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Assignment 2 teaching OS (gemOS)

Assignment 2
CS330: Operating Systems
Total Marks: 100
As part of this assignment, you will be implementing some system calls in a teaching OS (gemOS).
The gemOS source can be found in the gemOS/src directory. Structure of the gemOS/src directory is
as following:
• gemOS/src/user/ contains the user space components of the gemOS.
– init.c is the userspace program that will run on gemOS. This program will interact with
gemOS using system calls.
– lib.c is library that contains the implementation of common functions such as printf(). It
is equivalent to the C library (libc) in Linux. (Not to be modified)
– ulib.h is a header file containing declaration of various functions and system calls. It is
equivalent to the user space header files in Linux. (Not to be modified)
• gemOS/src/include/ contains the header files related to the kernel1
space implementation of the
gemOS. (Modify only the specified files)
• gemOS/src/*.c, *.o files contain the implementation of the kernel space of the gemOS. (Modify
only the specified files)
• gemOS/src/Makefile is used to build the gemOS kernel binary gemOS.kernel. (Not to be modified).
Please refer to the piazza post It contains
instructions regarding the setup required to complete this assignment.
Note that, in this assignment you have to perform error handling for all the cases unless explicitly
specified otherwise.
Figure 1: Illustration of how a system call is handled in gemOS
1OS and kernel are used interchangeably in this document
Figure 1 shows the handling of system calls in gemOS using the dup system call as an illustration.
When a system call is called from a user space process, a generic system call handler gets triggered.
This generic system call handler (i.e., do syscall) calls the actual system call handler function (do dup)
inside the OS. On the return path, do dup returns to do syscall where the control is passed back to
the user mode (i.e, OS to user context switch). Note that, this figure does not show the system call
entry and exit logic (user state saving etc.) for simplicity.
1 Trace Buffer Support in gemOS [35 Marks]
Trace buffer is a unidirectional data channel similar to a pipe that can be used to store and retrieve
data. Unlike pipe, it has only one file descriptor associated with it. A user process can read from and
write to a trace buffer using the same file descriptor.
Working specifications
Let us see at an example with some basic trace buffer operations to understand its working. Assume
that, the init process creates an empty trace buffer of size 4096 bytes as shown in Figure 2(a)).
Figure 2: Example to illustrate creation of trace buffer and the state change of the trace buffer after a
write operation is performed on it
Now, init calls write(2000). Then the first 2000 bytes of the trace buffer will be filled with the
data provided by the write() system call (Shown in Figure 2(b)). Note that after the write operation,
read offset (R) of the trace buffer remains at 0 while the write offset (W) changes to 2000. Read (R)
and write (W) offsets signify the position in the trace buffer from which the future read/write requests
will be served.
Assume that the init process now calls read(1000). 1000 bytes of data, from the current read offset
on-wards will be read from the trace buffer into the user space buffer. Read offset is updated accordingly
(shown in Figure 3(a)). Note that, now the first 1000 bytes (from offset 0 to 999) cannot be read again
by the init process. So, if init calls read() again, it can only start reading from offset 1000 onwards.
Figure 3: Example to illustrate the impact of read, write operations on the state of the trace buffer
If init process wants to write more data into the trace buffer, it will start writing from the offset
2000. Assume that, at this point, init calls write(2496). Data will be written from 2000 byte offset
to 4095 bytes offset (2096 bytes written) and the remaining 400 bytes will be written from byte offset
zero to byte offset 399. Write offset is updated to value 400 now (shown in Figure 3(b)). Note that,
the maximum data that can be written by init process (when the trace buffer state is as shown in
Figure 3(a)) is 3096 bytes (4096 - 2000 + 1000) and the order in which the write takes place is from byte
offset 2000 to 4095 and then then from byte offset zero to byte offset 999 (i.e. data written by write()
operation can wrap-around).
Assume that init calls read(3296) when the trace buffer state is as shown in Figure 3(b). This
read() will be serviced by copying the contents of the trace buffer from the offset 1000 to 4095 (3096
bytes read) and from the offset 0 to 199 (remaining 200 bytes read) into the user space buffer (passed
in the read system call). Read offset is updated to value 200 now (shown in Figure 3(c)). After above
operations, the data from the offset 200 to 399 remains in the trace buffer. Note that, the maximum
data that can be read by init process (when the trace buffer state is as shown in Figure 3(b)) is 3496
bytes, from the byte offset 1000 to 4095 and then from byte offset zero to byte offset 399 in that order
only (i.e. data read from trace buffer using read() operation can wrap-around).
1.1 Implementing basic functionality of trace buffer [25 Marks]
In this section, we discuss some important data structures in gemOS relevant to solve this part of the
• Process control block is represented by the exec context structure in gemOS. It is defined in
gemOS/src/include/context.h file.
struct exec_context{
struct file* files[MAX_OPEN_FILES]; /*To keep record of openfiles */
exec context contains array of file descriptors, where each file descriptor is of type struct file.
