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Assignment 3 Ordered Double Linked List

CS2336.002 Assignment 3 1
Assignment 3
Ordered Double Linked List
You will need to use C++11 support for this exercise. For Eclipse and other GCC based compilers you will
need to use the –std=c++11 or –std=c++0x compiler option. This is not needed if you are using
Visual Studio since it does not distinguish between the various versions of C++.
In this assignment you are going to create a double linked list and an ordered double linked list.
The bulk of the work will be building the double linked list. This will be a template classes named
ListNode<DataType and DoubleLinkedList<DataType.
You will also be building an ordered linked list template class named
The text book creates an ordered linked list by inheriting from the double linked list class. We are going
to use composition and have our ordered double linked list use the double linked list, but not inherit
from it. That means you will have to create member functions to implement the public interface for the
ordered linked list and turn around and, mostly, use the capabilities of the double linked list you have
already created.
In addition you will be creating two additional classes, PhoneBook and PhoneBookEntry. The
PhoneBook class will be making use of your ordered double linked list. The ordered list will be a
collection of PhoneBookEntry objects.
First we start with the ListNode and DoubleLinkedList class.
ListNode and DoubleLinkedList classes
The DoubleLinkedList class needs to implement a double linked list. Your program cannot use any
existing C++ collections to implement this, you need to create the code from scratch or by adapting the
code in the text book. Note the interface for your class will be different from the one used in the text
The ListNode class is going to make the DoubleLinkedList class a friend class (so it can call the private
next and previous member functions that update the next and previous pointers). To make this work we
are going to have a forward declaration of the DoubleLinkedList template class. See the sample header
file for details.
You can inline the ListNode class if you want to. Only inline trivial member functions in the
DoubleLinkedList class (trivial being 1 or 2 lines of code).
CS2336.002 Assignment 3 2
You must implement all of the member functions shown here. You can implement additional private,
and protected member functions if you need them.
Here is the header file for class you are creating. Note this is also in file DoubleLinkedList.h on
* BaseDoubleLinkedList.h
* Implementation of a double linked list.
* We have the ability to get the first and last entries and navigate
* through the entries in the linked list.
* There are actually two classes here:
* ListNode<DataType
* and
* DoubleLinkedList<DataType
#include <iostream
#include <iomanip
#include <cstddef
// forward declaration of the template class DoubleLinkedList
template<class DataType
class DoubleLinkedList;
// ListNode class
template<class DataType
class ListNode
// make DoubleLinkedList<DataType a friend class
friend class DoubleLinkedList<DataType;
// contains the actual data
DataType dataType;
// pointer to the next item in the list or nullptr
CS2336.002 Assignment 3 3
// if at the end
ListNode<DataType* pNext;
// pointer to the previous item in the list or nullptr
// if at the start
ListNode<DataType* pPrevious;
// default constructor
// copy constructor
ListNode(const DataType &newItem);
// get the next node
ListNode* next() const;
// get the previous node
ListNode* previous() const;
// return the data stored in the node as a const
const DataType& data() const;
// return the data stored in the node
DataType& data();
// update the next node
void next(ListNode *nextNode);
// update the previous node
void previous(ListNode *previousNode);
// DoubleLinkedList class
template<class DataType
class DoubleLinkedList
// number of nodes in the list. Note that std::size_t
// is defined in header file cstddef.
