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Assignment 3 Memory Management- Paging Algorithms

Assignment 3

Memory Management- Paging Algorithms
Marks: 50

This assignment consists of a programming exercise and an experimental part you have
to briefly explain. You are provided a memory management simulator simulating FIFO
page replacement algorithm. Your goal is to implement LRU and CLOCK algorithms as
well. To submit the assignment, you have to submit two files:
(programming part) and (explanation of experimental results; xxx can
be a txt, doc, pdf, ps, i.e. any easily readable file). Remember that you can have only one
public class per java source file. Any student not conforming the submission
specification will loose points. Upload these files for your submission.
1. Open Assign3_codes folder to get the java and configuration files of a simple
java based simulator of a memory management system. Note that while the
provided simulator is loosely based on the simulator from - memory, the implementation details are quite
different. In particular, the syntax of the commands file has been expanded. For
more detail, see MOSSchanges.
2. Compile the java files.
3. Run the simulator as it is (type at the command prompt)
java MemoryManagement cmdFile1 confFile1
4. Take a look at the user guide at and MOSSchanges, then
examine the provided configuration files 'cmdFileX' and 'confFileX', where X is
a number. Create your own configuration files and play around with the simulator
to learn how to use them and how the simulator performs. Examine the log files
to see the actions of the simulator documented.
5. Now is time to look at the code you have to modify. Almost all code can (and
should) be left as it is. The only class you have to modify is the class Paging,
which implements most of the page table functionality. You might want to look
as well at the methods Kernel.readAddr() and Kernel.writeAddr() executed when
read/write instruction is stepped over in the 'commands' sequence. Do not modify
these methods - you are submitting only, so your modifications
would be lost.
6. The method Paging.replacePage() replaces a page when there is a page fault. The
replacement algorithm is either FIFO, LRU or CLOCK, depending on the
command line arguments (default is FIFO). Only the FIFO algorithm has been
implemented in the provided code, your goal is to implement LRU and CLOCK
algorithms as well (fill in the methods replacePageLRU() and
replacePageClock()). Note that all fields necessary for all algorithms are already
included in the PageTableEntry class. These fields still need to be appropriately
updated - most of the work is already done in Kernel.readAdrr() and
Kernel.writeAddr(), but you might still need to add some updates (in an
appropriate method of Paging class, do not modify the Kernel class). Compile
your solutions and try them. Launching the memory simulator as follows:
java MemoryManagement cmdFile1 confFile1 LRU
will use LRU page replacement algorithm, typing on the command line
java MemoryManagement cmdFile1 confFile1 CLOCK
will use the CLOCK replacement algorithm
7. Examine the log files to compare the performance (number of page faults) for the
FIFO vs LRU vs CLOCK. Try several of the provided command files (cmdFileX)
with several replacement algorithms. Discuss the results.
8. Take a fixed command file (cmdFile1or your own command file) and try it with
different memory configuration files (confFile1 ... confFile5) to examine how the
number of page faults changes with the number of physical pages allocated to the
process. Repeat the experiment for every page replacement algorithm. Discuss
the results.
9. Submit two files:
1) which contains your implementation of LRU and CLOCK page
replacement algorithms.
2) which answers to questions in 7 and 8.

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