Each file descriptor may point to a file object (represented by the struct file) in case the file
descriptor is in use or it may point to NULL to signify that the file descriptor is unused. For
example, files[0] represents the file descriptor 0 and points to the file object for STDIN.
• A file object is represented by struct file in gemOS and is defined in gemOS/src/include/file.h.
struct file{
u32 type; // Type can be REGULAR, TRACE_BUFFER
u32 mode; // Mode -> READ, WRITE
u32 offp; // offset -> Last read/write offset of the file
u32 ref_count; // Reference count of the file object
struct inode * inode; // Incase of trace buffer, It will be null,
struct trace_buffer_info * trace_buffer; // Incase of Regular file, It will be null
struct fileops * fops; // Map the function calls
At any time, a file object may be associated with a trace buffer (represented by struct trace buffer info)
or with a regular file (represented by struct inode).
• struct fileops (defined in gemOS/src/include/file.h) contains pointers to the functions that
should be called when read(), write(), close() are called for a file descriptor. For this part,
you need to provide implementation for the function pointers in the provided function templates.
struct fileops{
int (*read)(struct file *filep, char * buff, u32 count);
int (*write)(struct file *filep, char * buff, u32 count);
long (*lseek)(struct file *filep, long offset, int whence);
long (*close)(struct file *filep);
• struct trace buffer info (defined in gemOS/src/include/tracer.h) will contain the members
which are needed to implement this part of the assignment. You are supposed to modify this
structure as per your needs to implement the trace buffer functionality.
Helper functions in GemOS
The OS infrastructure does not use (and link with) the standard C library functions and therefore,
you can not invoke known C functions while writing the OS and user mode code. For user mode
(user/init.c), you can invoke all extern functions in user/ulib.h. While changing/adding code in
OS mode, you should not even use the functions available in user space. Therefore, we provide some
commonly required OS functionalities while doing the assignment.
• Getting PCB of the current process: Use get current ctx() to get the exec context corresponding the current process. Example usage: struct exec context *ctx = get current ctx();
• Printing output: You may need to output some debug messages into the console. You can use
printk function for OS mode. The printk function should be used just like a printf but the
format specifier support is minimal.
• Allocating memory:
– void *os alloc(u32 size): Allocates a memory region of size bytes. Note that you can
not use this function to allocate regions of size greater than 2048 bytes.
Example usage: struct vm area *vm = os alloc(sizeof(struct vm area));
– void* os page alloc(memory region): Allocates a 4KB page.
Example usage: struct file *filep = (struct file*)os page alloc(USER REG);
Memory region from which the memory has to be allocated can be one of the following:
enum{ /* This enum is defined in gemOS/src/include/memory.h */
You should always use USER REG memory region to allocate memory using os page alloc()
• Deallocating memory:
– void os free(void *ptr to free, u32 size): Use os free function to free the memory
allocated using os alloc.
Example usage: os free(vm, sizeof(struct vm area));
– void os page free(memory region, void *ptr to free): Use os page free function to
free the memory allocated using os page alloc.
Example usage: os page free(USER REG, filep);
System calls to implement
• int create trace buffer(int mode)
• int read(int fd, void *buf, int count)
• int write(int fd, const void *buf, int count)
• int close(int fd)
int create trace buffer(int mode)
mode: Specifies the kind of operations allowed on the trace buffer. Valid values for the mode are O READ
(to allow only read operations on the trace buffer), O WRITE (to allow only write operations on the trace
buffer), O RDWR (to allow both read and write operations on the trace buffer).
System call handler: To implement create trace buffer system call, you are required to provide implementation for the template function int sys create trace buffer(struct exec context
*current, int mode) (present in gemOS/src/tracer.c). Note that this system call handler is passed
one extra argument (the current exec context apart from the mode argument.
Description: To create a trace buffer, you need to find a free file descriptor in files array (file
descriptor array present in exec context). Allocate the lowest free file descriptor available in the files
array for the trace buffer. Maximum number of file descriptors supported by gemOS is MAX OPEN FILES
(defined in gemOS/src/include/context.h). In case there is no free file descriptor available, return from
this function with the return value -EINVAL.
After successfully allocating a file descriptor, allocate a file object (struct file) and initialize the
fields of this struct file object. Once file object is created, allocate trace buffer object (struct
trace buffer info) and update the file object (trace buffer field in the struct file) to point to
the allocated trace buffer object. Initialise the members of the trace buffer object based on your implementation. Note that, the size of the trace buffer is 4096 bytes (defined as TRACE BUFFER MAX SIZE in
gemOS/src/include/tracer.h) Now, allocate file pointers object (struct fileops) and update the file
object (fops field in the struct file) to point to the allocated file pointers object. You need to implement trace buffer read(), trace buffer write() and trace buffer close functions (discussed
later) and assign them to the read, write and close function pointers of file pointers object. As the last
step, you need to return the file descriptor (which is returned back to the user and used for subsequent
trace buffer operations).
