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Assignment 3 memory-related system calls in gemOS

Assignment 3
CS330: Operating Systems
Total Marks: 100
The objective of this assignment is to expose you to OS memory management concepts covered in the
lectures. You will be implementing memory-related system calls in gemOS.
The gemOS source can be found in the gemOS/src directory. Structure of the gemOS/src directory
is as following:
• gemOS/src/user/ contains the user space components of the gemOS.
– init.c is the userspace program that will run on gemOS. This program will interact with
gemOS using system calls.
– lib.c is library that contains the implementation of common functions such as printf(). It
is equivalent to the C library (libc) in Linux. (Not to be modified)
– ulib.h is a header file containing declaration of various functions and system calls. It is
equivalent to the user space header files in Linux. (Not to be modified)
• gemOS/src/include/ contains the header files related to the kernel1
space implementation of the
gemOS. (Not to be modified)
• gemOS/src/*.c, *.o files contain the implementation of the kernel space of the gemOS. (Modify
only the specified files)
• gemOS/src/Makefile is used to build the gemOS kernel binary gemOS.kernel. (Not to be modified).
Please refer to the piazza post It contains
instructions regarding the setup required to complete this assignment.
This section revisits some known along with additional concepts required to finish this assignment.
VM Area
A VM Area is a contiguous region in the virtual address space of a process. Each area is associated with
a start address, end address, and some protection information. The mmap system call is used to allocate
VM Areas.
1OS and kernel are used interchangeably in this document
Paging, TLBs, and Efficiency
You are familiar with the concept of multi-level paging. Most operating systems implement pages of 4KB
and the mappings between virtual pages and physical frames are stored in the page tables. Further, to
speed up the process of virtual-to-physical translations, some of these mappings are stored in the TLB, a
high speed, limited-capacity cache. Hence, each entry in the TLB essentially provides information about
4KB memory. Figure 1 depicts the addressing scheme for 4KB pages. Figure 2 depicts the contents of
a Page Table Entry in 4 level paging scheme.
Figure 1: Address Translation for 4KB pages
Figure 2: Structure of PTE at each level of the page table (only relevant fields are shown)
As you know, the fork system call creates a new process, called as child process where all resources
used by the parent process are duplicated. Considering the size of the memory state of a process, this
mechanism is highly inefficient as it requires replication of memory content along with the meta-data
and translation information. Specifically, if the child process immediately calls exec, the duplication of
the memory state becomes wasteful.
To address this shortcomings, many OSes use a technique known as Copy-on-Write, or COW. COW
delays, or altogether avoids duplication of memory content as long as possible by maintaining the readonly mapping to pages from both the parent and child processes. When either of the processes (i.e.,
parent or child) performs a write operation, a COW fault is generated and a copy of that page is created
in the address space of the process that performed the write operation. Subsequent accesses to that
page from the same process do not raise any fault. The raising of CoW fault (which is essentially a
page fault) and fixing of the fault through copy operations is performed by the OS in a user transparent
1 Memory mapping support in gemOS [30 marks]
In this task, you will be implementing the following system calls. Note that, the semantics of these
system calls, while are similar to Linux/Unix POSIX calls, they are simplified.
• void *mmap(void *addr, int length, int prot, int flag)
• int munmap(void *addr, int length)
• int mprotect(void *addr, int length, int prot);
1.1 void *mmap(void *addr, int length, int prot, int flag)
addr: addr specifies the starting address of the new mapping. If addr is NULL, you have to choose a
address which is page aligned in the virtual address space to create the mapping. If addr is not NULL, it
should be considered as a hint about where to place the mapping. If requested mappings are free, you
can either create a new mapping or merge with the existing mapping based on the scenarios explained
below. You can assume that, addr will always be page aligned.
length: The length argument specifies the length of the mapping. It is assumed to be a positive integer
and need not be a multiple of page size. Length is in bytes and assume that, the length will not be more
than two megabytes.
prot: The prot argument describes the desired memory protection of the mapping. It can be one of
the following flags:
• PROT READ - The protection of the mapping vm area is set to read only. The physical pages which
map to this vm area are also set to read only. Any attempt to write to pages with read only
permission results in segmentation fault.
