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Assignment 3 NUMA behavior

Assignment 3
This assignment is divided into two parts. In the first part, we are going to observe the
performance effects of Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) behavior that is present in today’s
multi-socket platforms. Then, in the second part, we are going to analyze the memory reordering
behavior observable in modern processors.
Assignment – Part 1
We provide a small program (numa.c) where we allocate a large 8GB array, and the base
program traverses the array from the start to the end while accessing every byte. The given
program performs 8G accesses, as it accesses each byte in the 8GB array.
First, we will analyze the effect of NUMA behavior on this program. Modern processors consist
of multiple sockets, where each socket is a group of processors with their own cache and
memory. Processors on each socket can access both their and the remote socket’s memory.
Multiple sockets are required because it is expensive to scale the number of cores within the
same socket. On the SCITAS cluster, we have two sockets with 14 cores each.
To measure the performance impact of NUMA, you need to use the numactl command (man
numactl or here) that is present on the cluster. This command will allow you to choose policies
that can allocate program memory to different NUMA sockets in a local, remote, or interleaved
fashion. You need to write a SCITAS job submission script that runs the numa program with these
three memory allocation policies. This script should be named and is one
of the deliverables. You need to document the results you obtain in your report.
In the results that you obtain, you will find that there is very little performance difference among
the three NUMA memory allocation policies. This is because with the current numa program, the
hardware is able to hide most of the NUMA latency. To understand the effect of NUMA behavior
on latency, you need to expose as much of the memory access latency as possible. Therefore, the
next task requires you to de-optimize the given numa program.
A key part of this task is for you to bypass the three main optimizations used by modern servers
to hide or reduce memory access latency – caching data, cache line prefetching, and out-of-order
execution. As we have already seen, caches store recently accessed data which can be useful
because of spatial or temporal locality. Modern caches also automatically prefetch the next cache
line (next 64 bytes) when a cache line is accessed. They also employ a stride prefetcher that can
detect linear access patterns in your memory accesses, and prefetch the required cache lines 
(e.g. if you always access the 10th cache line relative to last access). Apart from this, modern outof-order cores perform memory accesses in parallel if they can calculate the address of the
memory elements. Therefore, you need to change the given program so that:
• Your memory accesses do not benefit from caching.
• Your memory accesses do not benefit from cache line prefetching.
• The address of the next access can only be calculated after the first access completes.
You need to modify the numa.c program to traverse the 8GB array (you do not have to access
every element). The goal here is to increase the (time taken/memory access) metric as much as
possible by exposing the memory access latency (at least 1.0e-8 seconds per access while
performing at least 10M accesses). You are only allowed to change the next_addr and init_array
functions. The array indices you access should monotonically increase i.e. you cannot go back or
loop in the array. Only basic operations (+,-,/,*,%,if/else) and memory accesses are allowed in
next_addr and init_array, and therefore you cannot include loops, functions calls, or external
library calls. You can use the already provided random number generator functions in init_array,
but not in next_addr. You cannot add irrelevant or complex calculations to increase execution
time, and all the code modifications should be justified in the report.
Once you are done with the program, you can again use your script to run
your modified numa program with the three NUMA memory allocation policies. Document the
results in your report, and compare with the results you got previously.
Assignment – Part 2
The aim of this part is to analyze the hardware reordering of the instructions in the program
assembly, and the effect of NUMA accesses on the reordering frequency. As x86 processors
implement a model similar to processor consistency (actual model is not officially disclosed), we
can only observe loads bypassing stores.
We provide a program (order.c) that uses three threads (two explicit + one main) to detect
memory re-orderings on the processors in the SCITAS cluster. The main thread (always pinned to
core 0) is responsible for controlling the execution of the two explicit threads, counting the reordering events, and reinitializing all the variables. The explicit threads follow the example given
in the class slides, and perform reads and writes to the shared X and Y variables. The program
already reports the number of re-orderings detected in 1M loop iterations. Using this program,
you have to perform the following three mini-tasks:
• Dump the assembly of this program using gcc -S (you can use the order_asm target in
the given Makefile) and identify the instructions that are re-ordered by the processor.
Please use the gcc present on the SCITAS cluster to obtain the same assembly as us. In
your report, explain the sequence in which these instructions actually access memory and
lead to a reordering detection.
• Using the numactl command, create a script that runs the
order program twice while positioning the two explicit threads on the same socket and 
on different sockets. In your report, analyze the impact of this NUMA behavior on the
reordering frequency you observe in the program. (Hint: use numactl -C)
• Finally, modify the explicit thread functions in the order.c program to force the
required ordering between memory operations using the special ordering instructions
that were discussed in the lectures. Run the program to verify that orderings are not
detected anymore. Analyze the assembly for this new program, and explain the
corresponding hardware behavior in your report.
Development Infrastructure
On the course’s Moodle page, we have provided the tarball A3.tgz, which contains the
following files:
▪ Makefile – compiles the given programs.
▪ – A sample script to submit jobs to the SCITAS cluster. Please use the given
parameters while using the script.
▪ utility.h – contains a set of helper functions:
▪ set_clock & elapsed_time: to measure the start and end of execution.
▪ init_rand & next_rand: generate random numbers.
▪ numa.c – the program for array traversal. You need to de-optimize the program to
increase the (time taken/memory access) metric while obeying the constraints given in
the program.
▪ order.c – the program for detecting memory reorderings. You have to modify this
program to prevent memory reorderings by including special ordering instructions.
An example of running the programs and the output they produce:
Please make sure that the output is in the same format as given.
To submit your code and your report, create a tarball archive (this is the only accepted format!)
called a3_<yourGroupID.tgz and upload it on Moodle. Your file must contain:
▪ A de-optimized version of numa.c.
# /bin/bash
$ ./numa
Traversing 8 GB array took total time = 2.564 seconds, number of
accesses = 44975068, 5.7e-08 seconds per access
999758 memory re-orderings detected in 1000000 iterations - 99
▪ A script containing commands to run numa.c with three NUMA
▪ A modified version of order.c with no re-orderings possible.
▪ A script containing commands to run order.c with the two
explicit threads on the same and different NUMA nodes.
▪ A report, with the name a3_<yourGroupID.pdf , that complies to the following
In the report, we expect you to perform the following tasks:
1- Report the performance difference you got when running numa with different allocation
policies (local, remote, interleaved). When you run the original optimized numa program
with these policies, what is the difference you observe? Explain.
2- Explain how you de-optimized numa. List the different optimizations you removed, and
how much did each of them effect the (time taken/memory access) metric.
3- Explain the assembly instructions that you analyzed as the cause behind memory reorderings in order. What changes did you make to the program to disable these reorderings? How does the hardware behave after your changes?
4- Report the change in the number of re-orderings observed when running the order
program explicit threads in the same socket and different sockets. What is the cause of
this behavior?
The report should be as precise as possible, addressing the questions above. Keep the answers
of the above questions and your reasoning brief and precise. A regular report should not be
longer than 2-3 pages.
The code will be graded automatically by a script and checked for plagiarism. The script will check
if the results returned are consistent with what was expected. Plagiarized code will receive 0. We
will escalate plagiarism cases to the student section.
The reports will be read and graded by humans and checked for plagiarism automatically.
The grade breakdown is as follows:
• Correctness: 50%
• Report: 50%

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