Return Value: Return the allocated file descriptor number on success. In case of any error during
memory allocation, return -ENOMEM. For all other error cases, return -EINVAL.
int write(int fd, const void *buf, int count)
fd: File descriptor corresponding the trace buffer on which write operation is to be performed.
buf: Address of the user-space buffer, from which data has to be read and stored into the trace buffer
count: Number of the bytes of data to be written from the user-space buffer into the trace buffer.
System call handler: To implement the write system call, you are required to provide implementation
for the template function int trace buffer write(struct file *filep, char *buff, u32 count)
(in gemOS/src/tracer.c). This function is assigned as the write handler in the file object while creating
the trace buffer (discussed in §1.1). Note that the first argument passed to this system call handler is
not a file descriptor but a pointer to the file object.
Description: In this system call, you have to read the number of bytes specified by the count argument
from the user space buffer and write them to the trace buffer. Note that the number of bytes written
into the trace buffer can be less than the requested number of bytes. For example, if the trace buffer
has only 10 bytes of storage left when write(fd, buf, 100) is called, only 10 bytes should be copied
from user-space to the trace buffer before returning 10. Similarly, if the trace buffer is full, then
trace buffer write function will return 0.
Return Value: On success, return the number of bytes written into the trace buffer. In case of error,
return -EINVAL.
int read(int fd, void *buf, int count)
fd: File descriptor corresponding the trace buffer on which read operation is to be performed.
buf: Address of the user-space buffer to which the data from the trace buffer is written
count: Number of the bytes of data to be read from the trace buffer.
System call handler: To implement read system call, you are required to provide implementation
for the template function int trace buffer read(struct file *filep, char *buff, u32 count)
(present in gemOS/src/tracer.c). This function is assigned as the read handler in the file object while
creating the trace buffer.
Description: In this system call, you have to read the number of bytes specified by the count argument
from the trace buffer and write them to the user space buffer. Note that the number of bytes read from
the trace buffer can be less than the requested number of bytes. For example, if the trace buffer
has only 10 bytes of storage left when read(fd, buf, 100) is called, only 10 bytes should be copied
from the trace buffer to the user-space buffer before returning 10. If the trace buffer is empty, then
trace buffer read function will return 0.
Return Value: On success, return the number of bytes read from the trace buffer. In case of error,
return -EINVAL.
int close(int fd)
fd: File descriptor for the trace buffer to be closed.
System call handler: To implement the close system call, you are required to provide implementation
for the template function long trace buffer close(struct file *filep) (present in gemOS/src/tracer.c).
This function is assigned as the close handler in the file object while creating the trace buffer.
Description: In this system call, you have to perform the cleanup operations such as the de-allocation
of memory used to allocate file, trace buffer info, fileops objects, and the 4KB memory used for
trace buffer.
Return Value: Return 0 on success and -EINVAL on error.
• You are not required to perform any operation to handle the fork system call made by the process
that has created a trace buffer. Forked/Child process will not use the trace buffer belonging to
the parent process.
• No seek operation (using lseek system call) will be performed on the trace buffer.
• No dup operation will be performed on the trace buffer file descriptor.
• For this part, you should only modify gemOS/src/tracer.c and gemOS/src/include/tracer.h.
The user space program code is available in gemOS/src/user/init.c. You need to write your test cases in
init.c to validate your implementation. To use the sample test cases provided in gemOS/src/user/part1/subpart1/,
you may copy the test-cases to init.c.
1.2 Checking validity of user buffer [10 Marks]
In the sub-part of the assignment, you are required to check the legitimacy of the user space buffer
passed as argument in read and write system calls. The is valid mem range function (defined in
gemOS/src/tracer.c) needs to be completed for this sub-part.
Important data structures in gemOS
In this section, we discuss some important data structures in gemOS relevant to solve this sub-part of
the assignment.
• exec context (defined in gemOS/src/include/context.h) stores information about the memory
regions belonging to a process using two members as shown below,
struct exec_context{
struct mm_segment mms[MAX_MM_SEGS];
struct vm_area *vm_area;
mms is an array of memory segments belonging to a process representing contiguous segments.
Various memory segments supported by gemOS are described by the following enum defined in
MM_SEG_CODE, //code segment
MM_SEG_RODATA, //read only data segment
MM_SEG_DATA, //data segment
MM_SEG_STACK, //stack segment
MAX_MM_SEGS //total number of segments
vm area is a list of memory regions allocated using mmap() (for dis-contiguous mapping).
