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Assignment # 3 CSC 373H1

Assignment # 3

CSC 373H1

Worth: 10%
1. [20 marks]
An epidemiologist is studying the transmission of the COVID-19 virus in the Greater Toronto Area
(GTA). The community is represented by a graph G = (V,E) where vertices represent people in the
GTA and edges represent two individuals who have interacted with each other. To study how the
virus may have spread, the epidemiologist wants to know if people in the GTA can be divided into at
most k groups G1,...,Gk where:
• Everyone in V is in some group, and no person is in two di↵erent groups.
• Everyone in group Gi has interacted with each other.
(a) [5 marks] Show that the above problem given the graph G and integer k as inputs is in NP.
(b) [5 marks] Show that the above problem when k  2 is decidable in polynomial time.
(c) [10 marks] Show that the above problem when k  3 is NP-Complete.
2. [20 marks]
Consider the following DisjointHamiltonianPaths decision problem (“DHP” for short).
• Input: Graph G = (V,E) — G may be directed or undirected.
• Output: Does G contain at least two edge-disjoint Hamiltonian paths?
(Two paths are said to be edge-disjoint if there is no edge that belongs to both paths.)
(a) [12 marks] Write a detailed proof that DisjointHamiltonianPaths is NP-complete. State what
you are doing at each step of your solution: it will be graded on its structure as much as on its
(b) [8 marks] Give a precise definition for the DisjointHamiltonianPaths-Search problem. Then,
write a detailed argument that this problem is polynomial-time self-reducible. Once again,
your solution will be graded on its structure as well as its content, so make sure to state what
you are doing at each step.
3. [20 marks]
A propositional formula ' is in 3-Positive Conjunctive Normal Form (3-PCNF) i↵ it is written
in 3-CNF with no negative literal, i.e., all the variables in the formula are positive. For example,
' = (x1 _x3 _x4)^(x2 _x3 _x2)^(x1 _x2 _x3) is in 3-PCNF. Obviously ' is satisfiable by setting all
the variables to True.
We are interested in a di↵erent question: how few variables must be set to True in order to satisfy '?
For example, the previous formula can be satisfied by setting just one variable to True, namely, x3.
This is an NP-Hard problem (you do not need to prove this).
(a) [8 marks] Define the corresponding Decision Problem for this optimization problem, and show
that this optimization problem is polynomial-time self-reducible.
(b) [12 marks] Formulate the optimization problem as an integer program. Using this, derive a
polynomial-time 3-approximation algorithm for the same. That is, if the minimum number of
variables needed to be set to True to make ' satisfiable is k⇤
, your algorithm should set at most
3k⇤ variables to True. Provide a proof of correctness of your algorithm and compute its time
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Dept. of Computer Science
University of Toronto
Assignment # 3
(Due August 14, 11:59 pm)
CSC 373H1
Summer 2021
4. [20 marks]
Your friends want to break into the lucrative co↵ee shop market by opening
a new chain called The Co↵ee Pot. They have a map of the street corners in
a neighbourhood of Toronto (shown on the right), and estimates pi,j of the
profits they can make if they open a shop on corner (i,j), for each corner.
However, municipal regulations forbid them from opening shops on corners
(i  1, j), (i + 1, j), (i,j  1), and (i,j + 1) (for those corners that exist) if they
open a shop on corner (i,j). As you can guess, they would like to select street
corners where to open shops in order to maximize their profits! (1,1) (1,2) ··· (1,n)
(2,1) (2,2) ··· (2,n)
. .
. ··· .
(m,1) (m,2) ··· (m,n)
(a) [5 marks] Consider the following greedy algorithm to try and select street corners.
C := {(i,j):1  i  m,1  j  n} # C is the set of every available corner
S := ; # S is the current selection of corners
while C , ;:
pick (i,j) 2 C with the maximum value of pi,j
# Add (i,j) to the selection and remove it (as well as all corners adjacent to it) from C.
S := S [{(i,j)}
C := C  {(i,j),(i  1, j),(i + 1, j),(i,j  1),(i,j + 1)}
return S
Give a precise counter-example to show that this greedy algorithm does not always find an
optimal solution. State clearly the solution found by the greedy algorithm, and show that it is
not optimal by giving another selection with larger profit.
(b) [15 marks] Prove that the greedy algorithm from part (a) has an approximation ratio of 4. (Hint:
Let S be the selection returned by the greedy algorithm and let T be any other valid selection of
street corners. Show that for all (i,j) 2 T , either (i,j) 2 S or there is an adjacent (i0
, j0
) 2 S with
pi0,j0  pi,j. What does this means for all (i,j) 2 S and their adjacent corners?)
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