Artificial Intelligence Assignment 3
Download assignment3.zip from Canvas. There are four problems worth a total of 125 points for comp440 and a total of 145 p oints for
comp557 students. Problems 1 and 2 require written work only, Problem 3 requires Python code
and a writeup. All written work should be placed in a file called writeup.pdf with problem numbers
clearly identified. Problem 4 is best solved with a small Python program which should be turned in
as prob4.py. All code should be included in submission.py at the labeled points. For Problem
3, please run the auto grader using the command line python grader.py and report the results in
your writeup. Zip up your writeup.pdf, submission.py and prob4.py (if applicable) and submit
it as an attachment on Canvas by the due date/time.
1 Policy evaluation and pacman (20 points)
Pacman is at a bonus level! With no ghosts around, he can eat as many dots as he wants. He is in
the 5 x 1 grid shown. The cells are numbered from left to right as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. In cells 1 through
4, the actions available to him are to move Right (R) or to Fly (F) out of the bonus level. The
action Right deterministically lands Pacman in the cell to the right (and he eats the dot there),
while the Fly action deterministically lands him in a terminal state and ends the game. From cell
5, Fly is the only action. Eating a dot gives a reward of 10, while flying out gives a reward of 20.
Pacman starts in the leftmost cell (cell 1). We can model the problem as an MDP with the state
set S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} ,action set A = {R, F} and local rewards r as described above. The discount
factor is γ.
1 2 3 4 5
Consider these three policies.
π0(s) = F for all s
π1(s) = R if s ≤ 3, F otherwise
π2(s) = R if s ≤ 4, F otherwise
• (10 points) Assume γ = 1.0. Evaluate the three policies and fill in the values in the table
2 1 2 3 4 5
• (3 points) Does there exist a value for γ such that π0 is strictly better than both π1 and π2?
If yes, give a value or value range or γ. If no, write none.
• (3 points) Does there exist a value for γ such that π1 is strictly better than both π0 and π2?
If yes, give a value or value range or γ. If no, write none.
• (4 points) Does there exist a value for γ such that π2 is strictly better than both π0 and π1?
If yes, give a value or value range or γ. If no, write none.
2 Policy iteration (30 points)
Consider an MDP with three states 1, 2 and 3 with rewards r of -1, -2 and 0 respectively. State 3
is a terminal state. In states 1 and 2 there are two possible actions: a and b. The transition model
is as follows:
• In state 1, action a moves the agent to state 2 with probability 0.8, and makes the agent stay
in state 1 with probability 0.2.
• In state 2, action a moves the agent to state 1 with probability 0.8, and makes the agent stay
in state 2 with probability 0.2.
• In states 1 and 2, the action b moves the agent to state 3 with probability 0.1 and makes the
agent stay put with probability 0.9.
Answer the following questions about this MDP.
• (3 points) Without actually solving the MDP, what can you say about the optimal policy at
states 1 and 2?
• (10 points) Assume the initial policy is b in states 1 and 2. Apply policy iteration to determine
the optimal policy for states 1 and 2. Show your work in full, including the policy evaluation
and policy update steps.
• (5 points) Assume the initial policy is a in states 1 and 2. Apply policy iteration as in the
previous part. Can you solve for the optimal policy with this starting point? Why?
• (7 points) Does the inclusion of a discount factor γ < 1 allow policy iteration to work with an
initial policy of a in states 1 and 2? Compute one round of policy iteration (policy evaluation
+ policy update) for this initial policy with discount factors of 0.9, and then 0.1. What are
the policies at the end of the first round of computation for these two discount factors?
3 MDPs and peeking blackjack (75 points) 3
Markov decision processes (MDPs) can be used to formalize uncertain situations where the goal is
to maximize some kind of reward. In this problem, you will implement the algorithms that can be
used to automatically construct an optimal policy for such situations. You will then formalize a
modified version of Blackjack as an MDP, and apply your algorithm to come up with an optimal
3.1 Problem 1: Solving MDPs (55 points)
3.1.1 Computing Q from value function V (5 points)
As a warmup, we’ll start by implementing the computation of Q from V , filling out the computeQ()
function in submission.py. Recall that V (s) is the value (expected utility) starting at state s,
given some policy. Given a value function, we can define Q(s, a), the expected utility received when
performing action a in state s.
