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Assignment 3 — Programming

CPSC 424 Assignment 3 — Programming

In this assignment you are to implement 2D Bezier curves in a WebGL program. You are ´
provided with javascript&html source code for starting a simple WebGL program and moving
some points around on the screen. You are also provided with a basic vector function to get you
started faster. Finally, a reference video is available. You should refer to the video for clarification
of any ambiguities in this assignment specification.
You will implement Bezier curve evaluation, the subdivision algorithm, and piecewise B ´ ezier ´
We have provided a simple user interface for manipulating curves and changing modes. You
should be able to create and move control points by clicking and dragging with the mouse. This
functionality is provided in main.js.
There are three options under the “Mode” submenu: “Basic”, “Subdivision”, and “Piecewise”.
These correspond to the three components of the assignment you will need to implement.
• In Basic mode, a Bezier curve is drawn using all the control points on the canvas. ´
• In Subdivision mode, the Bezier curve is approximated using the subdivision algorithm. You ´
can set the subdivision level by the input box.
• In Piecewise mode, the control points are interpolated/approximated using piecewise Bezier ´
curves of a chosen degree. You can set the degree of the piecewise curves by inputting
numbers to textbox.
In Piecewise mode, the continuity of the curves can be set in the “Continuity” menu. We have
provided menu options for C0 and C1 continuity, although only C0 continuity is mandatory for the
Finally, there is a button to clear all points from the canvas.
Assignment 3.1: Bezier Curve Evaluation (5 Points) ´
Implement simple evaluation and rendering of Bezier curves. You are provided with an incom- ´
plete Bezier function in file bezier.js. Implement evaluate() to return the point along
the Bezier curve at the given t-value. We have provided a function ´ binomialCoefficient()
to compute ?
. You may also find it useful to use Math.pow() to compute exponential expressions. Note that these computations are prone to overflow in the presence of large numbers. As
such, we do not expect that your code be robust for Bezier curves of arbitrarily high degrees. ´
Next, implement the section of drawCurve() labelled “Basic Mode” in file bezier.js.
You should draw the curve by evaluating it at uniformly-spaced t-values, and then drawing lines
between those points. We have provided a function drawLine() to do the line-drawing for you.
It is up to you to choose how many different points to evaluate in order to produce a reasonablelooking curve.
Assignment 3.2: Subdivision (5 Points)
Implement subdivide() in file bezier.js. Follow the subdivision algorithm described in
class to produce two BezierCurve objects that have control polygons representing the two
halves of the initial BezierCurve. For the purpose of this assignment, subdivision is always at
the center of the parameter interval.
Next, implement the section of drawCurves() labelled “Subdivision Mode”. You should
start with a BezierCurve composed of the full set of points. Then subdivide the curve repeatedly until the number of subdivisions is equal to the subdivide level variable. Once
all subdivisions have been performed, draw the control polygons of the resulting curves using
drawControlPolygon(). The control polygons should converge to the true Bezier curve. ´
You should be able to subdivide the control polygon any number of times, like the sample
implementation. There should be no hard limit on the number of subdivision steps that can
be performed.
Assignment 3.3: Piecewise Curves (5 Points)
Implement the section of drawCurves() labelled “Piecewise Mode”. Create d(N − 1)/de
BezierCurves where N is the total number of control points and d is the degree of each piecewise curve. Use the piecewise degree variable to determine what the degree of the Bezier ´
curves will be (the final curve may need to have lower degree than the others). The curves must
have at least C0 continuity. You may earn bonus points by implementing C1 continuity (see below). Note that this will likely require adding additional control points in the code to ensure that
the C1 condition is enforced.
Assignment 3.4: Extensions (2 Points)
You can get up to two bonus points for this assignment (i.e. the maximum grade is 17 out of 15!).
Extra points will carry over so you will be able to use these points for compensating for points you
lose on the midterms, final, or other homework. Examples for what you can do are:
• Smooth transitions between multiple Bezier curves, i.e., C1 continuity. ´
• Animation/Implementation of the De Casteljau evaluation algorithm (this will require tweaking the UI accordingly).
• Whatever else you can think of.
Bonus points are given at the discretion of the TAs.
Getting Started
You should first download the provided template and unpack it. The sample demo is under the
folder \demo. Take a look at it to get a feeling for what you are about to be doing.
The initial version of the code contains all user interface components and point manipulation
mechanics. It does not draw any curves until you begin implementing the assignment.
You should not need to modify any files except for bezier.js. You are welcome to modify
anything you like while implementing your extensions (though you must preserve all functionality
from the mandatory components of the assignment if you want to receive full marks).
In addition to your source code, you should also have a README file that details your name, cs
account, student number and how far you have gotten in your implementation. You should also
mention any extensions you may have implemented.
Once you have all your files together, submit them with the handin command that you should
know from other courses:
handin cs-424 a3
You can also find the instructions for handin at

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