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Assignment 3 Docker containers

Assignment 3

** Late submissions are not accepted and will result in a 0 on the assignment

This assignment focuses on building a light-weight application using Docker containers.
Grading Scheme:
• Job1: Report: 10%
• Job2: Extraction Engine: 10%
• Job3: Web Page (Search Page/ Note Submission Page): 10%
• Job4: Docker Containers: 45%
• Job5: Deployment: 5%
• Job6: Testing: 15%
• Adding citation in IEEE/ACM Format only. Use reliable information source: 5%

Academic Integrity:
• This assignment does not require group work. Therefore, each student is expected to
complete their work by themselves. Collaboration of any type amounts to a violation of the
academic integrity policy and will be reported to the AIO.
• Do not copy texts verbatim from online or printed materials
• Do not copy texts from other’s work
• Do not submit other’s work
• If you obtain help from Tutor(s), please acknowledge
• Provide citation for texts, images, tables, data etc.
• The Dalhousie Academic Integrity policy applies to all material submitted as part of this
course. Please understand the policy, which is available

Job Description:
Using the given architecture develop a cloud application. Follow the given steps:

Fig: Book Title, Author Search Application (CSCI 5409 Model Project)

Report: Write a 1 page report on your understanding of the given architecture. You should mention
your configuration, design, and implementation details in the report. Expectations: Documenting
containers, API calls, and design require background theoretical foundation. Therefore, read official
documentation provided by Docker, AWS – provide citation.
Extraction Engine: You need to create a simple program using Python/ Java/ C++/ Perl to extract
title, and authors of English books given in the link
You need to extract information from all files - 1996(earlier) to 2020. Your program should process
each file and store in the AWS MongoDb database. After processing each file, the program should
introduce a delay of 5 minutes. In addition, you should capture and store in MongoDb the file process
start time, and end time.
Web Page: You need to create a simple web page using Php/JSP/ Angular/ React with one keyword
search option, one note submission option (which appears after keyword search), and note retrieval
option. It is a single user application, so no login or session management required.
Docker Containers: You need to create containerized services as given in the architecture. Follow the
arrows and directions to understand the interactions, and API calls.
• If a user type a keyword and hit “search” – The time of search request and the keyword are
stored in Search Log. The search log also count frequency of keywords searched.
• If the search is successful the data (author, title) is placed in catalogue and the result is
returned to the browser client
• For a successful search, the user can enter a note and submit. This notes are handled as JSON
structure in User Notes. Multiple notes for the same keyword can be entered
• Notes related to a keyword can also be retrieved.
Deployment: Successful deployment of the system is very important. You must follow the given
architecture. This application does not require any load balancing, auto scaling, or huge resources.
Testing: Write small test cases for different components of your application, and show evidence of
testing. You can check this URL for some examples:
Submission Instruction:
• Create a Folder with your name and B00 number, and store all your files –
o Program Source code with readme and/or libraries
o PDF file containing all answers
o Screenshots and image files (if any)
• Compress the folder and create a .ZIP file (do not use other compression formats)
• Upload the .ZIP file on Brightspace.
• Submission Due: Mar 17, 2020 at 11:59 pm (midnight)

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