• PROT READ | PROT WRITE - The protection of the mapping vm area is set to both read and write.
Physical pages corresponding this vm area, will have both read and write access.
flag: This argument takes the values MAP FIXED or 0.
• MAP FIXED - Don’t interpret addr as a hint, instead place the mapping exactly at the address that
is passed as an argument to the mmap() function. If the specified address is already mapped with
some vm area, it cannot be used and mmap will fail in that case. If addr is NULL, return an error
(see below).
System call handler: To implement the mmap() system call, you are required to provide implementation for the template function long vm area map(struct exec context *current, u64 addr, int
length, int prot, int flags) (present in gemOS/src/v2p.c). Note that this system call handler is
passed one extra argument i.e., the exec context of the current process.
Description: mmap() creates a mapping in the virtual address space of the calling process. vm area in
struct exec context is a sorted linked list of vm areas (referred as VMAs) corresponding to a process.
Based on the arguments passed to the mmap(), you have to scan the linked list of VMAs, to find the
appropriate position in the linked list where a new vm area node can be added or an existing vm area
node can be expanded.
Note that your list of VMAs should always have a dummy node (first node in the list of VMAs)
with following configuration:
• start address = MMAP AREA START
• size = 4KB
• access flags = 0x0
Scenarios for manipulating the VMAs when an mmap() system call is made are as following:
• Always use lowest available address (in the range MMAP AREA START (start) to MMAP AREA END
(end)) that can satisfy the mmap() request unless hint address is provided i.e., you should not
create a new mapping in intermediate addresses unless hint address is specified. Refer Figure 3
and Figure 4.
Figure 3: Creating new mapping
Figure 4: Subsequent mappings (assume PROT WRITE means PROT READ|PROT WRITE)
• When the new mapping follows the end of an existing mapping and has same protection flags
as the the existing one, new mapping should be merged with the existing mapping as shown in
Figure 5.
Figure 5: Merging at the end of existing mapping (assume PROT WRITE means PROT READ|PROT WRITE)
• When the end of the new mapping is followed by the start of an existing mapping and has same
protection as the existing one, new mapping should be merged with the existing mapping as shown
in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Merging at the start of existing mapping (assume PROT WRITE means PROT READ|PROT WRITE)
• When the new mapping cannot be merged with any of the existing mappings, a new mapping
should be created. Merging may not be possible due to different protections or absence of adjacent
VMAs. Refer Figure 7.
Figure 7: Merging of VMAs not possible (due to different protections) (assume PROT WRITE means
• Note that two VMA’s can be merged if and only if they have the same protections. For example,
two adjacent VMAs should not be merged if one vma has protection PROT READ|PROT WRITE and
adjacent vma has protection PROT READ. When hint address is provided and no vma exists in the
requested range, merging should be done if possible as shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8: Address of new vma being decided by the hint address (new vma got merged with vma 2).
• If another mapping already exists for the provided hint address and flag = 0, pick a new address (lowest address that can satisfy the request i.e., start scanning for free addresses from
MMAP AREA START) that need not depend on the hint address.
• If hint address is provided and flag = MAP FIXED such that the requested memory region is entirely
or partially mapped, mmap() should fail and return -1.
• Note that the size of the VMAs must be a multiple of 4KB. Example: On mmap(hint addr =
12K, length = 1K), you have to create VMA of size 4KB (from address 12K to 16K assuming
this address region is unmapped).
• Note that the end address of your VMA should be equal to start addr of vma + length of
vma. For example: A vma with start address of 4096 and length of 4096 bytes will have end address
as 4096 + 4096 = 8192. Range of bytes corresponding this VMA will be [addr, addr+len-1] i.e.
4096 bytes to 8191 bytes.