Q(s, a) = X
T(s, a, s0
)[reward(s, a, s0
) + γV (s
In this equation, the transition probability T(s, a, s0
) is the probability of ending up in state s
after performing action a in state s, reward(s, a, s0
) is the reward when you end up in state s
0 after
performing action a in state s, and γ is the discount factor, which is a parameter indicating how
much we devalue rewards from future states. Intuitively, V (s) represents the value of a state, and
Q(s, a) represents how valuable it is to perform a particular action in a particular state. We will
use the computeQ function in building the policy iteration algorithm.
3.1.2 Policy evaluation (15 points)
Policy iteration proceeds by alternating between (i) finding the value of all states given a particular
policy (policy evaluation) and (ii) finding the optimal policy given a value function (policy improvement). We will first implement policy evaluation by filling out the function policyEvaluation()
in submission.py. Given a policy π, we compute the value Vπ(s) of each state s in our MDP. We
use the Bellman equation iteratively:
(s) ←
T(s, π(s), s0
)[reward(s, π(s), s0
) + γV (t−1)
where V
π is the estimate of the value function of policy π after t iterations. We repeatedly apply
this update until V
π (s) ≈ V
π (s), for every state s.
3.1.3 Extracting the optimal policy from value function V (5 points)
Next, we compute the optimal policy given a value function V , in the function computeOptimalPolicy()
in submission.py. This policy simply selects the action that has maximal value for each state.
π(s) = argmaxa∈Actions(s)Q(s, a)
3.1.4 Policy iteration (10 points)
Once we know how to construct a value function given a policy, and how to find the optimal policy
given a value function, we can perform policy iteration. Fill out the solve() function in class
PolicyIteration in submission.py. Start with a value function that is for 0 all states, and then
alternate between finding the optimal policy for your current value function, and finding the value
function for your current policy. Stop when your optimal policy stops changing.
3.1.5 Value iteration (10 points)
As an alternative to performing a full policy evaluation in each iteration, as in policy iteration, we
can replace it with a single step of policy evaluation. That is, we first find π(s) with respect to
(t−1) for every non-terminal state s, and use the equation below once to find V
(s) ←
T(s, π(s), s0
)[reward(s, π(s), s0
) + γV (t−1)(s
We alternate between finding the optimal policy for the current value function, and doing a single
step of policy evaluation. Stop when the new value function V
(t) ≈ V
(t−1). This algorithm is called
value iteration. Implement it in the solve() function in class ValueIteration in submission.py.
3.1.6 Noisy transition model (10 points)
If we add noise to the transitions of an MDP, does the optimal value get worse? Specifically, consider
an MDP with reward function reward(s, a, s0
), state space S, and transition function T(s, a, s0
We define a new MDP which is identical to the original, except for its transition function T
(s, a, s0
defined as
(s, a, s0
) = T(s, a, s0
) + α
[T(s, a, s0) + α]
for some α 0. Let V1 be the optimal value function for the original MDP, and let V2 be the optimal
value function for the MDP with added uniform noise. Is it always the case that V1(s0) ≥ V2(s0)
where s0 is the start state? If so, prove it in writeup.pdf and put return None for each of the code
blocks for this problem in submission.py. Otherwise, construct a counterexample by filling out
CounterexampleMDP and counterexampleAlpha() in submission.py. This problem is manually
graded – there is no test case for it in the auto grader.
3.2 Problem 2: Peeking blackjack (20 points)
Now that we have written general-purpose MDP algorithms, let us use them to play (a modified
version of) Blackjack. For this problem, you will be creating an MDP to describe a modified version
5 of Blackjack. For our version of Blackjack, the deck can contain an arbitrary collection of cards
with different values, each with a given multiplicity. For example, a standard deck would have
card values {1, 2, . . . , 13} and multiplicity 4. However, you could also have a deck with card values
{1, 5, 20}, or any other set of numbers. The deck is shuffled (each permutation of the cards is
equally likely). The game occurs in a sequence of rounds. Each round, the player either
• takes a card from the top of the deck (costing nothing)
• peeks at the top card (costing peekCost, in which case the next round, that card will be
• quits the game
Note that it is not possible to peek twice; if the player peeks twice in a row, then succAndProbReward()
should return []. The game continues until one of the following conditions becomes true:
• The player quits, in which case her reward is the sum of the cards in her hand.
