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Assignment 3:  Library Catalog System

Lab Assignment 3: 
Library Catalog System

Due Date
(a two-week LA)
2/24/16 11:59pm – For Wednesday Lab Sections
2/25/16 11:59pm – For Thursday Lab Sections


•    To practice designing proper inheritance relationships
•    To practice overriding superclass methods in subclasses

Problem Specification

You are to write a Java application which can be used to keep track of a library’s collection of materials. The collection will be read in from an input file, and users will be able to display a list of materials and check them out by call number. 

Library Materials 
•    Books (checked out for 21 days) 
o    Book Title 
o    Author 
o    Genre 
•    Periodicals (checked out for 7 days) 
o    Periodical Title 
o    Volume 
o    Issue 
o    Subject 

All library materials have a call number, and can be checked out. The date checked out should be the current date, and the due date depends on the type of material. When displaying the item, show the specific information, along with the call number, whether or not the item is checked out, and if so, the checked out and due dates (see example output below). 

Input File 
•    The first line is the number of books in the library’s collection.
•    The second line is the number of periodicals in the library’s collection.
•    Each line after that contains a single library item (fields separated by commas) 
o    Books (indicated by the letter B) 
    Fields: Call number, Book title, Author, Genre 
o    Periodicals (indicated by the letter P) 
    Fields: Call number, Periodical title, Volume, Issue, Subject 

Example Input: 

B,C124.S17,The Cat in the Hat,Dr. Seuss,Children’s Literature 
P,QJ072.C23.37.4,Computational Linguistics,37,4,Computational Linguistics 
P,QJ015.C42.55.2,Communications of the ACM,55,2,Computer Science 
B,F380.M1,A Game of Thrones,George R. R. Martin,Fantasy Literature 

The application should exhibit the following functionality (see the sample output below): 
•    Read the contents of the library’s collection from a file when the application starts. 
o    The file name should be hardcoded 
•    Allow the user to choose from a menu of options: 
o    Display collection 
    Displays the full list of materials 
o    Check out materials 
    Ask the user for the call number, and then find the matching item. 
    If an item is already checked out, do not allow the user to check it out and display a message indicating it is not available. 
    Set the checked out date and due date accordingly. 
    Display the item information 
o    Quit 
    Exits the application 
•    Allow the user to continue making requests until s/he selects the Quit option. 

Example Output: 
------------- Menu ------------- 
1)    Display collection 
2)    Check out materials 
3)    Quit 
Please choose an option: 1 

Book Title: The Cat in the Hat 
Author: Dr. Seuss 
Genre: Children's Literature 
Call Number: C124.S17 
Checked Out: NO 

Periodical Title: Computational Linguistics 
Volume: 37 
Issue: 4 
Subject: Computational Linguistics 
Call Number: QJ072.C23.37.4 
Checked Out: NO 

Periodical Title: Communications of the ACM 
Volume: 55 
Issue: 2 
Subject: Computer Science 
Call Number: QJ015.C42.55.2 
Checked Out: NO 

Book Title: A Game of Thrones 
Author: George R. R. Martin 
Genre: Fantasy Literature 
Call Number: F380.M1 
Checked Out: NO 

------------- Menu ------------- 
1)    Display collection 
2)    Check out materials 
3)    Quit 
Please choose an option: 2 

Enter the call number: F380.M1 

Book Title: A Game of Thrones 
Author: George R. R. Martin 
Genre: Fantasy Literature 
Call Number: F380.M1 
Checked Out: YES 
Date Out: 02/08/16
Date Due: 02/29/16
------------- Menu ------------- 
1)    Display collection 
2)    Check out materials 
3)    Quit 
Please choose an option: 2

Enter the call number: F380.M1
Item is not available.
------------- Menu -------------
  1) Display collection
  2) Check out materials
  3) Quit
Please choose an option: 3 

Your application MUST make use of a proper inheritance relationship. It should have a superclass representing a general library item, and subclasses representing the specific types of materials included in the collection (books and periodicals). Any common data members or methods between the subclasses should be defined in the superclass. Specific functionality, such as additional data members or overriding methods, should be defined in the specific subclass. 

Your application should store objects of a similar type in an array of the appropriate type. You should therefore have two arrays to store the items: one for book objects and another one for periodicals.

1)    Working with dates in Java is very easy to do! You need to use the GregorianCalendar class (the name just refers to the type of calendar familiar to most of the western world). You can get the current date by instantiating a new GregorianCalendar object. You can copy the date using the clone method, and modify the date by using the add method. The add method below adds 50 days to the date. 

import java.util.Calendar; 
import java.util.GregorianCalendar; 
dateCheckedOut = new GregorianCalendar(); 
dateDue = (GregorianCalendar)dateCheckedOut.clone(); 
dateDue.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 50); 
String.format("Date Out: %tD\n", dateCheckedOut); 

The %tD format specifier will print the date in mm/dd/yy format 
Output for this code snippet will be (assuming today’s date is 02/08/16): 

Date Out: 03/29/16 

2)    Remember that the split method can be used to split a string using a specified delimiter, and returns an array of strings. The following line of code splits a string delimited by commas. 
String[ ] line = inputString.split(","); 

Design Requirements

You are required to finish the design report before you leave the lab. 

