W22 - COMP1006/1406 Part 1
Assignment 3 – Part 2
Comparable, Abstract, Enums
Submit a single zip file called A3-Part2.zip.
Part 2 of the assignment has 10 marks.
Q3 – Comparable ____ _ [9 marks]
Consider the following abstract class.
public abstract class Box implements Comparable<Box>{
String label;
String location;
int size;
public String getLabel(){ return this.label;}
public int getSize(){ return this.size;}
public String getLocation(){ return this.location;}
You will complete the provided SpecificBox class which extends the Box class. The
SpecificBox class must be a concrete class. The SpecificBox class must be
implemented so that a total ordering is imposed on SpecificBox objects as follows:
Let X and Y be SpecificBox objects, then (in this order)
a) X < Y whenever X’s location is alphabetically “less than” Y’s location, or
b) X < Y whenever X and Y have the same location and length(X’s label) < length(Y’s
label), or
c) X < Y whenever X and Y have the same location, the lengths of their labels are the
same, and A’s size is larger than Y’s size, or
d) X = Y whenever X and Y have the same location, their label lengths are the same
and their sizes are the same,
e) Otherwise, Y < X
Another way of specifying the ordering would be to consider a sorted list of SpecificBox
objects. They would first be sorted by location (alphabetically), then for ties (that is,
having the same location) sorted by length of labels, and finally for ties in both sorted by
size from largest to smallest.
W22 - COMP1006/1406 Part 1 due Friday, March 11th at 11:59pm
When you implement your SpecificBox class, the compareTo() method should only
return one of seven different numbers. If the locations of the boxes are different it
should return ±1, if the locations are the same, but the lengths of the labels are different
it should return ±2, if the locations and label lengths are the same, but the size is
different it should return ±3. If they are the same box (by state) then it should return 0.
Add your SpecificBox.java file to your submission zip.
Q4: Enums______ _________ [1 mark]
In Assignment 2, you implemented a Temperature class.
The scales used were fixed (final) strings from a special Scale class. This was done so that
there could be no chance of spelling mistakes when working with temperatures. This was also a
bit awkward to work with.
Java provides another way of doing this. Enum classes provide us with a different way to make
a new data type. The data in these (Enum) data types are constants (like the Scale names) but
we can also have constructors and other behaviour defined.
Assigned reading: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/enum.html
Consider redoing the Temperature class using enums instead of the final strings that we used.
Create an enum class ScalesEnum that we could use instead of the Scale class that we did
use. Your enum class must be in a file called ScalesEnum.java..
Add your Scales.java file to your zip file.
Recap [A3-Part2.zip]
Submit a single zip file called A3-Part2.zip. Your zip file should have two (or three) files in it.
● SpecificBox.java
● ScalesEnum.java
Note: as with the previous assignments, there is a 48-hour grace period. You can submit up
until Sunday, March 13th at 11:59pm without penalty. Remember that there are no guarantees of
any help over the weekend though, so it is really encouraged that you try to submit without
using the grace period.