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Assignment-3 Stable Matching

CS 310 ‘Algorithms’ Assignment-3
 [Total Marks = 65]
IMPORTANT: Read the instructions at the end of this document and follow the naming
Marks for writing well-structured and efficient code. [4 marks]
Stable Matching
Q1. [10 marks]
We have a set A={a1, a2, a3, … an} of n airports and a set P={p1, p2, p3, pn} of n
airplanes. There is hangar space available at each of the airports for a single plane. Each of
the airports have a preference list where they rank all the n airplanes and each of the
airplanes have a preference list where they rank all of the n airports.
Some of the airplanes, however, are big in size and can only be accommodated in hangars
large enough to hold them. There will, thus, be some airport-airplane pairs which are invalid
because of the mismatch in their sizes. We define a set X which contains all such invalid
Design an algorithm that takes as input the preference lists of each of the airports and
airplanes and the set X and produces a stable matching. Note that it is possible that the
matching produced by your algorithm is not perfect. This stable matching should not
have any instability and should not contain any pairs from set X.
For this question, you have to do the following:
1. Code an efficient C/C++ algorithm that takes as input the preference lists of airports
and airplanes and the set X and produces a stable matching as described above. [7]
2. In the comments at the beginning of your code, describe how your algorithm works
and terminates. What is the running time of your algorithm and how much space
does it use? Your should include clear comments that explain your algorithm’s time
and space complexity. [1]
3. You should create at least two different input files to test your algorithm for different
scenarios (see format below). [2]
Your code will read input from a text file. The format of the file is as follows. The first line
contains the value of ‘n’, followed by the preference lists of ‘n’ airplanes (represented by P)
and preference lists of ‘n’ airports (represented by A), respectively. The last line contains the
set X. The excluded pairs in X are separated by commas as shown below. E.g., Pair P2 A2
means that the plane P2 cannot be housed in airport A2.
Input :
n 4
P1: A1, A3, A2, A4
P2: A3, A1, A2, A4
P3: A4, A3, A2, A1
P4: A2, A1, A4, A3
A1: P1, P2, P3, P4
A2: P3, P2, P1, P4
A3: P4, P3, P2, P1
A4: P2, P1, P4, P3
X: P2 A2, P1 A4
Stable Matching: A1 P1, A2 P3, A3 P4, A4 P2
Q2. [10 marks]
The archeological department is organizing an excavation and there are n teams
participating in it. This excavation is spread over n different locations and the teams move
from one location to another after finishing work at the previous location. The organizers
want that no two teams should visit the same location at the same time. They have made
different visiting schedules for these teams. Due to lack of funds, they want to stop the
movement of the teams and assign each of them to one location for a year. Remember that
the teams will be moving according to their schedules and we want to find where each of the
teams should finally stop, while fulfilling the following conditions:
1. No two teams can be at the same location at the same time. For example, if a team
T1 has chosen location L3 as its final stopping destination then no other team can visit
L3 after that.
2. Each team should be assigned a different final destination.
You have to do the following:
1. Design an efficient C/C++ algorithm that takes as input the location schedules for
each of the teams and outputs a final destination for each of the teams, while fulfilling
the conditions mentioned above. [8]
2. In the comments at the beginning of your code, describe how your algorithm works
and terminates. What is the running time of your algorithm and how much space
does it use? Your should include clear comments that explain your algorithm’s time
and space complexity. Hint: Do not reinvent the wheel! Use your knowledge of the
stable matching algorithm to solve this problem. You can think of these schedules as
location preference lists for the teams. [2]
EXAMPLE: Suppose following is the time schedule for the teams.
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6
Team 1 (T1
) L1 __ L2 __ L3 __
Team 2 (T2
) __ L1 __ L2 __ L3
Team 3 (T3
) L2 __ L3 __ L1 __
The correct final destinations of each of the teams is (L1
), (L2
), (L3
Your code will read input from a text file. The format of the file is as follows. The first line
contains the value of ‘n’, followed by the schedule of each of the teams. The input of above
example is shown below.
Input :
n 3
T1: L1,-, L2,-, L3,-
T2: -,L1,-, L2,-, L3
T3: L2,-, L3,- L1,-
Final Destinations: L1 T3, L2 T2, L3 T1
Divide and Conquer
Q3. [11 marks]
In this question you will implement a board game using the Divide and Conquer approach.
You are given an nxn square board, where n is a power of 2. One of the squares on the
board is blank and you have to fill the remaining squares with boomerangs. Each boomerang
occupies three squares that form a right angle. See the illustration below. The greyed
square is blank and all the remaining squares should be completely filled with boomerangs.
No boomerangs will share any squares.
1. Code an efficient algorithm in C/C++ that asks the user for the value of ‘n’ and the
row and column indices of the blank square. It will then fill all the remaining squares
with boomerangs. In order to print boomerangs on your screen, you will use different
alphabet letters as shown in the illustration below. You program should output an
nxn matrix with alphabet letters on the screen. [8]
2. Give a clear description of your algorithm and the data structures used to implement
it in the comments at the beginning of your code. What is the recurrence relation of
your algorithm? What is the running time of your algorithm and how much
space does it use? Your should include clear comments that explain your
algorithm’s time and space complexity. [2+1]
Q4. [15 marks]
You are given a complete binary tree of height h and n=2
leaves. Each vertex in the tree
has an integer value associated with it. We have numbered the leaves from x1
to xn starting
from left to right. An ancestor of a vertex is its parent, grandparent etc., up to the root of the
tree. We define the following:
) of a leaf nodes as the set of vertices including xi and all its ancestors.
