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Assignment 3 - Animating Warping Surfaces

CS2035 - Assignment 3 - 
Animating Warping Surfaces

This MATLAB assignment requires you to write one MATLAB script file, a3.m, to compute
a linear interpolation of one surface into another and back again, together with advanced annotation of the plots..
You will learn about:
• linear interpolation of surfaces and quantities;
• definite numerical integration of a surface;
• animating variation of surfaces;
• finer control of labeling and coloring of axis elements;
• symbolic integration of functions.
This assignment is worth 11 2
3% of the course mark.
CS2035: Assignment 2 - 2018 2
A surface plot of the equation
f1(x, y) = 10 sinc(p
2 + y
), (1)
where sinc(x) = sin(πx)
is the normalized sinc function, looks a bit like the surface of a pool of
water after a stone has been dropped in it, while the following equation
f2(x, y) = 18 −
2 + y
+ sin(p
2 + y
) +
200 − (x
2 + y
) + 10 sin(x) + 10 sin(y)
produces a surface that looks like a flower.
This assignment requires you to write a MATLAB program that performs an animation of
these 2 function surface functions warping the first surface into the second surface, then the
second surface into the first surface. Figure 1 shows the mesh plots of these 2 surfaces.
(a) f1(x, y) (b) f2(x, y)
Figure 1: Surface plots for (a) f1(x, y) from equation (1) and (b) f2(x, y) from equation (2),
both with numerically and symbolically evaluated integral values printed on them.
Plotting the Functions
The various tasks in this assignment include:
CS2035: Assignment 2 - 2018 3
1. First, you have to plot the 2 functions. Use xmin and ymin values of -8 and xmax and
ymax values of +8, and construct arrays for the x and y values using linspace vectors xs
and ys with 201 points. From these, generate X and Y from meshgrid(xs,ys). You then
compute the z-values for functions f1(x, y) and f2(x, y) in the arrays Z1 and Z2 using a
vectorized calculation based on the expressions in equations (1) and (2) using X and Y.
When you plot the surfaces, fix the displyed z-values to be within the range zmin = −20
and zmax = +20 using axis. Do this for all the figures you display in this assignment.
Plot the 2 functions, given by (X,Y,Z1) and (X,Y,Z2) using mesh.
2. Next, perform a numerical integration on these 2 functions and use text to print out
these values in magenta. Choose an appropriate fontname, fontsize and appropriate 3D
coordinates for text to positioning the text while printing the numerical integration
results on the graphs.
3. To numerically integrate the 2 functions you need to write an anonymous function defined
for two surfaces as:
fun1 = @(X,Y) (your vectorized expression for f1(x,y));
fun2 = @(X,Y) (your vectorized expression for f2(x,y));
Here fun1 and fun2 are the “handles” (or pointers) to anonymous functions (functions
that have no name). You can pass this handle to a function as a parameter to another
function. Effectively, you can have a function as a parameter to another function. In
this assignment, you can integrate functions, fun1 and fun2, using integral2. The
MATLAB function integral2 evaluates the area under this function using numerical
4. You can use the title command to print out the mathematical formulas for each of
the 2 meshes. [An expression is interpreted as latex in MATLAB, with _ indicating a
subscript and a ^ indicating a superscript. Thus x_2 is x2 while x^2 is x
.] Also use
xlabel, ylabel and zlabel to label the x, y and z axes in your figures. Color these
using blue, green and red. Also set the font-size to a larger value. Use the 3D version
of text to print out the numerical integration results on these graphs (see below). You
CS2035: Assignment 2 - 2018 4
have to choose the x, y and z values to position these integration values appropriately on
the plots.
5. You create the animation by warping Z1 into Z2, pausing briefly, and then Z2 back into
Z1. So the initial and final surfaces are the same. To code the warping for Z1 to Z2 you
can use something like:
for t=0:delta_t:1
axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax]);
text(xpos1,ypos1,zpos1,[’\fontsize{14}\bf \color{magenta} ’ ...
’Integral Value: ’ ...
xlabel(’\it\bf\color{blue} x’);
ylabel(’\it\bf\color{green} y’);
zlabel(’\it\bf\color{red} z’);
shading interp
end % for t
The statement Z=Z1*(1-t)+Z2*(t) does the surface warping, i.e., this is the linear interpolation of the two surfaces Z1 and Z2. For t = 0, Z=Z1 while for t = 1, Z=Z2. Intermediate
