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Assignment #2: TocEntry

Assignment #2: 
listings and at least one sample run for each question.
1. Write a program, which prints a table of contents. Use the following data
public class TocEntry
// Specify the needed methods
private String chapter;
private int page;
In your driver/test program define:
public final int TOCSIZE = 100;
TocEntry toc[] = new TocEntry[TOCSIZE];
int toc_curlen = 0;
Next develop the necessary code, in your TocEntry class, to read in a chapter name and
page number until “****” is entered. From this generate an output, e.g.:
My Story Starts...............1
Growing up...................35
Conquering the World........103
Winding Down................186
Sample run:
% java useTocEntry

Enter chapter title: Camelot
Enter starting page number: 1
Enter chapter title: King Arthur's Court
Enter starting page number: 3
Enter chapter title: Knights of the Table Round
Enter starting page number: 8
Enter chapter title: Sir Dinadan the Humorist
Enter starting page number: 12
Enter chapter title: An Inspiration
Enter starting page number: 14
Enter chapter title: The Eclipse
Enter starting page number: 23
Enter chapter title: A Postscript by Clarence
Enter starting page number: 274
Enter chapter title: ****
King Arthur's Court..............................3
Knights of the Table Round.......................8
Sir Dinadan the Humorist........................12
An Inspiration..................................14
The Eclipse.....................................23
A Postscript by Clarence.......................274
2. Given:
public class Point
public Point(double xx, double yy, double zz)
x = xx;
y = yy;
z = zz;
public double getX()
return x;
public double getY()
return y;
public double getZ()
return z;
public double distance(Point p)
return Math.sqrt((x - p.x) * (x - p.x)
+ (y - p.y) * (y - p.y) + (z - p.z) * (z - p.z));
private double x, y, z;
public class Sphere
public Sphere(Point cntr, double rad)
center = cntr;
radius = rad;
public Point getCenter()
return center;
public double getRadius()
return radius;
private Point center;
private double radius;
a. Write toString() and equals() methods for class Sphere. Test your methods, in a driver program, by creating two
separate Spheres with two separate centers at (1,2,3) each with a radius of 5.
b. Eplain how to determine if objects are equal. Next, show that neither the centers nor the Spheres are ‘==’ but that they
are equals(). Finally, use toString() to output the salient properties of one of the Spheres.
c. Create a derived class, VSphere which includes a method to calculate the volume of a sphere; write a test driver & test it.

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