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Assignment 3- Bounce: part II/III

COMPSCI 230 (S1 2020) Assignment
Bounce: part II/III
This is the second of three parts comprising the Bounce project. Bounce II involves applying design
knowledge to further develop the Bounce application. First, the Shape class hierarchy is to be
extended to support the concept of a nesting shape – a shape that can contain other shapes, be they
simple or nesting shapes themselves. Second, a text painting facility is to be integrated into the Shape
class hierarchy.
Assessment criteria
Each task is associated with assessment criteria. To check that you have met the criteria, each task is
associated with CodeRunner tests. The tests include a mix of:
 tests that run your compiled code to check that it is functionally correct and,
 other tests that examine your source to ensure that conforms to object-oriented principles.
CR3 submissions carry 80% of the marks, whereas the ADB submission carry the rest 20%.
Marking scheme for CR3 questions is mentioned against each task. ADB submission will be marked
based on whether your entire submitted code compiles and runs successfully to show the expected GUI
as per specifications given in assignment brief. As such, if your code passes all four CR3 tests, and your
code is showing the expected GUI in your IDE, submitting the full iteration code should work fine at
marker’s end too. You can ensure this by carefully packaging, zipping and submitting the verified code
to ADB as per the submission instructions given below.
For part 2 of the assignment (A3 – Bounce II), you must:
 (8 marks) pass the CodeRunner tests by Week 10 (Friday 9:00pm, 29 May 2020)
o visit
o under ‘Assignments’, you should access ‘A3 – Bounce II’ Quiz.
o the quiz has a total of four questions, each of which would require you to paste the
source code of one of your classes’ that you wrote in your IDE to complete each task.
o each assignment task has two CR questions (one question for passing tests and
another for static analysis/specification checks of class code)
o You may click on ‘Check’ for each question multiple times without any penalty.
o You may however make only one overall CR submission for the whole quiz.
 (2 marks) submit your source code (including the original Canvas code) to the Assignment
Drop Box (ADB – by Week 10 (Friday 10:00pm, 29 May 2020).
o The code submission must take the form of one zip file that maintains the Bounce
package structure.
o You must name your zip file as “”.
o You may make more than one ADB submission, but note that every submission that
you make replaces your previous submission.
o Submit ALL your files in every submission.
o Only your most recent submission will be marked. 
o Please double check that you have included all the files required to run your program
in the zip file before you submit it. Your program must compile and run (through Java
1.8) to gain any marks.
o Include the code for creating and showing all required shapes in
AnimationViewer class.
NOTE: It would be ideal to first complete all tasks (that you are able to complete) in an IDE like
Eclipse, and then only proceed to answer CR3 questions once you have finished writing working
code for this iteration in your IDE.
For all three parts of the of the assignment, any changes you make to the Shape class hierarchy must
not break existing code (e.g. the AnimationViewer class). In particular, class Shape must provide
the following public interface (note this is not the Java “interface”; here the term “interface” refers to
the set of public methods in a class that may act as entry points for the objects of other classes) at all
 void paint(Painter painter)
 void move(int width, int height)
Task 1: add class NestingShape
Define a new subclass of Shape, NestingShape. A NestingShape instance is unique in that it
contains zero or more shapes that bounce around inside it. The children of a NestingShape instance
can be either simple shapes, like RectangleShape and OvalShape objects, or other NestingShape
instances. Hence, a NestingShape object can have an arbitrary containment depth.
The Javadoc description for NestingShape is given in Appendix 1. Appendix 2 describes additional
functionality required of class Shape for this task.
The resulting Shape and NestingShape structure is an application of the Composite design pattern.
Specific requirements
Specific requirements are listed in the Appendices 1 and 2.
Once created, edit the AnimationViewer class to add in instance of NestingShape, with a depth
of at least three containment levels, to your animation.
 A NestingShape has its own coordinate system, so that Shape instances within it are within
the coordinates of the NestingShape. So, if a Shape with a location of (10,10) is in a
NestingShape, it will be located 10 pixels below and 10 pixels to the right of the top-left
corner of the NestingShape.
 In addition to implementing new methods in class NestingShape, methods handling
painting and movement inherited from Shape will need to be overridden to process a
NestingShape object’s children.
 The method that Shape’s subclasses implement to handle painting should not be modified
when completing this task. In other words, Shape objects should not have to be concerned
with whether or not they are children within a NestingShape when painting themselves.
One way of cleanly implementing NestingShape’s painting behaviour is to use graphics
translation – adjusting the coordinate system by specifying a new origin (the 
NestingShape’s top left corner) that corresponds to a point in the original coordinate
system. This can be achieved using Painter’s translate() method. Once translated, all
drawing operations are performed relative to the new origin. Note that any translation should
be reversed after painting a NestingShape.
E.g. the following code sets the new origin (0, 0) to (60, 40). After this, a Painter call like
painter.drawRect(10, 10, 40, 20) would cause the rectangle to be painted at
absolute position 70, 50. The second translate() call restores the origin to (0, 0).
painter.translate(60, 40);
// Code to paint children …
painter.translate(-60, -40);
From the CodeRunner quiz named Bounce II, complete the first two questions:
 (3 marks) Bounce II NestingShape, which runs a series of tests on your NestingShape class.
 (1 mark) Bounce II NestingShape (static analysis), which examines the source code for your
NestingShape class.
Your code will need to pass all tests.
Task 2: add provision for any Shape to display text
Further develop the Shape class hierarchy to allow text to be displayed when a shape is painted. Text
should be centered, horizontally and vertically, in a shape’s bounding box, but may extend beyond the
left and right sides. Graphics class’ drawString() method and FontMetrics class may be
used to implement the core functionality for this task.
In designing the revised class structure, you must guarantee that if a shape is associated with text that
it will always be painted. This responsibility should not be left to developers of Shape subclasses. To
elaborate, consider the intention to make your Shape class hierarchy available – only the bytecode
and not the source files – to other developers. The above guarantee should hold for any Shape
subclasses added by other developers in the future. Note that since such developers will not have the
source code for your class hierarchy they cannot edit your classes; all they can do is extend the classes
that you provide.
Specific requirements
 You must solve this problem by applying the Template Method design pattern. Recall the
constraint that it must be possible to call paint(Painter) and move(int, int) on any
object that is an instance of class Shape or its subclasses.
 The mandatory hook method required for the Template Method solution must be named
doPaint() and take a Painter parameter.
 Class Shape and all of its subclasses should provide a 7-argument constructor where the
arguments are x, y, deltaX, deltaY, width, height and text, where text is a String. This adds the
capability for text to be supplied when constructing a shape. If other constructors are used,
the resulting shape is assumed not to have text.
 During painting of a shape, any text should be painted last – so that it is superimposed over
any solid figure or image that has been painted for the shape.
Once you have implemented the text painting facility, add some shapes with text to your animation.
From the CodeRunner quiz named Bounce II, complete the remaining two questions:
 (3 marks) Bounce II Shapes with text, which runs a series of tests on your classes.
 (1 mark) Bounce II Shapes with text (static analysis), which examines the source code for your
Your code will need to pass all tests.
I strongly recommend that you use Eclipse for all assignments, and use Eclipse debugging feature for
your assistance.