• The player takes a card, and this leaves her with a sum that is greater than the threshold, in
which case her reward is 0.
• The deck runs out of cards, in which case it is as if she quits, and she gets a reward which is
the sum of the cards in her hand.
As an example, assume the deck has card values {1, 5}, with multiplicity 2. Let us say the threshold
is 10. Initially, the player has no cards, so her total is 0. At this point, she can peek, take, or quit.
If she quits, the game is over and she receives a reward of 0. If she takes the card, a card will be
selected from the deck uniformly at random. Assuming the card is a 5, then her total is 5, and the
deck would then contain two 1’s and one 5. If she peeks, then the deck remains the same, and she
still has no cards in her hand, but on the next round she is allowed to make her decision using her
knowledge of the next card.
Let us assume she peeks and the card is a 5. Then her hand still contains no cards, and on the
next round, she is faced with the same choice of peek, take or quit. If she peeks again, then the set
of possible next states is empty. If she takes, then the card will be a 5, and the deck will be left
with two 1’s and one 5.
3.2.1 Implementing blackjack as an MDP (15 points)
Implement the game of Blackjack as an MDP by filling out the succAndProbReward() function of
class BlackjackMDP in submission.py. To help out out, we have already given you startState().
3.2.2 Engineering MDPs for specific policies (5 points)
Let’s say you’re running a casino, and you’re trying to design a deck to make people peek a lot.
Assuming a fixed threshold of 20, and a peek cost of 1, your job is to design a deck where for at least
10% of states, the optimal policy is to peek. Fill out the function peekingMDP() in submission.py
to return an instance of BlackjackMDP where the optimal action is to peek in at least 10% of states.
4 Robot couriers and Markov decision problems (optional for6
comp440; required for comp557 (20 points)
Consider the problem faced by a robot courier in Duncan Hall assigned the task of delivering files,
office supplies, copies, and assorted other small items to people. People send requests to the robot
through the wireless local area network in Duncan. The robot rides the elevators and can make
deliveries on any floor. It is rewarded for making deliveries, and its rewards depend on where it is
and how far it is required to travel. Each floor of Duncan has a separate copy room and a reception
area. For the most part, the robot waits around for the next delivery job. It has a choice of waiting
in the copier room on any floor, the reception area on any floor or by the elevators on the first and
third floor (the robot hates the dark hallway by the second floor elevator entrance). The complete
specification of the robot problem is in Table 1. Solve the MDP specified in the table by value
iteration terminating when the policy stabilizes. What is the optimal policy for the robot courier
for discount factors 1, 0.75, 0.5 and 0.1? Show the value function Vt(s) for each of the three states
for all four discount factors, and for all times t ≥ 0 till the policy coverges. (Hint: it may be useful
to write a little program that does value iteration).
i a p(i, a, j) r(i, a, j)
1 2 3 1 2 3
1 c 0.5 0.25 0.25 10 4 8
r 0.0625 0.75 0.1875 8 2 4
e 0.25 0.125 0.625 4 6 4
2 c 0.5 0 0.5 14 0 18
r 0.0625 0.875 0.0625 8 16 8
3 c 0.25 0.25 0.5 10 2 8
r 0.125 0.75 0.125 6 4 2
e 0.75 0.0625 0.1875 4 0 8
Table 1: There are three states: 1, 2 and 3 representing the three floors of Duncan. The actions
are c, r and e standing for waiting by the copier room, the reception area or the elevator on a given
floor. p(i, a, j) is the probability of transitioning from state i to state j by action a. r(i, a, j) is the
immediate reward obtained when the transition from state i to j via action a occurs.