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ASSIGNMENT 3 Shortest path

Shortest path
You’ve just accepted a new internship at Yahoo, in a city not yet supported by Google Maps. You
want to find the fastest route to the company from your house, but you don’t even have a map!
All you know is that your internship probably has a Yahoo sign on its building, and that it’s on an
intersection. The naïve way to find the shortest path would be to just take a direct route, but you
never know if the direct route has the most traffic. Another thing you could do is try every
possible path, but the run-time for that would be ridiculous (no pun intended). However, being a
data structures and algorithms student, you know that you can find the shortest path from your
house to the Yahoo building, even considering the traffic in the city, by using Dijikstra’s
We’ve coded a simulator of driving around this city for you. Starting at your home, you’ll be able
to go north, south, east, or west, and how many seconds it takes to get to the next intersection
with traffic. Each intersection will be a GraphNode object with the following methods:
• public int getX()
• public boolean hasNorth()
• public GraphNode getNorth()
• public int northWeight()
• public boolean hasSouth()
• public GraphNode getSouth()
• public int southWeight()
• public boolean hasEast()
• public GraphNode getEast()
• public int eastWeight()
• public boolean hasWest()
• public GraphNode getWest()
• public int westWeight()
• public boolean isGoalNode()
• public String getId()
Basically, each node can have a north node, south node, west node, and east node. For example, if
n is a node, if n.hasNorth() returns true, then it will have another node at n.getNorth(), and a
“cost” to get to that node.
Each node will have a unique string ID of 36 characters, in a format similar to this one:
The characters will be different, but the dashes will always be in the same place. This is called a
Universally unique identifier (UUID). You will use this ID to store your nodes in a hash map,
allowing for easy indexing into the heap and so you can know which nodes need to be added to
the heap. You can get this id by calling node.getId().
There are also two public fields on the graph nodes (to make it easier). Their functions are
described later, but they are:
public int priority
public GraphNode previousNode
public String previousDirection
To get the GraphNode of your home, you need to have the following code:
GraphWrapper gw = new GraphWrapper()
GraphNode home = gw.getHome()
Do not touch the or files.
Min-Priority Queue
This is a data structure that allows you to add items with certain priorities, and then be able to
extract the item with the lowest priority in O(1) time. We are looking for the shortest path to
work, so we will give priority to exploring the locations with the shortest distance to the starting
point. This is normally created using a heap data structure. You can access and change the
priority of a graph node by accessing its public “priority” field. Your data structure should
support the following operations:
1. insert(GraphNode g) - this should insert g into the queue with its priority.
2. pullHighestPriorityElement() - this should return and remove from the priority queue the
GraphNode with the highest priority in the queue.
3. rebalance(GraphNode g) - this calls the heapify method described below.
4. isEmpty() – Returns true if the queue is empty.
To make this easier for you, each node in the graph has a public int “priority” which you can
You will also use a HashMap (defined below) internally your heap, mapping the graph nodes to
their index in the heap array, so that you can easily index them. It will also allow you to see if a
node is in the priority queue. To indicate deletion, you might want to set the value in the
HashMap to -1. This will allow you to write the following method in your heap class:
1. heapify(GraphNode g) - once you change the priority of the GraphNode, you should be
able to restore the heap-like property of the priority queue at g.
The other heap methods you have to make are left up to you, though it should have all the
basic methods (insert and delete min, in addition to the heapify above, and any other methods
to assist those two).
This is a data structure that allows you to add items, and then test if they are elements of the heap.
This will be useful in your min-priority queue (as described above). It should implement the
following methods:
1. void set(GraphNode key, int value) - check the hashmap to see if there is an Entry for the
GraphNode “key”, if there is, change its value to “value”, otherwise, add it to the
hashmap with that value.
2. int getValue(GraphNode g) - gets the value for the entry with g as the key.
3. boolean hasKey(GraphNode g) - true if the hashmap has that key.