Return Value: On success, mmap() should return a pointer to the start of the mapped area. If newly
created VMA gets merged with an existing VMA, in that case, return the start address of the new VMA
before merging. In case of error, return -1.
1.2 int munmap(void *addr, int length)
addr: The addr argument specifies the start address of the memory mapped region to be unmapped.
You can assume that the addr passed will be page aligned.
length: The length argument specifies the length of the mapping (starting from addr) to be unmapped.
It will be greater than 0 and need not be a multiple of page size. Length is in bytes.
System call handler: To implement munmap() system call, you are required to provide implementation for the template function long vm area unmap(struct exec context *current, u64 addr, int
length) (present in gemOS/src/v2p.c). Note that this system call handler is passed one extra argument
(the exec context of the current process).
Description: The munmap() system call deletes the mappings for the specified address range. Based
on the arguments passed to the munmap(), you have to iterate through the list of VMAs of the current
process and modify the mappings. After the modification of the mappings, vm areas can be freed,
shrunk or split into two vm areas, as shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9: Unmapping of the VM area (assume PROT WRITE means PROT READ|PROT WRITE)
Scenarios for manipulating VMAs when an munmap() system call is made are as following:
• addr passed to munmap() need not point to the start of a VMA.
• Unmapping even a single byte from a page, unmaps the whole page. Refer Figure 10.
Figure 10: Unmapping at page granularity (case 1)
• munmap() can occur on a portion of a VMA. Refer Figure 11
Figure 11: Unmapping at page granularity (case 2)
• Unmapping across VMAs is allowed, even if they have different protections (protections are irrelevant while unmapping). Refer Figure 12
Figure 12: Unmapping across VMAs (assume PROT WRITE means PROT READ|PROT WRITE)
• Unmapping across VMAs with holes in between is allowed as shown in Figure 13.
Figure 13: Unmapping with holes (assume PROT WRITE means PROT READ|PROT WRITE)
• Note that it is not an error if the region to be unmapped doesn’t contain any VMAs. An implication
of this is that the unmapping of the same area multiple times should not raise an error. Example:
munmap(addr = 4K, length = 4K); /* success */
munmap(addr = 4K, length = 4K); /* success */
Return Value On success, return 0. On failure, return -1.
1.3 int mprotect(void *addr, int length, int prot)
addr: The addr argument specifies the start address of the memory mapped region whose protection
needs to be changed. You can assume that it will be page aligned.
length: The length argument specifies the length of the mapping (starting from addr) whose protection
flags needs to be changed. It will be greater than 0 and need not be a multiple of page size. Length is
in bytes.
prot: The prot argument describes the desired memory protection of the mapping. It can be one of
the following flags:
• PROT READ - The protection of the mapping vm area is set to read only. The physical pages which
map to this vm area are also set to read only. Any attempt to write to pages with read only
permission results in SIGSEGV.
• PROT READ | PROT WRITE - The protection of the mapping vm area is set to both read and write.
Physical pages corresponding this vm area, will have both read and write access.
System call handler: To implement mprotect() system call, you are required to provide implementation for the template function long vm area mprotect(struct exec context *current, u64 addr,
int length, int prot) (present in gemOS/src/v2p.c). Note that this system call handler is passed
one extra argument (the exec context of the current process).
Description: The mprotect() system call changes the access protections for the calling process’s
memory pages containing any part of the address range in the interval [addr, addr+len-1]. You can
assume that mprotect() will be used to change the access protection of VMAs only. Based on the
arguments passed to the mprotect(), you have to iterate through the list of VMAs of the current process
and modify the access permissions. mprotect might create (an existing VMA might be partitioned into
multiple VMA’s), expand (after change in protections, a VMA might get merged with adjacent VMAs)
or shrink (an existing VMA might be partitioned into multiple VMAs) the vm area mapping. Refer
Figure 14. Changing the protection of even a single byte of a page changes the protection of the entire
page. It is not an error if the region whose protections need to be changed doesn’t contain any VMAs.