Appendix 1 Javadoc for class NestingShape
 * Creates a NestingShape object with default values.
public NestingShape();
 * Creates a NestingShape object with specified location values, default values for others .
public NestingShape (int x, int y);
 * Creates a NestingShape with specified values for location, velocity and direction. Non−specified
 * attributes take on default values.
public NestingShape (int x, int y, int deltaX, int deltaY);
 * Creates a NestingShape with specified values for location, velocity, ∗ direction, width and height.
public NestingShape (int x, int y, int deltaX, int deltaY, int width, int
 * Moves a NestingShape object (including its children) within the bounds specified by arguments
 * width and height. A NestingShape first moves itself, and then moves its children.
public void move (int width, int height);
 * Paints a NestingShape object by drawing a rectangle around the edge of its bounding box. Once
 * the NestingShape’s border has been painted, a NestingShape paints its children.
public void paint (Painter painter);
 * Attempts to add a Shape to a NestingShape object. If successful, a two−way link is established
 * between the NestingShape and the newly added Shape. Note that this method has package
 * visibility − for reasons that will become apparent in Bounce III.
 ∗ @param shape the shape to be added.
 ∗ @throws IllegalArgumentException if an attempt is made to add a Shape to a NestingShape
 * instance where the Shape argument is already a child within a NestingShape instance. An
* IllegalArgumentException is also thrown when an attempt is made to add a Shape that will not fit
 * within the bounds of the proposed NestingShape object.
void add (Shape shape) throws IllegalArgumentException;
 * Removes a particular Shape from a NestingShape instance. Once removed, the two−way link
 between the NestingShape and its former child is destroyed. This method has no effect if the
 Shape specified to remove is not a child of the NestingShape . Note that this method has package
 visibility − for reasons that will become apparent in Bounce III .
 ∗ @param shape the shape to be removed.
void remove (Shape shape);
 * Returns the Shape at a specified position within a NestingShape. If the position specified is less
 * than zero or greater than the number of children stored in the NestingShape less one this method
 * throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException.
 * @param index the specified index position .
public Shape shapeAt (int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException;
 * Returns the number of children contained within a NestingShape object. Note this method is not
 * recursive − it simply returns the number of children at the top level within the callee
 * NestingShape object.
public int shapeCount ();
 * Returns the index of a specified child within a NestingShape object. If the Shape specified is not
 * actually a child of the NestingShape this method returns −1; otherwise the value returned is in the
 * range 0 .. shapeCount() − 1.
 * @param the shape whose index position within the NestingShape is requested.
public int indexOf (Shape shape);
 * Returns true if the Shape argument is a child of the NestingShape object on which this method is
 * called , false otherwise .
public boolean contains (Shape shape);
Appendix 2 Javadoc for class Shape
 * Returns the NestingShape that contains the Shape that method parent is called on. If the callee
 * object is not a child within a NestingShape instance this method returns null.
public NestingShape parent();
* Sets the parent NestingShape of the shape object that this method is called on.
protected void setParent(NestingShape parent);
 * Returns an ordered list of Shape objects. The first item within the list is the root NestingShape
 * of the containment hierarchy. The last item within the list is the callee object (hence this method
 * always returns a list with at least one item). Any intermediate items are NestingShapes that
 * connect the root NestingShape to the callee Shape. E.g. given:
* NestingShape root = new NestingShape ();
* NestingShape intermediate = new NestingShape ();
* Shape oval = new OvalShape ();
 * root.add(intermediate);
 * intermediate.add(oval);
 * a call to oval.path() yields: [root , intermediate , oval]
public java.util.List <Shape path();

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