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Assignment 3 Animation Controller in Unity

CSCI4120 Principle of Computer Game Software
Assignment 3
Animation Controller in Unity

In this assignment, we want you to apply the technique that we have learnt in character animation to add a
crouch motion to an animated character.
You should continue the work in the tutorial on character animation controller to add the crouch motions in
this assignment.
You should:
1. Enhance the character in our tutorial to be able to do at least crouch idle, and turn left or right during
crouch ,and crouch forward with animation,
2. This should be based on what we have finished in the character animator tutorial, i.e. the character
should be able to do walk, run, turn left and right, as well as jump motion.
3. The crouch should be toggled on by using the key “c”. Inside crouched state, pressing “c” key will
toggle it off and stand up again.
During crouching, the character can perform at least four actions: crouch idle, crouch forward, crouch turn
left, crouch turn right.
It is all up to you to decide the implementation. Obviously using a 2D blend tree is a natural choice.
CSCI4120 Principle of Computer Game Software
Assignment 3
The animations needed are also coming with the standard assets we provided to you in the tutorial, just take a
Submit your completed level together with other needed files (zip the complete project folder) in a single
archive to your cloud drive, and send us the public link so that our tutor will be able to download and test.
Remember you are required to submit the link to our Blackboard assignment page on or before the deadline.

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