Figure 14: Impact of mprotect on VMA’s (assume PROT WRITE means PROT READ|PROT WRITE)
Return Value On success, return 0. On failure, return -1.
• In this part, you are not required to perform allocation of physical pages corresponding the VMAs,
page fault handling/page table manipulation etc. In this part, you are expected to perform only
address space management through VMA manipulation.
• The address range for all the above system calls will always be between MMAP AREA START -
• You can assume that the dummy node (inserted at the head of the VMA’s list) will never be
included in the address range specified by mmap(), munmap(), mprotect().
• You can assume that fork()/vfork()/cfork()/clone() will not be called in the test-cases for
this part of the assignment.
• You are free to create your own helper functions in gemOS/src/v2p.c
• You have to check the validity of arguments (such as prot, flag, length) passed to mmap(),
munmap(), mprotect().
• You can assume that, maximum number of VMAs at any point of time will be 128 including the
dummy vm area.
The user space program code is available in gemOS/src/user/init.c. You need to write your test cases
in init.c to validate your implementation. The sample test cases in gemOS/src/user/part1/ can be
copied into init.c to make use of them.
2 Page Table Manipulations [30 marks]
This part of the assignment, when implemented correctly, will enable lazy allocation support in gemOS.
As discussed in class, lazy allocation delays the physical memory allocation corresponding to a virtual
address till the virtual address gets accessed (i.e., read or write operation is performed on that address)
for the first time. In this task, you will be modifying your implementation of the system calls in Part-1,
to enable memory access to the allocated VMAs using page table manipulations. Specifically, you will
provide implementation/modifications for the following:
• long vm area pagefault(struct exec context *current, u64 addr, int error code)
• int munmap(void *addr, int length)
• int mprotect(void *addr, int length, int prot);
2.1 long vm area pagefault(struct exec context *current, u64 addr, int error code)
current: exec context of the process whose execution resulted in the page fault
address: Accessed virtual address that resulted in the page fault
error code: Provides the information about the fault such as whether the fault occurred in user-space
execution or kernel mode execution, type of access i.e, read or write etc. The error codes for various
faults are explained in Section 4.
Description: We have provided a template function vm area pagefault() (present in gemOS/src/v2p.c)
which gets called when a page fault occurs for an address in [MMAP AREA START, MMAP AREA END]. When
this page fault handler is called, you have to iterate through the list of VMAs of the process (whose
exec context is passed as an argument to this function) to the validity of the address. The validity
checks if the faulting address belongs to some VMA and if the access matches with the protection flags
of the VMA. The following scenarios should be handled by the page fault handler.
• Page fault can arise due to read (error code = 0x4) or write (error code = 0x6) access to an address
such that a VMA exists corresponding to the accessed address and no physical page is mapped.
Note that write access on an address such that VMA corresponding the address has only read
permission should be flagged as an invalid access. All other combinations of accesses and VMA
protection flags are considered as valid accesses. For example, read access on an address such that
VMA corresponding the address has only write permission is a valid access. For a valid access,
you need to do the following,
– Allocate a new physical page frame (PFN), set access flags and update the page table entry(s)
of the faulting address. Note that pgd member of a process’s exec context can be used to
find the virtual address of the PGD level of the page table using osmap(ctx->pgd).
– You have to structure the PTE entry(s) (Figure 2) at different levels depending on the access
flags of the virtual address that is being mapped.
• A page fault can arise due to a read/write access such that no VMA exists corresponding the
accessed address. Such an access should be flagged as an invalid access.
• A page fault arising due to a write access to a page marked as READ ONLY (error code = 0x7). In
this case, if VMA corresponding the page fault address does not have write permission, flag this
access as invalid. If VMA corresponding the page fault address has write permission, it implies that
this access is a copy-on-write access (can occur only if you implement the next part). To handle
the CoW fault, call the handle cow fault passing the context, fault address and the access flag
of the VMA. You will be implementing this function in the next part of the assignment i.e., if are
not required to implement handle cow fault in this part.
Return Value After fixing fault for a valid access, return 1. For an invalid access return -1.
