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Assignment 3 – OCSF (PART 1)

SEG2105. Introduction to Software Engineering
Assignment 3 – OCSF (PART 1)


 Work individually or in groups of 2 (only for Part I).
Instructions for setting up the OCSF and SimpleChat code in Eclipse are
found here:
Testcase descriptions are available online:
Exercises to do: You will do exercises listed below from pages 104-107 of the
textbook with a few modifications. Remember: do not modify the OCSF
1. E50, pages 105-106 (20 marks): Comment each change as you go and
mark the changes using the same style of comment. Hand in changes to
your code with each preceded by a comment so the TA can see what you
changed for this question. Your comment should look something like this
'// **** Changed for E50' and your initials. Furthermore, add normal code
comments explaining anything non-obvious in what you are doing.
In addition to the commands from the book, add the following commands
on the server side:
 #number gets the number of current clients connected.
 #all_users displays the list of all clients connected (by ids).
 #disconnect <clientID disconnects the client specified in the
 #wait <X makes the server wait for X seconds before accepting
any new incoming client connection.
2. E51, pages 106-107 (20 marks): As before, comment each change as you
3. E52, page 107 (10 marks): Do all the even numbered testcases except
2018. Your results should be as described as in E48.
What to hand in: Hand in the following in a zip file named after your student
 A document containing the results of the test case runs.
 Your entire simplechat *directory* (DO NOT submit the OCSF framework

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