std::size_t numberNodes;
// point to the first node or nullptr for empty list
ListNode<DataType* firstNode;
// point to the last node or nullptr for empty list
ListNode<DataType* lastNode;
// default constructor
// copy constructor
DoubleLinkedList(const DoubleLinkedList &other);
// destructor
virtual ~DoubleLinkedList();
// return the number of nodes in the list
CS2336.002 Assignment 3 4
std::size_t size() const;
// return true if the list is empty
bool empty() const;
// display the contents of the list to std::cout
void print() const;
// dump the contends in debug format to passed in
// ostream - usage to cout would be:
// list.debug(std::cout);
void debug(std::ostream &out) const;
// first node in the list (or nullptr for empty)
virtual ListNode<DataType* first() const;
// last node in the list (or nullptr for empty)
virtual ListNode<DataType* last() const;
// add an item to the front of the list
virtual void push_front(const DataType &newItem);
// add an item to the back of the list
virtual void push_back(const DataType &newItem);
// remove an item from the front of the list
virtual void pop_front();
// remove an item from the back of the list
virtual void pop_back();
// insert newItem before the existingNode
virtual void insert_before
(ListNode<DataType* existingNode,
const DataType &newItem);
// insert newItem after the existingNode
virtual void insert_after
(ListNode<DataType* existingNode,
const DataType &newItem);
// find the node and return the address to the node. Return
// nullptr if not found
virtual ListNode<DataType* find
(const DataType &existingItem);
// remove the node equal to currentItem
virtual bool erase(const DataType &currentItem);
// remove the node by address existingNode
virtual bool erase(ListNode<DataType *existingNode);
// your implementation code goes here
// note the code for the debug() function is included
// display a debug version of the list
template<class DataType
void DoubleLinkedList<DataType::debug(std::ostream &out) const
CS2336.002 Assignment 3 5
const unsigned int ADDRWIDTH = 10;
out << "START DEBUG" << std::endl;
out << "first =" << std::setw(ADDRWIDTH) << firstNode;
out << ", last=" << std::setw(ADDRWIDTH) << lastNode;
out << ", # nodes=" << size() << std::endl;
unsigned int count = 1;
for (auto current=firstNode; current!= nullptr;
out << "node " << std::setw(2) << count;
out << "=" << std::setw(ADDRWIDTH) << current;
out << ", next=" << std::setw(ADDRWIDTH)
<< current-next();
out << ", previous=" << std::setw(ADDRWIDTH)
<< current-previous();
out << ", value=" << current-data() << std::endl;
out << "END DEBUG" << std::endl;
Note that the member functions that add to the list (push_front, push_back, insert_before and
insert_after take references of type DataType. You need to create a LinkNode from this and add the
LinkNode to the list.
If you push or insert DataType values that contain the same values as other list nodes you will end up
with duplicate values in the list. Also note that the list items are not going to be sorted in any way. They
are going to be in the order you add them.
The erase, pop_front and pop_back member functions will remove the ListNode entry from the list.
Make sure you delete the ListNode. Do not allow any memory leaks in your program. If the list is empty
after the erase or pop_xxxx functions you need to set the first and last pointers to nullptr.
Make sure your destructor removes all of the remaining entries from the list.
The first and last member functions need to return nullptr if there are no entries in the list.
The push_front, pop_front, push_back and pop_back member functions need to work if there are no
entries in the list. The push_xxxx functions need to add the entry to the list if it is currently empty. The
pop_xxxx functions need to just return when the list is empty.
CS2336.002 Assignment 3 6
The insert_before and insert_after member functions need to insert the item into the list when the list
is empty and when the existingNode parameter is nullptr. In the case where the existingNode
parameter has a value of nullptr the insert_before member function should add the new node to the
beginning of the list, and the insert_after member function should add the new node to the end of the
The bool erase(const DataType &currentItem) member function should return a value
of false if the currentItem is not in the list.
The copy constructor needs to make a deep copy of the list. You should be able to use other member
functions to do most of the work for you.
OrderedDoubleLinkedList class
The OrderedDoubleLinkedList class will make use of the DoubleLinkList class to implement a sorted
linked list. Note that the ordering will depend on you DataType class supporting the relational
operators. This will be used to determine the order the items are being added. Some of the public
member functions in the OrderedDoubleLinkedList class will have the same signature as those in the
DoubleLinkedList class. Some will have similar signatures. Other member functions in the
DoubleLinkeList will not be in the OrderedLinkedList (such as push_front, pop_front, push_back,
push_front. Insert_before and insert_after). Since the public interface of the OrderedDoubleLinkedList
is not a superset of the public interface of the DoubleLinkedList class we are NOT going to use
inheritance. Instead we are going to use composition.
The insert member function should check and see if the entry being inserted already exists. This is done
my checking to see if there is an existing entry equal to the entry being inserted. If it is already in the
collection the insert member function should replace/update the existing item with the new values. You
should not end up with duplicate entries in the list.
Here is the interface you need for the OrderedDoubleLinkedList. This is included in the header file
OrderedDoubleLinkedList.h on eLearning.
* OrderedDoubleLinkedList.h
* Store the DataType values in sorted order. This ordering
* is determined by the comparison operators of the DataType
* class.
CS2336.002 Assignment 3 7
#include <cstddef
#include "DoubleLinkedList.h"
template<class DataType
class OrderedDoubleLinkedList
// we are making use of the DoubleLinkedList class
DoubleLinkedList<DataType list;
// default constructor
// destructor
virtual ~OrderedDoubleLinkedList();
// number of items in the list
std::size_t size() const;
// is the list empty (true) or does it have entries (false)
bool empty() const;
// print the items in the list
void print() const;
// display debug information on the passed in ostream
void debug(std::ostream &out) const;
// get first node in the list (or nullptr)
ListNode<DataType* first() const;
// get last node in the list (or nullptr)
ListNode<DataType* last() const;
// find the entry and return its address
// (nullptr if not found)
ListNode<DataType* find(const DataType &existingItem);
// erase the item by DataType value
bool erase(const DataType &currentItem);
// insert the new item into the list (in sorted order)
// a duplicate entry will be ignored
void insert(const DataType &newItem);
// Your implementation code goes here
CS2336.002 Assignment 3 8
PhoneBook and PhoneBookEntry classes
You are going to be creating a phone book using the OrdererDoubleLinkList class. The entries being
added are going to be of type PhoneBookEntry. This will contain three std::string values for name,
phone number, and e-mail address.
