CSC 138 – Computer Network and Internet
Socket Programming Assignment 3 – Mail Client
Goal: Socket programming assignments are to help you review and apply your conceptual
knowledge from this class.
Attention: Although the examples discussed in class are in Python/C, your submission can be in
Python/C/Java. If you choose do so, the caveat is that there is more help (see below) if you do it in
Instructions: (Textbook Page 180) This is the second of a series of programming assignments in
the text book that will be assigned in the course of the semester. Students can find full details of
these assignments, as well as important snippets of the Python code, at the Web site for the text
book. http://wps.pearsoned.com/ecs_kurose_compnetw_6/.
The goal of this programming assignment is to create a simple mail client that sends email to any
recipient. Your client will need to establish a TCP connection with a mail server (e.g. ECS mail
server: gaia.ecs.cus.edu, or the SMTP server of CSUS: smtp.csus.edu), dialogue with the mail
server using the SMTP protocol, send an email message to a recipient (e.g., your friend or yourself)
via the mail server, and finally close the TCP connection with the mail server. Python provides a
module, called smtplib, which has built in methods to send mail using SMTP protocol. However,
we will not be using this module in this lab, because it hides the details of SMTP and socket
For this assignment, the textbook’s companion Web site provides the skeleton code for your
client. Your job is to complete the code and test your client by sending email to different user
accounts. You may also try sending through different servers (for example, through ECS mail
server: gaia.ecs.csus.edu).
If you are using the mail server gaia.ecs.csus.edu, the screenshot for code execution would look
If you are using the mail server smtp.csus.edu, the screenshot for code execution would look like:
Screenshot of SMTPClient
An electronic submission of lab report should be submitted to my Canvas before the deadline. You
should include both your source code (could be a source file or a screenshot) and at least two
screenshots that can help you demonstrate your work: one screenshot for the execution of source
code in terminal, one screenshot for displaying the email in your email agent, such as outlook or a
web browser. Otherwise, penalty will be given in grading.
Requirement: The report will all be evaluated based on the following grading criteria.
Report Correctness, Completeness, Clarity 20%+15%+15%
Demonstration Correctness, Completeness, Question 20%+15%+15%