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Assignment 3 Client-Server / Monitoring

Assignment 3
Client-Server / Monitoring
Client–server model is a distributed application structure that partitions tasks or
workloads between the providers of a resource or service, called servers, and
service requesters, called clients. Often clients and servers communicate over
a computer network on separate hardware, but both client and server may reside in
the same system. A server host runs one or more server programs, which share
their resources with clients. A client does not share any of its resources, but it
requests content or service from a server. Clients therefore initiate communication
sessions with servers, which await incoming requests. Examples of computer
applications that use the client–server model are Email, network printing, and
the World Wide Web.
You are to implement a client-server architecture. The clients receive transactions that they
pass on to the server. Think of a client as a web page where a user initiates a transaction (such
as purchasing an airline ticket). The request gets sent to a server (the airline company) for
processing. This is shown in the following diagram.
If there are lots of transactions coming in, the server could be multi-threaded, assigning tasks to
threads for execution. That is exactly what Assignment 2 was about. In effect, Assignment 3 is
the front-end interface to your work in Assignment 2. Do not worry – this is a standalone
assignment, which means you do not integrate your Assignment 2 solution into your
Assignment 3 submission. However, as discussed below, you may be able to re-use some of
your Assignment 2 code.
For this assignment you will implement a client-server architecture. Clients generate
transactions (T<n) that get sent to the server to execute. Clients may have lulls between
transactions, so they wait (S<n) for a transaction to happen. The server receives the
transactions, processes them, and then waits for the next transaction.
You will write a program called server that accepts one command-line argument:
server port
where port is the port number that the server listens to for communications from clients. The
port must be in the range 5,000 to 64,000.
You will also write a program called client that accepts two command line arguments:
client port ip-address
where ip-address is the IP (Internet Protocol) address of the machine that is hosting the
server, and port is the port number that the server will read from (in the range 5000 to
64,000, the same number that the server uses).
For example, executing the command
./server 6000
on machine ug11 (IP address results in the server listening for messages on
port 6000. When a message is received, it will process it and then wait for another message.
Executing the following command on ug12
./client 6000 <
creates a client process that will send its transactions to ug11’s port 6000 for processing.
The client process reads in a series of T<n and S<n commands. The T<n commands get
sent to the server to be executed, while the S<n command causes the client to wait.
Note that you can have multiple clients on multiple machines, all sending to the same server.
Try it!
More specifically, a client process receives input (either from the keyboard or redirected from a
file) containing two commands:
T<n Transaction. The parameter is an integer 0. This command will be sent to the server
for processing. The client sits idle waiting for the server to complete the transaction.
S<n Sleep. This command simulates having the client wait between receiving new
transactions to process. The client waits for a time determined by integer parameter
n, with n between 0 and 100. You will have a routine that gets called for each sleep
request: void Sleep(int n).
The server process reads its input from the port number specified on its command line
invocation. Specifically, these messages from clients are transaction requests:
T<n Execute a transaction with integer parameter n, with n 0. You will have a routine
that gets called for each transaction: void Trans(int n). The parameter n is
used by Trans to determine how long to simulate the execution of the transaction.
We will guarantee that the input files used are in the correct format. The code for Trans and
Sleep is available on eclass (same as Assignment 2). Do not change these functions!
The server maintains a transaction # that starts at 0 and is incremented with each transaction
performed by the server. When a transaction is complete, the server sends back to the client
the message D<n, that the transaction is “D”one, and that its transaction number is n.
When the client reaches the end of input, then it will exit. The server, by definition, does not
exit – it does not know all the potential clients that might try to communicate with it.
Sample Output
Note the following in the output below:
• Log file times are actual times (UNIX Epoch times), with two decimal places for the
partial seconds. Epoch times can be converted to normal dates, for example using the
converter at
• Each client records all its Trans calls – when sent to the server and when the server
acknowledges that the transaction is complete.
• Each client records when it does a Sleep.
• In the log file, T=Trans, S=Sleep, and D=Done.
• The server gives each transaction it receives a unique # (starting at 1). The server puts
the transaction number in its log file, and sends the transaction number back to the
client (a receipt acknowledging completion of the transaction).
• The semantics of T and S events are exactly the same as in Assignment 2.