2.2 int munmap(void *addr, int length)
Modification: On unmapping a VMA that has some physical memory allocated to it, you should
free the PFNs and update the virtual-to-physical translation accordingly. Subsequent accesses to the
addresses within the unmapped memory range should result in invalid memory error (SIGSEGV). Note
that it is not an error if there are no physical pages allocated corresponding the memory range to be
2.3 int mprotect(void *addr, int length, int prot)
Modification: When protections of a virtual address region is changed using mprotect, you should
update the virtual to physical translation to enforce the change in access permissions. Note that it is
not an error if there are no physical pages allocated corresponding the memory range whose protections
got updated.
• The pgd of exec context contains the PFN of the PGD level in the page table for the process.
• You can assume that fork()/vfork()/cfork()/clone() will not be called in the test-cases for
this part of the assignment.
• You are free to create your own helper functions in gemOS/src/v2p.c
The user space program code is available in gemOS/src/user/init.c. You need to write your test cases
in init.c to validate your implementation. The sample test cases in gemOS/src/user/part2/ can be
copied into init.c to make use of them.
3 Copy-on-Write fork [40 marks]
In this task, you will be implementing the following system call and function:
• pid t cfork()
• static long handle cow fault(struct exec context *current, u64 vaddr, int access flags)
3.1 pid t cfork()
System call handler: To implement cfork() system call, you are required to provide implementation
for the template function long do cfork() (present in gemOS/src/v2p.c).
Description: cfork()is a variant of the fork() system call which implements a copy-on-write policy
for the address space of a process. The features of cfork() are as follows:
• Like fork(), when a process (called parent process) calls cfork(), a new process, called child
process, is created.
• The implementation of cfork does not copy the memory content of the parent. However, the
address space state should be copied.
• The virtual to physical mapping should be changed such that when either of the processes performs
a write on any of the pages, a copy of that page is created (in the writer’s address space) before
proceeding with the write. Refer Figures 15, 16, 17 for a working example.
• When CoW sharing breaks (i.e., a page fault occurs), you have to duplicate frames and update
the virtual to physical translation.
Figure 15: Example: cfork()
Figure 16: After parent calls cfork()
Figure 17: After parent writes to an address in shared page
In the do cfork() function you have to perform the following operations:
• Copy all the members of the parent process’s exec context to the child process’s exec context.
For example, copy the contents of the files array (array of file descriptors) from the parent process
to the child proces.
• Set the ppid (pid of the parent process) in the child process’s exec context
• Build a new page table for the child process. Note that gemOS uses 4-level page table.
– In this page table, you have to create page table entries only for the userspace part of
the address space. Specifically, you have to create the page table entries for the present
pages in the following memory segments of the child process—MM SEG CODE, MM SEG RODATA,
MM SEG DATA, MM SEG STACK and for the VMAs of the child process. You can access the range
of each memory segment using mms[] array in the exec context of the child process. For example, current->mms[MM SEG CODE]->start and current->mms[MM SEG CODE]->next free
gives the range of address space covered by the code segment of the current process.
– Page table entries in the PTE level/last level of the child process’s page table should point
to the same frames that are being pointed by the page table entries in the PTE level/last
level of the parent process’s page table. While updating the translation information, in both
parent and child processes, the access permission in the PTE should be updated to restrict
write accesses. You have to increase the reference count of the shared frames to indicate the
number of page table entries pointing to the same frame.
– Modify the pgd member of the child exec context to update it with the PFN value of the
PGD level used for the page table of the child process.
Return Values: On success, the PID of the child process is returned in the parent, and 0 is returned
in the child. On failure, -1 is returned in the parent, no child process is created. Note that, the
template function already has some crucial calls which ensures correct execution of child process (if
created correctly). You should not change them.
3.2 long handle cow fault(struct exec context *current, u64 vaddr, int access flags)
current: exec context of the process that received the CoW fault
vaddr: Virtual address whose access resulted in the CoW fault
access flags: Access flags of the VMA to which the faulting address belongs to.