Note: Lab reports will be worth 40% of the total LA3 grade. 

Your lab report should contain the following two parts. 
1.    Basic Structure
This section of your report should be done using UML diagrams. Your diagrams should show the relationships between classes (sub- and superclasses, classes implementing interfaces, association between classes (if any).

Your project should have a class LibraryItem which implements the ILibrary interface. This interface is provided and no changes should be made to it. All methods in the interface must be implemented by class LibraryItem.

LibraryITem has two subclasses named Book and Periodical respectively. 

NOTE: Any common data members or methods between the subclasses should be defined in the superclass. Specific functionality, such as additional data members or overriding methods, should be defined in the specific subclass.

There is a Controller class which implements the IController interface. This class is used by the main class to run the program.

The code for the main class (which has only the main method) is provided and should be used as provided, without modifications. This serves as a test class for your program.

The interfaces and the main class are provided below.

package edu.wmich.cs1120.LA3.LibraryCatalog;


public interface IController {
     * Displays the collection of library items to the screen
    public void displayCollection();
     * Requests for the call number from the user, uses the findItem()
     * method to check if that item exists in the library, and if it does 
     * calls the checkOut() method for that item and prints out the item 
     * that has been checked out. 
    public void checkoutMaterials();
     * Searches in both the array of books and the array of periodicals 
     * for the book with the call number received as a parameter.
     * @param callNum The call number of the item requested by the user
     * @return The requested item, or 'null' if item does not exist.
    public ILibrary findItem(String callNum);
     * Displays the menu options to the user.
    public void showMenu();
     * Reads data from the input file and stores the items in the 
     * appropriate array. 
     * @param fileName The name of the input file.
     * @throws IOException Included in case input file is not found.
    public void readInput(String fileName) throws IOException;
}    // End of interface IController

package edu.wmich.cs1120.LA3.LibraryCatalog;

import java.util.GregorianCalendar;

public interface ILibrary {
     * Sets the boolean value checkedOut to true, and 
     * initializes the dateChecked out attribute (a 
     * GregorianCalendar object).
    public void checkOut();
     * Generates a string with the details of the library item 
     * whose call number has been input by the user (see example output)
     * and returns that string.
     * If the user wants to check out the library item, the string to be 
     * returned also includes information that the item has been checked out, 
     * the date it was checked out, and the due date for the item. 
     * @return
    public String toString();

     * Returns the call number of this object.
     * @return the callNumber
    public String getCallNumber();

     * Returns true or false depending on if this item has been checked out.
     * @return the boolean value for isCheckedOut
    public boolean isCheckedOut();

     * Returns the date this item was checked out.
     * @return the dateCheckedOut
    public GregorianCalendar getDateCheckedOut();

     * Returns the date this item is due to be returned.
     * @return the dateDue
    public GregorianCalendar getDateDue();
     * Sets the dateDue to the parameter received.
     * @param dateDue the dateDue to set
    public void setDateDue(GregorianCalendar dateDue);

}    // End of ILibrary interface
package edu.wmich.cs1120.LA3.LibraryCatalog;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class LA3Assign {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
        IController control = new Controller(keyboard);
            String response = "";
            boolean quitFlag = false;
        while (!quitFlag) {
            response = keyboard.nextLine();
            switch (response) {
                case "1":
                case "2":
                case "3":
                    quitFlag = true;

}    // End of main class

2.    Pseudocode
Write pseudocode for all the required methods.
Additional Requirements  

Coding Standards 
You must adhere to all conventions in the CS 1120 Java coding standard. This includes the use of white spaces for readability and the use of comments to explain the meaning of various methods and attributes. Be sure to follow the conventions for naming projects, packages, classes, variables, method parameters and methods. 

You must include Javadoc comments and generate a Javadoc document for your project. Points will be deducted in the following cases:
    Javadoc comments are included but the Javadoc document is not generated. 
    No Javadoc comments are included at all in the project.

Test your application with other input data besides the example given here, to make sure it works for all data. You should also test it for different sequences of user input (displaying the collection, checking out various materials, displaying the collection again, trying to check out items that are already checked out, etc.). 

Assignment Submission 

•    Generate a .zip file that contains all your files, including:
◦    Program Files
◦    Any input or output files

•    Submit the .zip file to the appropriate folder in elearning. 

NOTE: The elearning folder will be inaccessible after the due date/time.

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