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Assignment 3 Decision Trees

Decision Trees
In  this  assignment,  you  will  explore  decision  trees.  A  binary  decision  tree  is  a  full  binary  tree  to  identify   the  class  to  which  observed  data  belongs.  The  following  example  illustrates  this  concept.  
This  example  shows  a  decision  tree  to  predict  whether  a  given  person  wears  glasses  or  not  by  simply   using  their  age  and  gender.  Obviously,  using  these  two  pieces  of  information  is  very  limiting  and   certainly  do  not  allow  us  to  come  to  a  reliable  prediction.  The  percentages  shown  are  an  estimate  of  the   accuracy  of  these  predictions.  They  have  been  obtained  based  on  a  large  number  of  samples  (for  which   age,  gender  and  presence  of  glasses  were  known).  By  applying  the  rules  of  the  decision  tree  on  a  large   number  of  observations,  it  is  possible  to  obtain  a  good  estimate  of  the  accuracy  of  each  of  the   classifications  obtained  in  the  leaves  of  the  tree.  Indeed,  with  these  pre-­‐classified  samples,  it  is  possible   to  count  how  many  samples  of  each  class  reach  a  given  leaf.  For  example,  for  the  leaf  corresponding  to   the  decision  [Age  <45,  Female,  Age  <24],  it  was  observed  that  in  62%  of  cases  the  sample  reaching  this   leaf  was  a  person  without  glasses  and  in  38%  of  the  cases  it  was  a  person  without  glasses.  So  if  an   observation  to  be  classified  enters  the  root  and  ends  on  this  leaf,  the  class  assigned  will  be  'without   glasses'  since  there  were  a  higher  percentage  of  samples  (62%)  belonging  to  this  class  that  arrived  at  this   leaf.  Obviously,  a  classification  associated  with  a  high  percentage  (say  97%)  is  far  more  reliable  than  a   classification  associated  with  a  lower  percentage,  such  as  62%.  
To  perform  the  classification,  the  decision  tree  uses  input  vectors  that  have  a  certain  size  (2  in  our   example,  age  and  sex).  The  decision  is  to  determine  the  membership  class;  in  our  example,  there  are  2   classes  (with  glasses  or  without  glasses),  but  in  general  there  may  be  more.  
The  decision  tree  consists  of  nodes  (stumps)  that  use  one  of  the  entries  of  the  decision  vector  and   applies  a  threshold.  Depending  on  the  result  of  the  comparison,  we  branch  left  or  right.  A  vector  enters   the  tree  by  the  root.  It  follows  a  series  of  comparisons  leading  to  a  leaf  of  the  tree.   The  file  provides  an  implementation  for  a  decision  node.  Each  node  specifies   an  index  (featureIndex)    in  the  vector  and  a  threshold  (threshold)  to  be  used  in  the  comparison.   The  leaves  of  the  tree  are  dummy  nodes  without  comparison,  which  return  the  class  with  the  highest   probability  for  that  node.  These  probabilities  are  obtained  either  by  specifying  them  directly  or  by   accumulating  the  results  obtained  by  using  pre-­‐classified  samples  (classFreq  and  total).     The  method  main  of  this  class  builds  the  decision  tree  shown  in  the  previous  page,  and  tests  its  results   with  different  inputs.    
Part  A  (marks  50%)    Using  the  DecisionStump  class,  complete  the  DecisionTree  class  by  adding  the  following   operations  :  
public void replace(DecisionStump leaf, int featureIndex, double threshold)    :   that  replaces  a  given  leaf  of  the  decision  tree  by  a  new  stump  that  applies  a  decision  threshold  on  one   element  of  a  feature  vector.  This  operation  also  creates  also  dummy  leaves.  This  operation  will  be  used   to  grow  the  decision  tree.  
public DecisionStump getSmallestMaxProb():  that  returns  the  leaf  having  the  smallest   maximum  probability  (i.e.  the  least  reliable  node).  Look  at  the  getMaxClass  and  getMaxProb  methods  of   DecisionStump.  This  operation  will  be  used  to  replace  an  unreliable  leaf  by  a  new  decision  stump.  
public void print()  :  that  prints  all  the  nodes  of  a  decision  tree  by  calling  the  toString  of  the   DecisionStump  instances  in  a  pre-­‐order  traversal.  
public int getDecision(double[] vector):  that  returns  the  class  associated  with  a  sample  of   unknown  class.  This  operation  will  return  the  class  number  having  the  highest  probability.  
Part  B  (marks  25%)   File  contains  a  list  of  samples  specifying  the  length  and  width  of  the  petals  and  setals   of  3  different  species  of  iris.  This  is  then  a  file  made  of  features  vector  of  dimension  4  with  3  possible   classes.  
  1. Generate  a  decision  tree  made  of  one  stump  that  uses  element  at  index  0  with  a  threshold  of  5.0.   // Create 1-node tree DecisionTree dt= new DecisionTree(6, 3); dt.replace(dt.getRoot(), 0, 5.0); 2. Call  the  train  method  of  DecisionTree  with  each  pre-­‐classified  samples  in  the  given  file.   3. Print  all  the  nodes  and  their  associated  probabilities.   4. Find  the  leaf  having  the  smallest  maximal  probability.  Replace  this  one  with  a  stump  on  index  2  with   threshold  2.5.  Train  this  new  decision  tree  with  the  same  dataset  :   // train a 2-node decision tree dt.replace(dt.getSmallestMaxProb(), 2, 2.5); dt.resetAll(); // add training code… 5. Print  all  the  nodes  and  their  associated  probabilities.   6. Add  another  node  and  re-­‐train  the  tree  as  follows  :   // train a 3-node decision tree dt.replace(dt.getSmallestMaxProb(), 1, 3.0); dt.resetAll(); // add training code…   Part  C  (marks  25%)  
We  now  ask  you  to  generalize  the  process  described  in  Part  B.  
1. Create  a  1-­‐node  decision  tree  by  adding  a  stump  with  randomly  chosen  index  and  threshold.   2. Train  this  tree  with  the  given  dataset  of  pre-­‐classified  iris  samples.   3. Find  the  leaf  having  the  smallest  maximal  probability  and  replace  it  with  a  new  decision  stump   with  randomly  chosen  index  and  threshold.   4. Repeat  steps  2  and  3  up  to  50  times.   5. Do  you  see  an  improvement  in  the  performance  of  the  classifier  ?  Justify.     Print    the  answer  to  this  question  from  your  code;  you  can  print  relevant  information  about  the   decision  trees  to  justify  your  answer.  
• Your  program:  (with  required  modifications),  (no  need  to   modify)   • README.txt  file  (optional,  explain  any  deviations  (e.g.  extra  classes  used)  and  any  known  bugs).   • Printout.txt:  output  of  your  program  showing  results  for  part  B  and  C;  this  is  expected  to  be   identical  to  what  we  would  obtain  if  we  run  the  program  you  submit.   • Put  the  files  specified  above  in  a  folder  called  u9999999  (where  9999999  is  your  student   number);  zip  the  folder  and  submit  the  zipped  folder   DEVIATION  TO  FOLLOW  THESE  STANDARDS  WILL  GET    5-­‐10%    MARKS  OFF.

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