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Assignment #3: Game Trees and Minimax

CSE 305 
Assignment #3: Game Trees and Minimax

The context for this assignment is a two-player game, such as chess, where one of the two players is the
computer and the other is the user. When it is the computer‟s turn to make a move, it would construct a
data structure known as a gametree in order to decide the best move to make. Each node of a gametree
records some state of the game. The levels of a gametree alternate between states in which it is the
computer‟s turn to make a move and those in which it is the user‟s turn. Each leaf node records the state
of the game after a finite sequence of moves have been made. The branching factor of a gametree is not
fixed, and could vary from one node to another – because the number of moves that one could make could
vary from one state to another.
Assume that each leaf node can be mapped to a number indicating how “strong” the computer would be
in that state. Then, the gametree is analyzed recursively as follows: At the root node, the computer
chooses the next state (child node) that maximizes its strength; and, for each such next state, it assumes
that the user would choose the next state that minimizes its strength. It carries out this analysis,
recursively, for all levels of the gametree up to the leaf nodes. This is known as a „minimax‟ algorithm.
Overall Objective: Write an ML function, minimax: gametree  string list, that returns the list of
nodes in a game tree corresponding to a best sequence of moves that the computer could make in the
state corresponding to the root of the tree, following the minimax algorithm sketched above.
Approach: Develop your ML program in three parts, but submit (online) one file “gametree.sml”
containing all three parts.
1. Given datatype piece = king | queen of int | bishop of int | knight of int | rook of int | pawn of int;
For example, rook(2) represents two rooks; pawn(5) represents five pawns; etc.
a. Write an ML function netvalue: piece list  int that takes a list of pieces and determines their net
value, assuming that each piece has the following „value‟: king = 100; queen = 50; bishop = 25;
knight = 15; rook = 25; pawn = 3.
b. Write an ML function strength: piece list * piece list  int that computes the difference in the net
values of two lists of pieces, the first being the computer‟s pieces and the second being the user‟s.
(This is a very simplistic notion of state and strength; in practice, the state must take into account
the board configuration, and the strength function would be more complex.)
2. Given datatype gametree = leaf of string * piece list * piece list
| node of string * gametree list;

Each node of the gametree has a label which is a string. Each leaf node also maintains the list of
pieces for computer and the user, and each nonleaf node maintains a list of gametrees corresponding to
the different possible next states. The datatype gametree is recursive since the subtrees of a gametree
are also gametrees. Note: In this gametree, we are not recording the list of pieces for nonleaf nodes.
In the gametree shown below, listed under each leaf node are the pieces belonging to the computer
(shown to the lower left) as well as the user (shown to the lower right). An abbreviated notation is
used: K = king, Kn = knight, Q = queen, B = bishop, R = rook, and P = pawn.
Represent the above gametree in ML as follows: Create a value binding for each of the eight leaf
nodes, and then use them to create value bindings for each of the seven non-leaf nodes. For example,
the value bindings for the leaf node “L8” and the nonleaf node “N2” would be as follows.
val leaf8 = leaf(“L8”, [king,queen(1),bishop(1),pawn(5)], [knight(1),pawn(5)]);
val node2 = node(“N2”, [node5, node6]);
That is, introduce variables node1 … node7 for the nonleaf nodes and variables leaf1 … leaf8 for the
leaf nodes, and perform 7+8 = 15 value bindings.
3. Write the function minimax: gametree  string list, incorporating the minimax algorithm.
Suppose the above gametree is bound to a variable node1. Then, evaluating
would return the string list [“N1”, “N3”, “N7”, “L8”], which corresponds to the sequence of moves
highlighted by the thick arrows. At node L8, the computer‟s strength = 160, by our strength function.
Since minimax needs to alternate between phases of maximizing and minimizing, you may find it
convenient to define minimax in terms of an auxiliary (nested) function
minimax2: bool * gametree  string list * int
which takes a boolean value indicating whether this is a maximizing phase or a minimizing phase. It
would be convenient to return a list of node names as well as the strength (an integer) at each stage.
Further guidance on the assignment will be given in the recitations.
End of Assignment # 3

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