Here are the requirements for the PhoneBookEntry class.
You will need four constructors for the PhoneBookEntry class as follows:
PhoneBookEntry(const std::string &name, const std::string &number);
PhoneBookEntry(const std::string &name, const std::string &number,
const std::string &email);
PhoneBookEntry(const PhoneBookEntry &copyFrom);
Note that the last one above is a copy constructor.
In addition you will need the following accessors. Note that we are using more of a C++ style for these
and not the getXxxxx format used in the text book:
std::string name() const {return sName;
std::string phoneNumber() const;
std::string email() const;
You can also allow updates to the phoneNumber and email values. Note you cannot change the name
member data.
void phoneNumber(const std::string &newNumber);
void email(const std::string &newEmail);
Finally you need to overload the operators ==, !=, <, <=, and = for the PhoneBookEntry class.
You need to check only the name values and not all of the other values for the comparison operations.
For example two PhoneBookEntry objects would be == if the name of one was equal to the name of the
other, even if the phone numbers are different.
You will also need the following stand-alone function. The prototype of this needs to be in the
PhoneBookEntry.h file (but NOT in the class declaration). You should implement it in the
PhoneBookEntry.cpp file. This function will display the contents of the PhoneBookEntry on the out
ostream object. Note that your operator<< function needs to return out when finished. See the section
“Overloading the Stream Insertion (<<) and Extraction () Operators” starting on page 924 of your text
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const PhoneBookEntry &entry);
CS2336.002 Assignment 3 9
Here are the requirements for the PhoneBook class.
The PhoneBook class will be using the OrderedLinkedListClass you created above.
The PhoneBook class needs to have a default constructor.
In addition it will need the following public member functions:
The insert operations will add the PhoneBookEntry to the collection. They are being added in sorted
order, ordered by the name field. This is done by the OrderedDoubleLinkedList class when it uses the
relational operators to determine where to insert the phone book entry. For the 2nd and 3rd versions of
the insert you need to create the PhoneBookEntry that is to be added to the collection. These can be
temporary PhoneBookEntry objects.
void insert(const PhoneBookEntry &entry);
void insert(const std::string &name, const std::string &number,
const std::string &email);
void insert(const std::string &name, const std::string &number);
The erase operation will remove the phone book entry with the associated name from the collection.
This will need to create a temporary PhoneBookEntry that is passed to the appropriate
OrderedDoubleLinkedList operation.
bool erase(std::string name);
The find operation will determine if there is a phone book entry with the specified name in the
collection. It will return true if it is found and false if it is not found.
bool find(std::string name);
The rest of the member functions will delegate the work to the corresponding OrderedDoubleLinkedList
member function.
void print() const;
std::size_t size() const;
ListNode<PhoneBookEntry* first() const;
ListNode<PhoneBookEntry* last() const;
void debug(std::ostream &out) const;
Sample testing programs are available on eLearning in file phoneBookTest.cpp. You may have to
comment out some of the code while you are building the various classes.
Note that you will be using the DoubleLinkedList and ListNode classes in Assignment 4.
Submit all of your header and source files to eLearning to get credit for this project.
CS2336.002 Assignment 3 10
This is going to take a while to get working, so get started right away.
You should write stubs for all of the functions as you are creating the classes. Start with the ListNode
class and then the DoubleLinkedList class. Write the stubs so they compile and return a reasonable
default value (nullptr or false for example). Then write the code for one member function and get it
working before you go to the next member function. Try writing the constructors first (except the copy
constructor, you may want to do that after you have completed the rest of the class). Then get
push_front working. Then get pop_front working. Next try push_back and then pop_back. Continue to
develop and test until you have the whole class working. Use the debug() member function to display
your list and make sure the pointers are correct in both versions. Also make sure the count of items is
always correct.
By doing this incremental development you will have a better idea which function is failing (because it is
probably the code you just wrote). Also, make sure you test and fix a member function before you go
onto the next one.
Use good formatting in your programs. Use meaningful variable names and comment your code - what
do you want to remember about the code when you do assignment 4?
Let me know if you have any questions.

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