• struct mm segment (defined in gemOS/src/include/context.h) represents a memory segment.
struct mm_segment{
unsigned long start; //start address of the memory segment
unsigned long end; //end address
unsigned long next_free; //Valid upto
u32 access_flags; //Access flags. R=1, W=2, X=4
• struct vm area (defined in gemOS/src/include/context.h) represents a vm area.
struct vm_area{
unsigned long vm_start; // Start address of the vm_area
unsigned long vm_end; // end address
u32 access_flags; // Access flags. R=1, W=2, X=4
struct vm_area *vm_next;// Pointer to the next vm_area
int is valid mem range (unsigned long buff, u32 count, int access bit)
buff: Address of the buffer passed in read/write system calls
count: Length of the buffer
access bit: Bit to check in the access flags field of mm segment area or vm area (defined in gemOS/src/
include/context.h). The access flags field of both mm segment area and vm area is a three-bit value
where bit-0 → READ, bit-1 → WRITE and bit-2 → EXECUTE.
Description: This function checks whether the buffer (provided by the userspace process in read/write
system calls) lies in a valid memory segment area or vm area with requisite access permissions. For
example, consider that a buffer is allocated using mmap() system call with read permissions. If this
buffer is passed along with a write() system call, then is valid mem range function should report it as
a valid buffer. However, if this buffer is passed along with a read() system call, then is valid mem range
function should report it as an invalid buffer because vma area corresponding this buffer does not have
the write permission. Likewise, if the user-space process passes a garbage address of a buffer, which does
not belong to any valid memory segments or vm areas, then the function should report it as invalid.
Table 1 shows valid range of addresses in various memory segments and vm areas along with allowed access to these memory regions. For example, if a user space buffer resides in a stack segment
(MM SEG STACK), then it is considered to be valid (both read and write allowed) if it lies in the address
range mms[MM SEG STACK].start and mms[MM SEG STACK].end - 1. For addresses falling into the range
of a vm area, you have to check the access flags to determine the allowed access.
Note that, the is valid mem range function should be called (and return value be checked) from
within the trace buffer read function (trace buffer read in gemOS/src/tracer.c)) before writing anything to the provided user buffer and from within the trace buffer write function (trace buffer write
Valid start address Valid end address Read Access Write Access
MM SEG CODE mms[MM SEG CODE].start mms[MM SEG CODE].next free - 1 Yes No
MM SEG RODATA mms[MM SEG RODATA].start mms[MM SEG RODATA].next free - 1 Yes No
MM SEG DATA mms[MM SEG DATA].start mms[MM SEG DATA].next free - 1 Yes Yes
MM SEG STACK mms[MM SEG STACK].start mms[MM SEG STACK].end - 1 Yes Yes
vm area vm area->vm start vm area->vm end - 1 Depends on access flags
Table 1: Valid range of addresses in various memory segments and vm areas
in gemOS/src/tracer.c)) before reading anything from the provided user buffer. Further, note that the
read/write handler functions are not separate for the two sub-parts and if you complete this sub-part,
your implementation should satisfy the requirement of both sub-parts.
Return Value: You are free to decide the return value semantics of is valid mem range. However,
you have to return -EBADMEM from the trace buffer read() and the trace buffer write() functions,
if the buffer address passed from user-space is invalid.
• You can assume that a valid buffer passed along with read/write system calls will belong to a
single memory segment/vm area i.e., a buffer would not span across multiple segments/vm areas.
• To implement this part of the assignment, you should only modify gemOS/src/tracer.c.
The user space program code is available in gemOS/src/user/init.c. You need to write your test cases
in init.c to validate your implementation. The sample test cases in gemOS/src/user/part1/subpart2/
can be copied into init.c to make use of them.
2 Implementing system call tracing functionality [25 Marks]
In this part of the assignment, you will introduce the system call tracing functionality in gemOS. It will
be similar to the functionality provided by the strace utility in Linux. System call tracing functionality
can be used to intercept and record system calls invoked by a process.
2.1 Working
If the system call tracing is enabled for a process, the OS should capture—(i) system call number, and
(ii) value of each argument, for the system calls invoked by the process. Next, the captured information
should be stored into a configured trace buffer from which the user space can consume by invoking the
read strace system call.
Figure 4: Working of system call tracing: mmap called
Figure 5: Working of system call tracing: mprotect called
For example, in Figure 4, mmap() system call is called where the information about this system call
is saved in a trace buffer. Likewise, in Figure 5, after mmap(), mprotect() system call is called and its
information is stored. When a special system call, read strace(), is called from the user space process,
information captured about the traced system calls (stored in a trace buffer), is passed back to the user
space (refer Figure 6). Note that the working of the trace buffer remains same as described in §1. For
example, read/write offsets of the trace buffer should be modified, as required, when the information
about the traced system calls is stored/consumed into/from the trace buffer.
