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Assignment 3 - Exploitation

CECS 478 Assignment 3 - Exploitation
20 points
Assignment Description. Answer the following questions from the Chapter 0x300 reading from your
textbook. Be through and complete with your answers. You may work on these questions with a partner (no
more than two working together), but both students must submit the document individually on Beachboard
Dropbox along with both students’ names on each submission.
1. Describe what the following shell commands will do:
(a) env
(b) su
(c) echo $SHELL (additionally, where does this command get its output from?)
(d) cat /etc/passwd >‌> ~/pfl
(e) perl -e ’print "1\n5\nn\n5\n" . "A"x100 . "\x70\ x8d\x04\x08\n" . "1\nn\n" . "7\n"’
2. What types of files are contained within the following Linux directories:
(a) /root
(b) /sbin
(c) /etc
(d) /var
(e) /usr
3. Explain what the following entry in /etc/passwd means:
4. Section 0x321 in your textbook discusses debuggers applied to code vulnerability examination. How
might you use a debugger to prepare for an exploitation?
5. How can the shell environment be useful for performing an exploitation attack?
6. How might I exploit a heap? A stack? What Linux tools would you use for conducting each?
7. What is the %s format parameter used for? Give an example. How might I use it to write out an
8. Big-endian and little-endian are two ways that computer architectures deal with numbers. What are
they? Which one does the Intel x86_64 architecture use?
9. How do exploits take advantage of direct parameter access? Give an example.
10. Define a short write. Give an example of using one in an exploit.
Deliverables. Submit the answers to the questions on Beachboard Dropbox by the indicated due date
and time. Acceptable file submission formats are: .txt, .rtf, .odt, .doc, .docx, or .pdf.

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