Assignment 3: Parts-of-Speech Tagging (20 points)
CS 410/510 Natural Language Processing Fall 2021
Due Thursday, 11/11/2021, 11:59pm
If you think that NLP models and their associated documentation seem to be getting updated
almost weekly, you are probably right. Reading library documentation thus is a good skill to practice. In this assignment, we will rifle through the NLTK’s documentation on Parts-of-Speech
Tagging1 and work through the following exercises.
• Mandatory: Questions 1 to 6, and any one from 7, 8, or 9.
• Optional extra credit: If you attempt two or more from questions 7, 8 or 9.
1. (1pt) Search the web for 2 “spoof newspaper headlines”, to find such gems as: British Left
Waffles on Falkland Islands, and Juvenile Court to Try Shooting Defendant. Manually tag
these headlines to see if knowledge of the part-of-speech tags removes the ambiguity.
2. (1pt) Tokenize and tag the following sentence: They wind back the clock, while we chase after
the wind. What is the output?
3. (1pt) Pick 2 words that can be either a noun or a verb (e.g., contest). Predict which POS tag
is likely to be the most frequent in the Brown corpus, and compare with your predictions.
4. (2pt) Use sorted() and set() to get a sorted list of tags used in the Brown corpus, removing
5. (4pt) Write programs to process the Brown Corpus and find answers to the following questions:
(i) Which nouns are more common in their plural form, rather than their singular form?
(Only consider regular plurals, formed with the -s suffix.) (ii) List the top 20 tags in order of
decreasing frequency - what do these most frequent tags represent?
6. (5pt) Generate some statistics for tagged data to answer the following questions: (i) What
proportion of word types are always assigned the same part-of-speech tag? (ii) How many
word types are ambiguous, in the sense that they appear with at least two tags? (iii) What
percentage of word tokens in the Brown Corpus involve these ambiguous word types?
1NLTK Ch. 5 - Categorizing and Tagging Words http://www.nltk.org/book/ch05.html
7. (6pt) Write code to search the Brown Corpus for particular words and phrases according to
tags, to answer the following questions: (i) Produce an alphabetically sorted list of the distinct
words tagged as MD. (ii) Identify words that can be plural nouns or third person singular
verbs (e.g. deals, flies). (iii) What is the ratio of masculine to feminine pronouns?
8. (6pt) How serious is the sparse data problem? Investigate the performance of n-gram taggers
as n increases from 1 to 6. Tabulate the accuracy score.
9. (6pt) There are 264 distinct words in the Brown Corpus having exactly three possible tags.
(i) Print a table with the integers 1..10 in one column, and the number of distinct words in
the corpus having 1..10 distinct tags in the other column. (ii) For the word with the greatest
number of distinct tags, print out sentences from the corpus containing the word, one for each
possible tag.
Submission and Grading: Please upload your PDF containing your solutions as well as a
zip file containing your code or a link to your Jupyter notebook on D2L.