COS 529 Assignment 3: Bundle Adjustment
1 Bundle Adjustment
Bundle Adjustment the the joint non-linear refinement of camera and point
parameters. Given a set of measured image feature locations and correspondences, the goal of bundle adjustment is to find 3D point positions and camera
parameters that minimize the reprojection error.
In this homework assignment, you will be implementing bundle adjustment
in python. You will be given a pickle file containing the following fields. The
Fixed fields define the optimization problem and should not be modified. The
Variable fields contain the variables which you will be optimizing over:
• ”is calibrated”: boolean flag whether or not the cameras in this problem
are calibrated. If ”is calibrated==True”, then you can assume that you
are given the correct focal lengths. If ”is calibrated==False”, then you
must also optimize over focal lengths in addition to the other variables.
• ”observations”: a list of detected feature locations. Each observation is in
the following form: (camera_id, point_id, x, y)
– camera id: index of the camera capturing the 3d point
– point id: index of 3d point being projected
– (x,y) image coordinates of the projected point
• ”poses”: a list of camera extrinsics. Each entry in poses is the 3x4 extrinsics matrix of the corresponding camera.
• ”points”: a list of length num points. Each entry in points is a 3d vector
storing the location of the point in world coordinates.
• ”focal lengths”: a list of length num cameras. Each entry stores the focal
length for the camera
Your assignment is to set up, and minimize an optimization problem over
squared reprojection error of each of the observations.
E(P, X, f) = X
], X[pi
], f[ci
]) − (xi
, yi)||2
where P[ci
] is the pose matrix for camera-id ci
, f[ci
] is the focal length of camera
, and X[pi
] is the 3D-coordinate of point-id pi
. Equation 1 can be minimized
using the nonlinear least-squares solvers such as the Levenberg Marquardt algorithm.
2 Camera Model
For this assignment, scenes are captured with the simple pinhole camera model.
The projection function π(P, X, f) projects 3D point X onto camera P with
focal length f.
f · X0/Z0
f · Y
= P
where P = [ R | t ]. R is a 3x3 rotation matrix and t ∈ R
3 Task
You will be implementing Bundle Adjustment in python for this homework.
The input to your system will be a pickle file containing the fields described
above. The pickle file contains the initial values of ”poses”, ”points”, and
”focal lengths”. Your code will optimize over ”poses” and ”points” (and ”focal lengths” if the problem is uncalibrated) to minimize the squared reprojection
error. We have provided starter code bundle_adjustment.py and evaluation
code eval_reconstruction.py.
• bundle_adjustment.py should take a pickle file as input, and output
a new pickle file with the fields, ”poses”, ”points”, and ”focal lengths”
replaced with their respective optimized values. You need to fill in the
function solve ba problem. Which should return a new dictionary with
the updated variables. Example usage:
python3 bundle_adjustment.py --problem cube.pickle
This command will output the solution file cube-solution.pickle.
• eval_reconstruction.py will evaluate the quality of your reconstruction
on mean reprojection error. eval_reconstruction.py will also check to
ensure that your camera extrinsics contain valid rotation matrices. We
will check using the following criteria:
|det(R) − 1| ≤ 10−5
|I − R
T R|ij ≤ 10−5
Solutions which do not contain valid rotation matrices will be considered
incorrect. Example usage:
python3 eval_reconstruction.py --solution cube-solution.pickle
4 Grading
We have provided 4 test problems:
• sphere.pickle (18%)
• cube.pickle (18%)
• mystery-calibrated.pickle (18%)
• mystery-uncalibrated.pickle (18%)
The first 3 problems, (sphere, cube, mystery-calibrated) are captured using
calibrated cameras, meaning that the focal-lengths provided are correct as given.
In this case, you only need to optimize over the ”pose” and ”points” variables.
The final problem, mystery-uncalibrated, is uncalibrated, meaning that you will
need to include the ”focal-lengths” in your optimization problem.
Your code will be evaluated on these 4 problems (18% each) and 2 unseen
problems (14% each). On test cases, your solution will be considered correct
if the mean reprojection error is less than 0.01 and all your poses are valid.
On the unseen problems, your poses must still be valid, but you will be graded
according to the final error achieved by your implementation according to the
following function:
grade =
14 points if error ≤ 0.01
14 ∗ (0.01/error) otherwise (3)
Time and memory limits: For each problem, your implementation has a time
limit of 20 min on a single CPU core and a memory limit of 2GB (time/memory
determined by the AWS EC2 A1 machine as reference). Implementations which
exceed these limits on this machine will not receive points. For larger problems
(mystery-calibrated, mystery-uncalibrated) this means that your code will need
to effectively leverage the sparse structure of the optimization problem in order
to meet these constraints.
Library restrictions: In your implementation, you may not import any additional library that is not in the Python Standard Library: https://docs.
python.org/3/library/. You may use numpy which is already imported in
bundle adjustment.py.
What to submit: Please submit to Blackboard the bundle adjustment.py
file with solve ba problem completed.