Ancestry(xi, xj
) of a pair of leaves is defined as union of their respective ancestries, i.e.,
) U Ancestry(xj
Example: Consider the following binary tree.
) = {x2
, v1
, root}
) = {x4
, v2
, root}
) = Ancestry(x2
) U Ancestry(x4
) = {x2
, v1
, root, x4
, v2
Value of Ancestry(x2
) = 37+15+27
Value of Ancestry(x4
) = 4+3+27
Value of Ancestry(x2,x4
) = 37+15+27+3+4 = 86
You have to describe a Divide and Conquer (D&C) algorithm that finds two leaves xi
and xj
such that Value of Ancestry (xi
) is maximum.
1. Code an efficient algorithm in C/C++ that solves the above problem. Your code will
first generate a complete binary tree and assign random integer values to all the
nodes in the tree. Your code will then run the divide and conquer algorithm on the
tree to find xi and xj
that maximize the value of Ancestry. Your algorithm should list
the value of nodes in Ancestry (xi
), value of nodes in Ancestry (xj
) and Value of Max
Ancestry (xi
, xj
). See output format below. [12]
2. Give a clear description of your algorithm and the data structures used to implement
it in the comments at the beginning of your code. What is the recurrence relation of
your algorithm? What is the running time of your algorithm and how much
space does it use? Your should include clear comments that explain your
algorithm’s time and space complexity. [2+1]
3. You algorithm should run for large values of ‘n’. The above example is only for
illustration purposes. For testing, remember to change the seed of your random
number generator in different executions of the algorithm.
4. You will get partial credit if you design a O(nlog2n) D&C algorithm. It is possible to
design a D&C algorithm for this problem that runs in O(n) time.
Output format:
xi = x1
xj = x2
Value of nodes in Ancestry (x1) = {17, 15, 27}
Value of nodes in Ancestry (x2) = {37, 15, 27}
Value of Max Ancestry (x1, x2) = 96 /* NOTE: 17+37+15+27 = 96. Common ancestors v1
and root are only counted once since it is a union of sets. */
Q5. [15 marks]
You are given ‘n’ encrypted photos. The images in the photos belong to different biological
species. You have to determine if there are more than photos that belong to the same 2
species or not. Since the photos are encrypted, you can’t examine them directly and have to
call a function that takes as input two photos and tells you if they belong to the same
species or not. Assume there can be at most ‘m’ different species, where m<n.
1. Code an efficient Divide & Conquer (D&C) algorithm in C/C++ that solves the above
problem. Your code will ask the user for positive integer values of ‘n’ and ‘m’. Your
code will generate ‘n’ photos and randomly assign species to the photos. You will
also write a helper function decode(), that takes two photos as parameters and
returns “Y” if they belong to the same species, otherwise returns “N” (decode() is
only allowed to compare two photos at a time and there is no way to inspect or
compare the photos except through this function). If more than photos belong to 2
the same species, then your D&C algorithm will report “success” and list the indices
of those photos, otherwise report “failure”. [12]
2. Give a clear description of your algorithm and the data structures used to implement
it in the comments at the beginning of your code. What is the recurrence relation of
your algorithm? What is the running time of your algorithm and how much
space does it use? Your should include clear comments that explain your
algorithm’s time and space complexity. [2+1]
3. The time complexity of your algorithm should not be more than O(nlog2n).
Instructions and policies
1. You must submit your own work. You may discuss the problems with other
classmates but must not reveal the solution to others or copy someone’s work.
Remember to acknowledge other classmates if discussions with them has helped
2. You should name your code files using the following convention: Qx-rollno.c
3. Type your answer to the theoretical questions and submit a separate pdf file for each
using the naming convention above.
4. Upload all your files in Assignment-3 folder on LMS. There will be a 20% deduction
for assignments submitted up to one day late. Assignments submitted 24
hours after the deadline will not be marked.
5. There will be vivas during grading of the assignment. The TAs will announce a
schedule and ask you to sign up for viva time slots. Failure to show up for vivas will
result in a 70% marks reduction in the assignment.
6. In the questions where you are asked to create test cases. Think carefully about good
test cases that check different conditions and corner cases. The examples given in
the assignment are for clarity and illustration purposes. You should not assume that
those are the only test cases your code should work for. Your code should be able to
scale up to larger input sizes and more complex scenarios.
7. Do not make arbitrary assumptions about the input or the structure of the problem
without clarifying them first with the Instructor or the TAs.
8. Make sure that your code compiles and runs on Ubuntu. You may choose to develop
your code in your favourite OS environment, however, the code must be properly
tested on Linux before submission. During vivas, your code should not have any
compatibility issues. It's a good idea to use gcc -Wall option flag to generate the
compiler's warnings. Pay attention to those warnings as fixing them will lead to a
much better and robust code.
9. For full credit, comment your code clearly and state any assumptions that you have
made. As mentioned in the beginning of the assignment, there are marks for writing
well-structured and efficient code.
10. Familiarize yourself with LUMS policy on plagiarism and the penalties associated with
it. We will use a tool to check for plagiarism in the submissions.

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