• Clients do not do any work between the sending of a transaction request (T) to the
server and the acknowledgement that the transaction is done (D). In the real world, the
client might itself be a multi-threaded program, dealing with other requests while it
waits for a transaction to complete (that is NOT part of this assignment).
• Note the impact of long transactions on the client and on the server. Some of this
overhead could be mitigated if the server was multi-threaded (as in Assignment 2), but
that is NOT part of this assignment.
Here is a sample run with a server and two clients running on the same machine. The clients
(“./client 5002”, both on ug11) executed the following commands with
the following outputs:
In ug11.20295 Output In ug11.20296 Output
Using port 5002
Using server address
Host ug11.20295
1583256161.99: Send (T 1)
1583256162.00: Recv (D 1)
1583256162.00: Send (T 20)
1583256162.09: Recv (D 3)
1583256162.09: Send (T500)
1583256162.49: Recv (D 5)
1583256162.49: Send (T 1)
1583256162.49: Recv (D 7)
1583256162.49: Send (T 1)
1583256162.49: Recv (D 9)
1583256162.49: Send (T 1)
1583256162.50: Recv (D 11)
Using port 5002
Using server address
Host ug11.20296
1583256161.99: Send (T100)
1583256162.08: Recv (D 2)
1583256162.08: Send (T 1)
1583256162.09: Recv (D 4)
1583256162.09: Send (T 2)
1583256162.49: Recv (D 6)
1583256162.49: Send (T 3)
1583256162.49: Recv (D 8)
1583256162.49: Send (T 4)
1583256162.49: Recv (D 10)
Sleep 75 units
1583256163.24: Send (T 5)
1583256162.50: Send (T 10)
1583256162.50: Recv (D 12)
1583256162.50: Send (T 10)
1583256162.51: Recv (D 13)
Sleep 50 units
1583256163.01: Send (T 60)
1583256163.06: Recv (D 14)
1583256163.06: Send (T 1)
1583256163.06: Recv (D 15)
1583256163.06: Send (T 1)
1583256163.07: Recv (D 16)
Sleep 20 units
1583256163.27: Send (T 1)
1583256163.27: Recv (D 19)
Sleep 1 units
1583256163.28: Send (T 50)
1583256163.33: Recv (D 21)
1583256163.33: Send (T 1)
1583256163.34: Recv (D 23)
Sent 14 transactions
1583256163.25: Recv (D 17)
1583256163.25: Send (T 6)
1583256163.27: Recv (D 18)
1583256163.27: Send (T 7)
1583256163.28: Recv (D 20)
1583256163.28: Send (T 8)
1583256163.33: Recv (D 22)
1583256163.33: Send (T 9)
1583256163.34: Recv (D 24)
1583256163.34: Send (T 1)
1583256163.34: Recv (D 25)
1583256163.34: Send (T 1)
1583256163.34: Recv (D 26)
1583256163.34: Send (T 1)
1583256163.35: Recv (D 27)
1583256163.35: Send (T 1)
1583256163.35: Recv (D 28)
1583256163.35: Send (T 1)
1583256163.35: Recv (D 29)
Sent 15 transactions
The server (“./server 5002”, running on ug11) has the following output as it serves the
above two clients:
Server Output
Using port 5002
1583256161.99: # 1 (T 1) from ug11.20295
1583256162.00: # 1 (Done) from ug11.20295
1583256162.00: # 2 (T100) from ug11.20296
1583256162.08: # 2 (Done) from ug11.20296
1583256162.08: # 3 (T 20) from ug11.20295
1583256162.09: # 3 (Done) from ug11.20295
1583256162.09: # 4 (T 1) from ug11.20296
1583256162.09: # 4 (Done) from ug11.20296
1583256162.09: # 5 (T500) from ug11.20295
1583256162.49: # 5 (Done) from ug11.20295
1583256162.49: # 6 (T 2) from ug11.20296
1583256162.49: # 6 (Done) from ug11.20296
1583256162.49: # 7 (T 1) from ug11.20295
1583256162.49: # 7 (Done) from ug11.20295
1583256162.49: # 8 (T 3) from ug11.20296
1583256162.49: # 8 (Done) from ug11.20296
1583256162.49: # 9 (T 1) from ug11.20295
1583256162.49: # 9 (Done) from ug11.20295
1583256162.49: # 10 (T 4) from ug11.20296
1583256162.49: # 10 (Done) from ug11.20296
1583256162.49: # 11 (T 1) from ug11.20295
1583256162.50: # 11 (Done) from ug11.20295
1583256162.50: # 12 (T 10) from ug11.20295
1583256162.50: # 12 (Done) from ug11.20295
1583256162.50: # 13 (T 10) from ug11.20295
1583256162.51: # 13 (Done) from ug11.20295
1583256163.01: # 14 (T 60) from ug11.20295
1583256163.06: # 14 (Done) from ug11.20295
1583256163.06: # 15 (T 1) from ug11.20295
1583256163.06: # 15 (Done) from ug11.20295
1583256163.06: # 16 (T 1) from ug11.20295
