Assignment 3
Github link
The git links are the following:
• https://classroom.github.com/g/8Dn2RMJS
Submit your code as per the provided instructions.
Assignment Goal
• Application of design principles for a simple multi-threaded application, using
wait() and notifyAll(). Socket programming.
• Students can work in teams of up to 2 members.
Programming Language
You are required to program using Java.
Compilation Method
• You are required to use ANT for compilation of code written in Java.
• Your code should compile and run on remote machines or the debian-pods in
the Computer Science lab in the Engineering Building.
Policy on sharing of code
• EVERY line of code that you submit in this assignment should be written by you or be part of
the code template provided for this assignment. Do NOT show your code to any other student.
Our code-comparison software can very easily detect similarities.
Project Description
• The following two programs should be run.
1. PrimeDetector Use multiple threads to,
§ Poll for integers from a file.
§ check if the number is prime.
§ If the number is determined to be prime, then store it in a shared results
§ Each time a prime is stored, the results instance should send the prime to a
PersisterService that is listening on a specified IP address and port number
(Use socket programming for this).
§ Each prime received by the PersisterService is persisted to the specified
output file.
§ From the command line, accept the following as input:
§ inputFile: The name of the input file.
§ numThreads: The number of threads to be used: referred to as
§ capacity: Capacity of the results data structure.
§ persisterServiceIp: IP Address of the PersisterService (Note that
the PersisterService should be started before PrimeDetector).
§ persisterServicePort: Port number on which the PersisterService is
listening for data.
§ debugValue: an integer that controls what is printed on stdout.
§ Validate that the correct number of command line argumets
have been passed.
§ Validate that the value of NUM_THREADS is between 1
and 5.
§ Validate that the DEBUG_VALUE is between 0 and 4.
§ The Driver code should create an instance of CreateWorkers and pass an
instance of the FileProcessor, Results, and IsPrime to the constructor of
CreateWorkers. The Driver should invoke the method startWorkers(...) in
CreateWorkers and pass the NUM_THREADS as an argument.
§ CreateWorkers' startWorkers(...) method should borrow
NUM_THREADS threads (via the threaded class WorkerThread), start
them and join on them. The instances fo FileProcessor, Results, and
IsPrime should be passed to he constructor of the worker thread class.
§ Design a thread pool to borrow threads (it is ok in this assignment to not
return threads to the pool). Implement the "borrow" method in the thread
pool, and then any other method you need.
§ The run method of the worker thread should do the following till the end
of file is reached:
§ While the end of file has not been reached:
§ Invoke a method in the FileProcessor to retrieve one line,
as string from the input file.
§ Check if it is a prime number using the IsPrime utility.
§ Store the prime number in a data structure in the Results
instance. If the Capacity of the internal data structure in
results is reached, then the thread waits. Otherwise, it
should notifyAll.
§ Once the end of the file is reached, the worker thread stores
the "STOP" message in the results instance and terminates.
§ The choice of data structure used in the Results class should be justified in
the README.txt in terms of space and/or time complexity.
§ The Results class should run a thread (let's call this DataSender) that
constantly sends data to the PersisterService, using sockets (Use socket
programming for this). So, the DataSender thread would be the client and
the PersisterService would be the server. If the internal data structure in
results is empty, then DataSender thread should wait. Otherwise, it
should notifyAll.
2. PersisterService
§ The following command line arguments should be accepted.
§ port: Port number on which the server should listen.
§ outputFile: Name of the output file to which the data received on
the port should be written.
§ The persister should constantly listen on the specified port number.
§ Any data received should be written to the output file.
§ If the "STOP" message is received, then the PersisterService should
persist any unpersisted data, close the output file, and terminate.
§ The PersisterService should be started before the PrimeDetector.
• Assume that the input file will have one string per line and no white spaces. Also assume
that the input strings in the file, if a number, can be converted to integers.
• Except in the Logger class and the thread pool pattern (if you plan to use it) do not make
any other method static. Here is code you can extend and use for MyLogger.java
• The DEBUG_VALUE, read from the command line, should be set in the Logger class.
Use the DEBUG_VALUE in the following way:
o DEBUG_VALUE=4 [Print to stdout everytime a constructor is called]
o DEBUG_VALUE=3 [Print to stdout everytime a thread's run() method is called]
o DEBUG_VALUE=2 [Print to stdout everytime an entry is added to the Results
data structure]
o DEBUG_VALUE=1 [Print to stdout the contents of the data structure in
the store Results instance]
o DEBUG_VALUE=0 [No output should be printed from the application, except
the line "The sume of all the prime numbers is: XYZ" ]
• The Logger class should have a static method to writeMessage(...).
• Place the FileProcessor.java in the util/ folder.
Code Organization and Command-Line Arguments
• Follow the directory structure of the previous assignments.
• To allow for running multiple programs, add the following command-line arguments
(apart from the ones mentioned above) to the build.xml file.
1. primeDetector: This should run the PrimeDetector program with the rest of the
command-line args.
2. persisterService: This should run the PersisterService program with the rest of the
command-line args.
• For example, to run the PersisterService, the below command would be used.
o ant -buildfile src/build.xml run -DpersisterService -Dport=9090 -
• Make sure all class files, object (.o files), executables, and backup files are deleted before
creating a zip or tarball. To create a tarball, you need to "tar" and then "gzip" your top
level directory. Create a tarball of the directory csx42-spring-2020-assign3-XXX. We
should be able to compile and execute your code using the commands listed below.
o tar -cvzf csx42-spring-2020-assign3-XXX.tar.gz csx42-spring-2020-assign3-XXX/.
o To extract files from the tarball, use the command tar -xvzf csx42-spring-2020-
assign3-XXX.tar.gz .
• Upload your assignment to Blackboard, assignment-3.
General Requirements
• Start early and avoid panic during the last couple of days.
• Submit a README.md file (placed at the top level). The README.txt file should be
filled out as described in that file.
• Apply all design principles (wherever applicable).
• Separate out code appropriately into methods, one for each purpose.
• You should document your code. The comments should not exceed 72 coloums in width.
Use javadoc style comments if you are coding in Java.
• Do not use "import XYZ.*" in your code. Instead, import each required type individually.
• All objects, in Java, that may be needed for debugging purposes should have the
"toString()" method defined. By default, just place a toString() in every class.
• Every class that has data members, should have corresponding accessors and mutators
(unless the data member(s) is/are for use just within the method.).
• If a class does not implement an interface, you should have a good justification for it. For
example, it is ok to have an abstract base class and a derived class, wherein both do not
implement interfaces. Note that the Driver code is written by end-users, and so the
Results class must implement the interface, or else the source code for Results will have
to be exposed to the end-user.
• Include javadoc style documentation for at least 3 classes. It is acceptable for this
assignment to just have one parameter of a method described for each method's
• For the classes provided in the code template, add interfaces as appropriate
Design Requirements
• Prevent race conditions by appropriately using wait() and notifyAll().
• Input file should be processed one line at a time.
• Worker threads should not read in all the lines at once, store it and then process them.
Late Submissions
• The policy for late submissions is that you will lose 10% of the grade for each day that
your submission is delayed. There is NO difference in penalty for assignments that
are submitted 1 second late or 23 hours late.
Grading Guidelines
Grading guidelines have been posted here.