values of t give you the various combined surfaces of Z1 and Z2. δt is a small number,
say 0.01. Thus, when this runs you will see a total of 101 surfaces displayed rapidly as Z1
warps into Z2. If the display is too rapid, you can pause a small amount of time between
adjacent displays to slow things down. Use the text command to print out the areas
computed by numerical integration. Set variables xpos1, ypos1 and zpos1 appropriately.
Trial and error is required here. You could use grid on and box on to get some good
initial values. Note that the text is printed in magenta for the numerical integration areas,
which are linearly interpolated to correspond with the current surface being displayed.
After warping Z1 into Z2, you will need to pause or insert additional values of t=1 to
delay the image of Z2, and then you need to warp Z2 into Z1. At this point you will
CS2035: Assignment 2 - 2018 5
have your animation working. Figures 2 and 3 show the surfaces f1(x, y) and f2(x, y),
with the axes labelled, a title in orange and black and the numerically and symbolically
evaluates integral values in magenta. Note that you may want to use shading interp
and to set the view to a nicer angle than the default (recall that you can use rotate3d on
to manually change the view and find good values to set with view).
6. The last task for the animation is to make the animation figure bigger than normal. The
handle for the screen is 0. get(0,’screensize’) gets the lower x and y coordinates of
the screen plus its width and height. Set the height of the figure to be 85% of the height
of the screen. Given the height, compute the width that satisfies an aspect ratio of 16/11.
Finally, compute the lower x and y coordinates of the figure to be small percentages of
the screen width and height. These will offset your figure from the lower left corner of the
screen. When you generate the animation figure you must save its handle and use this
handle to set the figure’s position properties using set. The following MATLAB code
outlines how all this might be done:
figureAspectRatio=16/11; % height to width
% shift left 5% of the screen width
% shift up 15% of the screen height
set(ha,’Position’,[leftx lefty figureWidth figureHeight]);
By setting all position and height/width figure information in terms of the computer’s
CS2035: Assignment 2 - 2018 6
Figure 2: The function, f1(x, y), in the animation.
CS2035: Assignment 2 - 2018 7
Figure 3: The function, f2(x, y), in the animation.
CS2035: Assignment 2 - 2018 8
screen height and width, you will make the animation figure have the same relative
dimensions on all computers (full size desktops or small screen laptops) that run your
program (regardless of their screen sizes).
7. In some cases, particularly for functions that have singularities (blow-ups to ∞), it can
be desirable to compute symbolic integrals, not only numerical ones. Can you integrate
f1(x, y) and f2(x, y) symbolically in MATLAB? To answer this question, attempt to
symbolically integrate the 2 functions. To do this you need to declare x and y to be
symbol variables, compute f1 and f2 and then evaluate their symbolic integral values.
syms x y
and then use:
to integrate the 2 surfaces. f2 is specified over 2 lines here for printing purposes, you
should specify them on a single line in your program. Note the use of eval to evaluate
the symbolic integration result. If you are able to integrate either of the functions, verify
that the result is the same as the numerical integration result using integral2. If either
or both functions are not integrable, state this in a comment and how you know that they
are not integrable.
Finally, write all of this code in a script file a3.m, and publish the result of running your
code to produce a3.pdf. Make sure that four images equivalent to the four that appear in this
assignment sheet appear in your published output (this requires you to plot some of them in
separate figures). Submit your source file and published pdf output to OWL when you are
finished. Make sure to start your file a3.m with an appropriate title and comment
CS2035: Assignment 2 - 2018 9
with your name and student number as you have for previous assignments! Also
insert section headings (starting with %%) and comments at appropriate places in
your code both to make your code easy to understand and to produce a nice
sectioning of your code when you run publish.

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