Figure 6: Working of system call tracing: Reading the trace
Important data structures in gemOS
Relevant data structures in gemOS to solve this part of the assignment are,
• exec context (defined in gemOS/src/include/context.h) stores information related to the tracing
of system calls.
struct exec_context{
struct strace_head *st_md_base;
st md base is a pointer to the head of a list that maintains information about the system calls to
be traced.
• strace head (defined in gemOS/src/include/tracer.h) is the head of a list that maintains information about the system calls being traced.
struct strace_head{
int count;
int is_traced;
int strace_fd;
int tracing_mode;
struct strace_info *next;
struct strace_info *last;
count stores the count of the number of system calls being traced by a process. is traced is a
flag that indicates whether the system call tracing is enabled for this process or not. strace fd
stores the file descriptor of the trace buffer into which the tracing information should be stored.
tracing mode indicates the mode of system call tracing—FULL TRACING or FILTERED TRACING.
next and last are the pointers to the first and the last nodes in the list.
• strace info (defined in gemOS/src/include/tracer.h) represents each node in the list that maintains information about the system calls being traced.
struct strace_info{
int syscall_num;
struct strace_info *next;
syscall num is the system call number corresponding the system call being traced. next is a
pointer to the next node in the list.
List of Syscalls to Implement
• int start strace(int fd, int tracing mode)
• int end strace(void)
• int strace(int syscall num, int action)
• int read strace(int fd, void *buff, int count)
List of function calls to Implement
• int perform tracing(u64 syscall num, u64 param1, u64 param2, u64 param3, u64 param4)
int start strace(int fd, int tracing mode)
fd: File descriptor corresponding the trace buffer in which tracing information is to be stored.
tracing mode: A flag specifying the type of tracing—FULL TRACING or FILTERED TRACING.
System call handler: To implement start strace system call, you are required to provide implementation for the template function int sys start strace(struct exec context *current, int fd,
int tracing mode) present in gemOS/src/tracer.c. Note that, current context is passed along with all
the arguments of the start strace system call.
Description: In this system call, you have to perform initialization for tracing the future system calls.
Once start strace system call has been called, system calls called after the start strace and before
the end strace need to be traced depending on the tracing mode. If the tracing mode is set to be
FULL TRACING, you need to trace all system calls made between the start strace and the end strace.
If the tracing mode is set to be FILTERED TRACING, you need to trace only those system calls whose
tracing has been explicitly specified using strace system call (discussed in section 2.1). You can assume
that, the fd argument always corresponds to a valid trace buffer (created using create trace buffer).
Return Value: On success, return 0 and in case of error, return -EINVAL.
int end strace(void)
System call handler: To implement end strace system call, you are required to provide implementation for the template function int sys end strace(struct exec context *current) (present in
gemOS/src/tracer.c). The current execution context is passed as an argument to this function.
Description: As part of this function, you should cleanup all meta-data structures related to system
call tracing. Note that, the trace buffer used for storing the system call information is not released as
part of this system call.
Return Value: On success, return 0 and in case of error, return -EINVAL.
int perform tracing(u64 syscall num, u64 param1, u64 param2, u64 param3,
u64 param4)
syscall num: System call number of the system call that was called from user space
param1: First parameter passed to the system call that was called from user space
param2: Second parameter passed to the system call that was called from user space
param3: Third parameter passed to the system call that was called from user space
param4: Fourth parameter passed to the system call that was called from user space
Task: You need to implement the perform tracing function (defined in gemOS/src/tracer.c).
Description: Whenever a system call is called, perform tracing gets invoked. Within perform tracing,
you have to capture the information about the system call—(i) system call number (ii) value of each
parameter passed to the system call and save this information in a trace buffer. Note that the system
call numbers are specified in gemOS/src/user/ulib.h and gemOS/src/include/entry.h.
Return Value: Return 0 on success and -EINVAL in case of error.
Assumptions: You can assume that no system call takes more than four arguments.
int strace(int syscall num, int action)
syscall num: System call number of the system call to be traced
action: Action to be performed corresponding the system call—ADD STRACE or REMOVE STRACE
System call handler: To implement strace system call, you are required to provide implementation
for the template function int sys strace(struct exec context *current, int syscall num, int
action) (present in gemOS/src/tracer.c). The current execution context is passed apart from the above
arguments to this function.
Description: The strace system call is used to configure the system calls to be traced in FILTERED TRACING
mode. There can be two actions performed by the strace system call: ADD STRACE and REMOVE STRACE.
ADD STRACE action specifies that a particular system call should be traced between the start strace
and the end strace system calls. When ADD STRACE action is specified, you need to add information
about the system call being added for future tracing by adding it to the traced list (list head maintained
in st md base).
REMOVE STRACE action specifies that a particular system call (which was earlier added for tracing by
strace(syscall num, ADD STRACE)) should not be traced anymore. So, you should remove the information about the system call being removed from the traced list (list head maintained in st md base).
