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Assignment #2 Volume Calculator

Assignment #2
CS1026 – Summer 2021
CS1026 – Assignment #2
Volume Calculator

Weight: 12%
Learning Outcomes
By completing this assignment, you will gain skills relating to:
• using loops;
• using functions;
• using lists in Python;
• creating and using Python modules;
• testing programs and designing test cases; and
• following program specifications/requirements.
In this assignment, you will write a complete program in Python that computes the
volume for cylinders, prisms and spheres. Your program should make use of functions,
loops and lists.
Your program will consist of two files: one is a module,, which computes
volumes, and the other is a main program,, which uses the functions in
module The main program,, is to prompt the user for a type of
object (e.g., a ‘cylinder’) and validate that the object is one of the expected object
types before computing the volume. In addition, your main program should keep track
of each volume that is calculated. After the user chooses to quit, your program should
display the volume for all the shapes entered in sorted order.
Functional Requirements/Specifications
1. Your main module,, should handle the prompting and input for the
different shapes and the output. Specifically, should do the following:
Assignment #2
CS1026 – Summer 2021
a. Prompt the user for the shape they are interested in and check to make sure
that their input is valid. Valid input options are as follows: ‘cylinder’ or
‘c’; ‘prism’ or ‘p’; ‘sphere’ or ‘s’; and ‘quit’ or ‘q’. You should
accept the input in any combination of upper- and lowercase letters
(e.g., prism, PRisM, Prism, etc.). If the user enters an invalid option, your
program should print a message and continue to prompt the user for a
correct choice.
b. Continue to prompt the user for different shapes until the user enters ‘quit’
or ‘q’; allow for any combination of uppercase and lowercase characters
(e.g., ‘Quit’, ‘QUit’, ‘QUiT’, etc.)
c. Prompt the user for the necessary dimensions for each of the respective
shapes. You may assume that the user enters positive floating-point
values, so you DO NOT have to check the input of dimensions for valid
d. Use the correct function in to compute the volume of the
specified shape.
e. Output a message with a computed volume.
f. Add the resulting shape and its volume to a list of volumes. Your program
should have ONE list, and each item in the list should be a tuple of the form
(shape_name, volume). The shape_name will be one of the following:
‘cylinder’, ‘prism’, or ‘sphere’ (all lowercase). You will have a single list
of tuples that contains all the shapes entered and their computed volumes.
For example, the list might look like [(‘cylinder’, 1.00), (‘sphere’,
g. Once the user has entered ‘quit’ or ‘q’, your program should sort the list
from lowest to highest. To sort a list, my_list, of tuples, you can use the
following version of the Python sort function:
my_list.sort(key = lambda my_list: my_list[1])
This tells Python to sort my_list using the element in position 1, which
should be the volume in your tuple. Your program should then print the list
of shapes and volumes in sorted order. The output should look like:
Assignment #2
CS1026 – Summer 2021
Output: Volumes of shapes entered in sorted order:
prism 12.00
cylinder 37.70
sphere 229.85
prism 320.00
sphere 2065.24
Your output should consist of a header line exactly as above, and each shape
and volume on separate lines. All volumes should be printed with 2
decimals, and output should make use of the Python formatting
operator %.
h. If the user quits before entering any shapes, then the program should print
Output: No shapes entered.
2. Your module,, should contain the functions for computing the
volumes. Each of your functions should calculate the volume of the shape
and RETURN that value (i.e., it should not print a message). Volumes for the
different shapes are computed as follows:
Volume of a cylinder = ��!ℎ
Volume of a rectangular prism = � � � � ℎ
Volume of a sphere = "
You can search “volume of a” and the shape you want on Google, and you will
get a calculator that shows the shape and provides a calculator. You can use this
method to ensure your program is calculating the volumes correctly.
Assignment #2
CS1026 – Summer 2021
Non-Functional Requirements/Specifications
1. Include brief comments in your code identifying yourself (i.e., include your name
in a comment at the beginning of your program), describing the program, and
describing key portions of the code.
2. Assignments are to be done individually and must be your own work. Software
may be used to detect academic dishonesty (cheating).
3. Use Python coding conventions and good programming techniques. Examples
§ meaningful variable names;
§ conventions for naming variables and constants (you can use underscores
or camel case, but be consistent);
§ use of constants, where appropriate;
§ readability; and
§ indentation.
4. The name of the files you submit MUST be and You will
attach the files in OWL. DO NOT compress/zip them. DO NOT just enter code
into the text submission area on OWL.
5. Make sure to use Python 3.9 as the interpreter; failure to do so may result in the
testing program failing.
Marking the Assignment
The TAs will be looking at the following things when grading your assignment:
1. Does the program behave according to the specifications found in the
assignment document?
2. Does the program handle both valid and invalid input properly?
Assignment #2
CS1026 – Summer 2021
3. Is the output according to specifications (e.g., does it print in the format
described in the specifications)? Is the calculated output correct?
4. Does the program follow the instructions for both input and output?
5. Does the submission meet the non-functional requirements (e.g., proper naming
conventions, readability, proper file name, comments, etc.)?
The TAs will also be checking to ensure that things were not hardcoded and that your
program actually uses the techniques learned in this course.
Examples of Output and Some Test Cases
The following illustrate possible messages and output for your program and values for
testing your program. These examples do not necessarily test all aspects of your
program. It is your responsibility to design your own test cases and to test it
Example 1 – Regular Input
Assignment #2
CS1026 – Summer 2021
Example 2 – No Input
Example 3 – Incorrect Input
Example 4 – A Variety of Input

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