Description: handle cow fault function is called from vm area pagefault() function (handles the
faults in the memory regions created using mmap() system call) and from other functions that handle
the page faults occurring in the memory segments such as stack segment, code segment etc. So, your
implementation of handle cow fault should be able to handle CoW faults occurring for any userspace
address. In this function, depending on the address and flags, you have to update the virtual-to-physical
translation information and adjust the reference count of PFNs.
Note the following changes to the implementation of munmap and mprotect.
• With CoW mapping, you may not free any mapped page on a unmap system call. You are required
to use the PFN reference count to ensure correctness.
• With CoW mapping, while changing the access flags of the VMA and the translation entries, you
must consider shared nature of PFN. For example, you can not blindly update the page table to
allow write to a CoW mapping.
Return value: Return 1 if fault has been fixed, return -1 otherwise.
The user space program code is available in gemOS/src/user/init.c. You need to write your test cases
in init.c to validate your implementation. The sample test cases in gemOS/src/user/part3/ can be
copied into init.c to make use of them.
4 Utilities
In order to make things easier, we have given some template functions, structures and a few utility
functions that facilitate object creation and deletion. Let’s have look at those functions.
The process control block (PCB) is implemented using a structure named exec context defined in
src/include/context.h. One of the important members of exec context for this assignment is the
structure vm area.
struct vm area
vm start - The starting address (virtual address) of the vm area mappings.
vm end - The ending address (virtual address) of the vm area mappings.
access flags - The protection or access flags of the current vm area mappings.
vm next - The pointer to the next vm area mappings.
These are constants defined in the file gemOS/src/include/mmap.h which is used to specify the overall
start and end limit of the mmap space. All the mappings (vm area) which are created using the mmap
syscalls should reside within this limit. if the hint address is not within limit, then mmap syscalls should
return -1.
void *os alloc(u32 size)
Allocates a memory region of size bytes. Note that you can not use this function to allocate regions of
size greater than 2048 bytes. This function returns 0 in case of error.
Example usage: struct vm area *vm = os alloc(sizeof(struct vm area));
void os free(void *ptr to free, u32 size)
Use os free function to free the memory allocated using os alloc.
Example usage: os free(vm, sizeof(struct vm area));
int memcpy(char *dest, char *src, u32 size)
This function copies size bytes from src address to dest address.
void *osmap(u64 pfn)
Given a page frame number, it returns a virtual address corresponding the passed page frame number.
u32 os pfn alloc(u32 region)
This function allocates a new frame in the specified region.
To allocate a frame that is to be used to store page table content, use region = OS PT REG.
To allocate a frame that is to be used to store normal data content, use region = USER REG.
u32 os pfn free(u32 region, u64 pfn)
This function frees a page frame given the page frame number and the region to which it belongs to.
s8 get pfn(u32 pfn)
Increments the reference count of a frame by one.
s8 put pfn(u32 pfn)
Decrements the reference count of a frame by one.
s8 get pfn refcount(u32 pfn)
Get reference count of a frame.
struct exec context* get current ctx(void)
This function returns the exec context of the current running process.
Page-Fault Error Code
The error codes generated in case of a page fault are shown in Figure 18, which is taken from course
slides. Example interpretation of some of the error codes is as following:
0x4 - User-mode read access to an unmapped page
0x6 - User-mode write access to an unmapped page
0x7 - User mode write access to read-only page
For this assignment, you need to only worry about P, W, U bits.
Figure 18: Page-Fault Error Codes
5 Submission
• Do not have any additional logging/printing in the submitted code.
• You have to submit zip file named your roll (for example: containing
only the following files in specified folder format:
|----- your_roll_number
|---- v2p.c
|---- declaration
• If your submission is not as per the above instructions, a penalty of 20 marks will be applied on
the marks obtained in this assignment.
• Note: No code changes will be allowed after the assignment submission period has ended. So, test
your implementation thoroughly with the provided test cases as well as your custom test cases.

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