Return Value: On success, return 0 and in case of error, return -EINVAL.
int read strace(int fd, void *buff, int count)
fd: File descriptor corresponding to the trace buffer
buff: Address of a user-space buffer onto which the trace buffer content is read
count: A count of the system calls to be placed in the user-space buffer.
System call handler: To implement read strace system call, you are required to provide implementation for the template function int sys read strace(struct file *filep, char *buff, u64
count) (present in gemOS/src/tracer.c). Note that, the count argument specifies the number of system
calls not bytes.
Description: The read strace system call is used to retrieve the information about already traced
system calls for which the information is stored in the trace buffer. Consider an example when an
user program has executed the read and close system calls between the start and end of system call
tracing. At this point, if the read strace system call is made as following, read strace(fd, buffer,
1) then it implies that the information about only one system call (i.e., read in this example) should be
read from the trace buffer and be placed in the user-space buffer passed by the read strace. Likewise
if read strace(fd, buffer, 2) system call is made, then it implies that the information about two
system calls (both read and close in this example) should be read from the trace buffer into the the
user-space buffer passed by the read strace. You can assume that the user-space buffer will be large
enough to store the tracing information retrieved from the trace buffer.
You should fill the information about each traced system call in the user-space buffer in the following
format: first eight-bytes would contain system call number, next eight bytes should be filled with the
value of the first argument of the traced system call, next eight bytes should contain the value of the
second argument of the traced system call and so on, till the last argument. For the example scenario,
read strace(fd, buffer, 2) should fill the buffer in the following format:
userspace buffer byte offset
---------------------------------------------------------- 0
| 24 (system call number of read()) |
---------------------------------------------------------- 8
| value of the argument 1 that was passed to read() |
---------------------------------------------------------- 16
| value of the argument 2 that was passed to read() |
---------------------------------------------------------- 24
| value of the argument 3 that was passed to read() |
| (Note: read() takes only 3 arguments) |
---------------------------------------------------------- 32
| 29 (system call number of close()) |
---------------------------------------------------------- 40
| value of the argument 1 that was passed to close() |
| (Note: close() takes only 1 argument) |
---------------------------------------------------------- 48
Return Value:
On success, return the number of bytes of data filled in the userspace buffer and in case of error, return
2.2 Notes:
• You can assume that the trace buffer will always have enough space to store the tracing information
related to the traced system calls.
• Assume that the open() system call always takes two arguments.
• If a fork system call is called within start strace and end strace, then you should not trace
the system calls made by the forked process.
• Maximum number of system calls specified to be traced, using strace() system call, will be
MAX STRACE (defined in gemOS/src/include/tracer.h).
• To implement this part of the assignment, you should only modify gemOS/src/tracer.c.
2.3 Testing
The user space program code is available in gemOS/src/user/init.c. You need to write your test cases in
init.c to validate your implementation. The sample test cases (provided in gemOS/src/user/part2/)
can be copied into init.c to make use of them.
3 Implementing function call tracing functionality [40 Marks]
In this part of the assignment, you will introduce the function call tracing functionality in gemOS.
Function call tracing functionality can be used to intercept and record the functions during execution
of a process. This functionality can be useful for instructional and debugging purposes.
3.1 Working
When a traced function is called, its information —(i) function address (ii) value of each argument
passed to the function, should be stored in a trace buffer. Information about the function call is saved
in the trace buffer in their order of invocation.
Figure 7: Capturing function call information
For example, assume that the main() function calls f1() and f1() calls f2() and that the both
f1() and f2() functions are being traced. When f1() is called from main(), information regarding
this call is saved in the trace buffer (as shown in Figure 7). Similarly, when f2() function is called from
f1(), its information is added to the trace buffer.
When a special system call, read ftrace(), is called from the user-space process, information captured about the traced function calls (stored in a trace buffer), is passed back to the user-space. Note
that the working of the trace buffer remains same as described in §1. For example, read/write offsets of
the trace buffer should be modified, as required, when the information about the traced function calls
is stored/consumed into/from the trace buffer.
Important data structures in gemOS
In this section, we discuss some important data structures in gemOS relevant to solve this part of the
• exec context (defined in gemOS/src/include/context.h) stores information related to the tracing
of functions.
struct exec_context{
struct ftrace_head *ft_md_base;
ft md base is a pointer to the head of a list that maintains information about the function calls
to be traced.
• ftrace head (defined in gemOS/src/include/tracer.h) is the head of a list that maintains information about the function calls being traced.
struct ftrace_head{
long count;
struct ftrace_info *next;
struct ftrace_info *last;
count stores the count of the number of function calls being traced by a process. next and last
are the pointers to the first and the last nodes in the list.