1583256163.07: # 16 (Done) from ug11.20295
1583256163.24: # 17 (T 5) from ug11.20296
1583256163.25: # 17 (Done) from ug11.20296
1583256163.25: # 18 (T 6) from ug11.20296
1583256163.27: # 18 (Done) from ug11.20296
1583256163.27: # 19 (T 1) from ug11.20295
1583256163.27: # 19 (Done) from ug11.20295
1583256163.27: # 20 (T 7) from ug11.20296
1583256163.28: # 20 (Done) from ug11.20296
1583256163.28: # 21 (T 50) from ug11.20295
1583256163.33: # 21 (Done) from ug11.20295
1583256163.33: # 22 (T 8) from ug11.20296
1583256163.33: # 22 (Done) from ug11.20296
1583256163.33: # 23 (T 1) from ug11.20295
1583256163.34: # 23 (Done) from ug11.20295
1583256163.34: # 24 (T 9) from ug11.20296
1583256163.34: # 24 (Done) from ug11.20296
1583256163.34: # 25 (T 1) from ug11.20296
1583256163.34: # 25 (Done) from ug11.20296
1583256163.34: # 26 (T 1) from ug11.20296
1583256163.34: # 26 (Done) from ug11.20296
1583256163.34: # 27 (T 1) from ug11.20296
1583256163.35: # 27 (Done) from ug11.20296
1583256163.35: # 28 (T 1) from ug11.20296
1583256163.35: # 28 (Done) from ug11.20296
1583256163.35: # 29 (T 1) from ug11.20296
1583256163.35: # 29 (Done) from ug11.20296
 14 transactions from ug11.20295
 15 transactions from ug11.20296
21.3 transactions/sec (29/1.36)
Implementation Notes
The code for creating a client and a server process that interact through sockets can be
found on eclass. Copy the code as-is – it works in the undergraduate labs without any changes,
other than setting a port number.
Clients are known by the name where machinename is the name of
the machine the client is running on and pid is the process id of the client. Thus, multiple
clients on the same machine have different names. Each client maintains a log file that has the
All UNIX machines support the IP address This is the “loop back” address, which is
used to refer to the current machine. In other words, if you run the clients and server on the
same machine, the IP-address will always work for you. Make sure your program also
works if the clients and server are on different machines.
A server is usually implemented as an infinite loop – it sits around waiting for a client to send it
a message. There is a danger that students will log out leaving server processes running in the
background. You are to implement a timer in your program. After 60 seconds of no incoming
messages, the server should exit.
Lastly, you are to produce manual pages for your client and the server programs. These need to
be produced using the program groff with the “man” macro package – the same tools that
UNIX/Linux systems use to produce their manual pages. There are many resources on the web
to show you how to do this.
There are two caveats you should be careful to watch for when testing your program:
• Two users might unwittingly use the same port number on the same machine. If
something goes wrong, try changing your port number.
• Although the client should be able to connect to a server on any machine, this might not
be possible for a machine outside the undergraduate lab environment. Because of
security measures (including restrictions on port usage and firewalls), your program
might not be able to make the connections needed.
Here are some important things to watch out for:
• The client and server must execute as separate processes.
• Your program should work with multiple concurrent client processes
• Be careful about boundary conditions.
• Your makefile should do the minimum amount of work required to produce the
requisite executables.
• Do not leave any processes running after you log out. Students who leave processes
running – any time before the assignment deadline – will be penalized.
Submit the following as a single tar file:
• All source code files (C, C++, headers) for client and server,
• The source for your man pages, and
• A Makefile the produces your executables and a pdf version of your man pages.

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