You can make it generic if you want, but you don’t have to. You should be inserting Entries into
the HashMap (described below). You should also use closed hashing, and handle collisions.
You’ll also have to write your own hash function. This is the hash function you will use to hash
the UUIDs into the HashMap. Feel free to use any method discussed in class to generate a hash
function you think will evenly distribute through the HashMap (remember that the UUIDs
themselves are generated randomly).
Feel free to write other methods to assist in these three.
Entry –
The hashmap is a way to store key value pairs. In this case, the keys are GraphNodes and the
values are the index of the graph node in the heap array. These key value pairs are stored in an
array in the hash map (based on the hash value of the key). In order to store keys and values
together, make an Entry class which has a key and a value. Then your hash map can store an
array of Entry objects.
Graph Search Algorithm – (Main Method)
In class, we have discussed the main algorithm for finding the shortest path to your internship.
Here is the psuedocode to get you started, but don’t feel obligated to follow each step to the T.
1. Create a priority queue Q.
2. Get the GraphNode for your home, and set its priority to 0 (home.priority = 0)
3. while Q is not empty and you haven’t found your goal yet:
a. GraphNode curr = Q.pullHighestPriorityElement()
b. if curr.isGoalNode() - then we found the goal (save this as answer)
c. else: for each neighbor of curr that you can access (use the hasNorth, hasSouth, etc.
i. int x = priority of curr + distance from curr to neighbor
ii. if neighbor is not in the priority queue, make neighbor.priority = x
neighbor.previousNode=curr, neighbor.previousDirection=[the direction you
came in], and add it to the priority queue.
iii. if neighbor is in the priority queue but x is less than the priority of neighbor,
then make neighbor.priority = x, re-heapify the priority queue, and make
neighbor.previousNode = curr, neighbor.previousDirection=[the direction
you came in.
if Q is empty and you haven’t found the goal, then there is no path from start to the goal.
This should eventually get you to the Yahoo office, assuming a path exists. To print out the path
you took to get there, you can follow the “previous” field on the answer, all the way until the start
node. You can also fill the public field “previousDirection” (which is a String) during your graph
tracing algorithm to help you write the path, as described in the algorithm.
Your output should be a file, answer.txt, which gives the directions from going from the start to
the goal. For example, if you had to go north 3 times, then west, then north, the output file would
look like this.
How to Debug
We have included a method for you to debug your code, on a simple example. If you create your
GraphWrapper like this:
GraphWrapper gw = new GraphWrapper(true);
The console will ask you to enter the names of the files yourself. If you enter the following
information to the prompts:
Enter the name of the IDs text file, then press enter.
Enter the name of the edge paths text file, then press enter.
Enter the homeX, homeY, goalX, and goalY, then press enter.
0 0 1 1
Then the solution should be:
Last Thoughts and Tips
Be sure to start this early!!! There is a lot of code that needs to be written, and a lot of it is nontrivial, and will need heavy debugging to avoid NullPointerExceptions. If you give yourself time,
and sketch out the data structures before you start coding, you’ll run into fewer errors. I suggest
you first start with the Hash Table, then the heap, then adding the hash table to the heap so that
you can do the rebalancing, then creating the priority queue. After each data structure, extensively
test it, to make sure it works exactly the way you want it to, so that you can be sure that it’s good
for the next data structure. This way, if you find a bug, you can be fairly sure it’s a bug with what
you’re working on, not with what you’ve previously done. Finally, you can use the min-priority
queue to implement the Dijikstra’s algorithm.
Submit via Latte a zip file with all the files.
The zip file should be titled <your-username> - for example, if your brandeis email is, your zip file should be called
1. Your code should be well commented:
o Add your name and email address at the beginning of each .java file.
o Write comments within your code when needed. You must use Javadoc comments for your
classes and methods.
2. Excluding arrays, you may only use data structures that you implement yourself.

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