• ftrace info (defined in gemOS/src/include/tracer.h) represents each node in the list that maintains information about the function calls being traced.
struct ftrace_info{
unsigned long faddr;
u8 code_backup[4];
u32 num_args;
int fd;
int capture_backtrace;
struct ftrace_info *next;
faddr is the address of the function being traced. code backup array can be used to store relevant data/code. num args is the number of arguments for the function being traced. fd is the
file descriptor of the trace buffer into which the function tracing information should be stored.
capture backtrace is a flag that indicates whether the function call back-trace information of a
traced function should be captured or not. next is a pointer to the next node in the list.
List of Syscalls to Implement
• long ftrace(unsigned long func addr, long action, long nargs, int fd trace buffer)
• int read ftrace(int fd, void *buff, int count)
List of functions to Implement
• long handle ftrace fault(struct user regs *regs)
long ftrace(unsigned long func addr, long action, long nargs, int fd trace buffer)
func addr: Address of an user-space function
action: Action to be performed (e.g., trace a function, stop tracing a function etc.)
nargs: Number of arguments for the function
fd trace buffer: File descriptor of the trace buffer for storing the function tracing information.
System call handler: To implement ftrace system call, you are required to provide implementation for the template function long do ftrace(struct exec context *ctx, unsigned long faddr,
long action, long nargs, int fd trace buffer) (present in gemOS/src/tracer.c). The current context (exec context) is also passed as an argument.
Description: The do ftrace handler performs different operations based on the value of the action
argument. List of actions supported by the ftrace system call are defined in gemOS/src/user/ulib.h
and gemOS/src/include/tracer.h. Operations performed as per the action value are as follows,
• ADD FTRACE: This action conveys to add the function (whose address is passed to the ftrace system
call along with this action) into the list of functions to be traced. Function tracing is disabled,
by default, for this function. Note that the ‘number of arguments’ (fourth parameter passed to
the do ftrace) and the ‘file descriptor of trace buffer’ (fifth parameter passed to the do ftrace)
are relevant for this action only and they should be ignored for other actions. Maximum number
of functions that can be present in the list of the functions to trace is FTRACE MAX (defined in
gemOS/src/include/tracer.h). If ftrace tries to add more functions than FTRACE MAX into the list
of the functions to trace, then return -EINVAL. If ftrace tries to add a function whose information
is already present in the list of functions to trace, then return -EINVAL. On success, return 0. In
case of any other error, return -EINVAL.
• REMOVE FTRACE: This action requires removing the function (whose address is passed to the ftrace
system call along with this action) from the list of functions being traced. If tracing is enabled
on this function, then, disable the tracing on the function before removing its information from
the list of functions. If ftrace tries to remove a function, whose information is not present in the
list of functions to trace, then return -EINVAL. On success, return 0. In case of any other error,
return -EINVAL.
• ENABLE FTRACE: This action starts tracing of an existing (already added) function. After this
call, whenever this function is called, its information (function address and values of arguments
passed to it) should be stored in a trace buffer. To enable the tracing of a function, you have
to manipulate the address space of the current process, so that, whenever the first instruction of
the traced function gets executed, invalid opcode fault gets triggered. To cause the invalid opcode
fault upon execution, you can make use of INV OPCODE defined in gemOS/src/include/tracer.h.
The function on which tracing is being enabled, should have already been added into the list of
functions to be traced (using ftrace(func addr, ADD FTRACE, num args, fd)). If ftrace tries
to enable tracing on a function not yet added to the list of functions to trace, return -EINVAL.
On success, return 0. In case of any other error, return -EINVAL.
• DISABLE FTRACE: This action should stop tracing the function (whose address is passed to the
ftrace system call along with this action). To disable the tracing of a function, you have to
manipulate the address space of the current process such that the function execution takes place
without any invalid-opcode faults. The function on which tracing is being disabled, should have
already been added into the list of functions to be traced using ftrace(func addr, ADD FTRACE,
num args, fd). If ftrace tries to disable tracing on a function not yet added to the list of
functions to trace, return -EINVAL. Note that, the information about the function (on which
tracing is being disabled) should not be removed from the list of the functions getting traced
because tracing can be re-enabled on this function at a latter point of time. On success, return 0.
In case of any other error, return -EINVAL.
• ENABLE BACKTRACE: This action conveys the OS to capture the call back-trace of the function
(whose address is passed to the ftrace system call along with this action). Note that, the call
back-trace of the function should be captured along with the normal function call trace information
i.e., function address and arguments. Back-trace should report the return addresses pushed on
to the stack as one function calls another function. All the return addresses (starting from the
function being traced) till the main function should be filled in the trace buffer. Example: Assume
main() calls func1 and func1 calls func2. Suppose tracing (with back trace) is enabled for func2.
