARCHAR ,
city VARCHAR ,
lastLogin TIMESTAMP );
userId INT NOT NULL REFERENCES Users ( userId ),
tweetTimestamp TIMESTAMP NOT NULL ,
tweetText VARCHAR );
userId INT REFERENCES Users ( userId ),
tweetId INT REFERENCES Tweets ( tweetId ) ,
retweetTimestamp TIMESTAMP ,
PRIMARY KEY ( userId , tweetId , retweetTimestamp ));
tweetId INT ,
hashtag VARCHAR CHECK ( hashtag LIKE '#% '),
PRIMARY KEY ( tweetId , hashtag ));
followerId INT REFERENCES Users ( userId ),
followeeId INT REFERENCES Users ( userId ),
PRIMARY KEY ( followerId , followeeId ));
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5pts (a) Find all users who retweeted a tweet that was tagged with “#MachineLearning” before 2008.
Report the user names of the tweeter and retweeter as well as the tweet text and date.
10pts (b) Find all users who used the highest number of distinct hashags in their tweets, report the
user name and number of distinct hashtags.
10pts (c) Find the most retweeted hashtag since the beginning of 2021, report the hashtag and number
of distinct retweets. In case there are multiple such hashtags, return any of them.
10pts (d) Find all users (userName and city) who follow users who follow user “Yoshua Bengio”. You
must use nested select statements to write this query.
5pts (e) Write the previous query using join operations.
10pts (f) A news feed for a user consists of both tweets and retweets by people they directly follow
and have been posted after the user’s last login. Get the news feed for the user “Geoffrey
Hinton”. You need to report the tweet text only.
10pts (g) Find the top 5 users who have the most number of tweets in their news feed. Do not
consider retweets in this query.
15pts (h) Find users whose tweets have never been retweeted.
10pts (i) Find top 10 fans of “Andrew Ng”, i.e. people who retweeted his tweets the most.
15pts (j) Find all users (uname and city) who follow everyone that “Ian Goodfellow” follows.
2 Submission
• The assignment is due at 11:59PM on February 15, 2022.
• Answers for the previous queries must be in the SQL dialect of Postgres. You might
want to install PostgresSQL and pgAdmin on your machine or use an online DBMS such
• You are not allowed to modify the SQL creation queries provided. Modifying them might
delay grading your assignment and you will incur a 20% penalty.
• The submission for this assignment consists of one Zip file containing:
– One directory queries containing a .txt file per problem with the following naming
format a.txt, b.txt, ...
– One directory results containing the return results for each problem. Use the same
naming format; you can have the results as screenshots or textual output from your
– A README file mentioning your name and ID and any comments regarding your
– OPTIONAL: .txt or .sql file containing insert statements to populate the tables.
• Your queries and statements must be digitally typed (photos of handwritten answers are
not allowed).
• If you have any questions regarding the submission, contact your respective TA at least
two hours before the submission deadline:
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– Monday lab SF: Philippe ( )
– Monday lab SA: Ahmed (
– Tuesday lab SB: Yasaman (
– Tuesday lab SE: Hussein Abdallah (
– Wednesday lab SC: Mossad Helali (

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