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 Assignment 3: Algorithms in the MapReduce Framework 

 Assignment 3: Algorithms in the MapReduce Framework 

In this assignment, you will be implementing some of the MapReduce algorithms we saw during class. The goal of this assignment is to help you gain some experience in "thinking in MapReduce" terms. To this end, we will be using small datasets that you can inspect to determine the correctness of your results. 

Before you start this assignment you need to review the slides from the MapReduce lectures.

## Assignment Details
In this assignment you will need to come up with a MapReduce implementation for several problems.  The problems are described in the Assignment3.ipynb notebook. The notebook includes the word count example we discussed in class, implemented as a MapReduce program using the Python MR framework we will use for this assignment.

For each problem we ask you to solve, we provide you with a Python script that contains code similar to the word count example. For each of these scripts you will need to fill in the implementation of the map function and the reduce function. Your python submission scripts are required to have a mapper function that accepts at least 1 argument and a reducer function that accepts at least 2 arguments. Your submission is also required to have a global variable named mr which points to a MapReduce object. YOU SHOULD NOT EDIT ANYTHING ELSE IN THE PROGRAM. IF YOU EDIT ANY OTHER PARTS OF ANY OF THE PROVIDED SCRIPTS YOU WILL RECEIVE ZERO POINTS FOR THE CORRESPONDING PROBLEMS.

## Submission Instructions

In summary, you need to submit in the GitHub classroom the following 5 files:

When testing, make sure is in the same directory as the solution script. We also provide you with solution data for each problem in the solutions folder. You can use those to evaluate the correctness of your scripts.

## Grade 
The rubric below will be updated upon completion of grading 

      <td>Part 1 (20 points)</td>
      <td>Part 2  (20 points) </td>
      <td>Part 3  (20 points) </td>
      <td>Part 4  (20 points) </td>
      <td>Part 5  (20 points) </td>


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