When func2 is called, as part of the call back-trace, address of the first instruction of func2, return
address in func1 (saved in the stack when func2 was called) and the return address in main (saved
in stack when func1 was called) should be stored in the trace buffer. Note that, the return address
of main in the stack frame is END ADDR (defined in gemOS/src/include/tracer.h). When this address
is encountered, the backtracing should stop. Moreover, the END ADDR should not be stored in the
trace buffer byte offset
---------------------------------------------------------- x
| 0xabcdabcd (address of func2()) |
---------------------------------------------------------- x+8
| value of the argument 1 that was passed to func2() |
| (Note: Assuming func2() takes 1 only argument) |
---------------------------------------------------------- x+16 ----
| address of the first instruction of func2 | |
---------------------------------------------------------- x+24 |
| return address in func1 | |
| (saved in the stack when func2 was called) | |--- Backtrace
---------------------------------------------------------- x+32 | info
| return address in main | |
| (saved in the stack when func1 was called) | |
---------------------------------------------------------- x+40 ----
The above layout shows the captured call back-trace (along with normal call tracing information)
for func2 in the above example.
On success, return 0. In case of any error, return -EINVAL.
• DISABLE BACKTRACE: This action is used to stop capturing the call back-trace of the function
(whose address is passed to the ftrace system call along with this action). For this action, both
normal function trace and call back-trace should be disabled. On success, return 0. In case of any
error, return -EINVAL.
long handle ftrace fault(struct user regs *regs)
regs: Stores the values of the user-space registers at the time an invalid opcode fault is triggered from
the hardware. You can find the definition of struct user regs in gemOS/src/include/context.h.
Task: You need to implement handle ftrace fault function (defined in gemOS/src/tracer.c).
Description: As mentioned earlier, one way to trace a function is to generate a fault whenever that
function starts execution. handle ftrace fault is fault handler (defined in gemOS/src/tracer.c) for
the invalid opcode event. You should use this fault handler to save the tracing information such as the
function address, arguments passed to function, call back-trace (if applicable)) into the trace buffer.
Return Value: On success, return 0. In case of any error, return -EINVAL.
int read ftrace(int fd, void *buff, int count)
fd: File descriptor corresponding to the trace buffer
buff: Address of a user-space buffer onto which the trace buffer content is read
count: A count of the function calls whose information is to be placed in the user-space buffer.
System call handler: To implement the read ftrace system call, you are required to provide implementation for the template function int sys read ftrace(struct file *filep, char *buff, u64
count) (in gemOS/src/tracer.c).
Description: The read ftrace system call is used to retrieve the information about the traced functions stored in a trace buffer. Consider the example where the call flow is: main → f1 → f2 such that
both f1 and f2 are being traced. If read ftrace(fd, buffer, 1) is executed after execution of f2,
then the trace information about only one function call (f1 in this example) should be read from the
trace buffer and be placed in the user-space buffer. You can assume that the user-space buffer will be
large enough to store the tracing information retrieved from the trace buffer.
You should fill the information about each traced function call in the user-space buffer in the following
format: first eight bytes should contain the function address, next eight bytes should be the value of the
first argument of the traced function call and so on, till the last argument. If call back-trace is enabled,
then it should also be stored in the user-space buffer (eight bytes per back-trace address). For example,
for the call flow main → f1 → f2, where normal function tracing is enabled for f1 and call back-trace is
enabled for f2, then the expected content of the user buffer after executing read ftrace(fd, buffer,
2) successfully would be as follows.
userspace buffer byte offset
---------------------------------------------------------- 0
| 0xabcdabcd (address of f1()) |
---------------------------------------------------------- 8
| value of the argument 1 that was passed to f1() |
| (Note: Assuming f1() takes 1 only argument) |
---------------------------------------------------------- 16
| 0xbbccabcd (address of f2()) |
---------------------------------------------------------- 24
| value of the argument 1 that was passed to f2() |
| (Note: Assuming f2() takes 1 only argument) |
---------------------------------------------------------- 32
| address of the first instruction of f2 |
---------------------------------------------------------- 40
| return address in f1 |
| (saved in the stack when f2 was called) |
---------------------------------------------------------- 48
| return address in main |
| (saved in the stack when f1 was called) |
---------------------------------------------------------- 56
Return Value: On success, return the number of bytes of written to the user-space buffer and in case
of error, return -EINVAL.
3.2 Notes:
• Your implementation should support function tracing of recursive programs.
• To implement this part of the assignment, you should only modify gemOS/src/tracer.c.
3.3 Testing
The user space program code is available in gemOS/src/user/init.c. You need to write your test cases in
init.c to validate your implementation. The sample test cases (provided in gemOS/src/user/part3/)
can be copied into init.c to make use of them.
4 Submission
• Do not have any additional logging/printing in the submitted code.
• You have to submit zip file named your roll (for example: containing
only the following files in specified folder format:
|----- your_roll_number
|---- tracer.c
|---- tracer.h
|---- declaration
• If your submission is not as per the above instructions, a penalty of 20 marks will be applied on
the marks obtained in this assignment.
• Note: No code changes will be allowed after the assignment submission period has ended. So, test
your implementation thoroughly with the provided test cases as well as your custom test cases.

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