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Assignment #3 – Temperature Monitor

Assignment #3 – Temperature Monitor
In this assignment, you will use the InterruptIn, AnalogIn, and BusOut interfaces on the mbed
microcontroller board to implement a simple temperature monitor.
The MCP9701 is the temperature sensor; its pinout is shown to the right. Connect the
MCP9701’s +Vs pin to the mbed’s VOUT pin, its Vout pin to the mbed’s p18 pin, and
its GND pin to the mbed’s GND pin. Do not confuse the MCP9701’s Vout pin with the
mbed’s VOUT pin. The voltage on the MCP9701’s Vout pin is related to the
temperature by the following equation (V in volts and T in degrees Celsius):
V = 0.400 + 0.0195T
Connect a pushbutton switch between the mbed’s GND and p15. Connect a second pushbutton switch
between the mbed’s VOUT and p26. Connect the 7-segment LED display to the mbed as shown in
Figure 3.10 (1st ed.) or Figure 3.12 (2nd ed.) in the textbook, but insert 220 ohm resistors in series with
each LED segment to reduce the current drawn.
Write a program for the mbed that will periodically read and display the current temperature from the
MCP9701, either in Celsius or Fahrenheit depending on the selected mode. Your program should use
the mean average voltage from the temperature sensor (computed over at least 1000 samples) so that
the displayed value does not fluctuate due to noise when the temperature is stable.
The temperatures should be displayed to the nearest degree of whichever unit was last selected. Since
the display can only display one digit, you must display the temperature one digit at a time. Display
each digit for 0.5 – 1 seconds, then blank the display for 0.1 seconds (this way the user can distinguish
a digit shown once from two digits with the same value shown consecutively). After displaying the
temperature, the program should display either a “C” if the temperature was in Celsius or an “F” if the
temperature was in Fahrenheit. Note that the temperature might be less than 0, in which case you will
need to display the leading negative sign (if you want to test this without a freezer, disconnect p18 from
the MCP9701 and connect p18 instead to the mbed’s GND; this simulates a temperature of around
−20.5 C or -4.9 F).
The two switches select the temperature mode. Pressing the switch connected to p26 should select
Celsius mode. Pressing the switch connected to p15 selects Fahrenheit mode. Use InterruptIn to trigger
interrupts when these switches are pressed so that the mode can be changed at any time. Although the
mode can change at any time, be sure to completely display the temperature in consistent units (for
example, don’t display the first digit from the Celsius temperature followed by the second digit from
the Fahrenheit temperature). When your program starts, it can default to whichever mode you prefer.
Hints: For debugging purposes, it might be useful to use the Serial object to display intermediate results
on your computer, although this is not a requirement for the assignment. Sections 6.2 and 6.4 of the
textbook may also be useful. Also, since the voltages being measured from the temperature sensor are
very small, even slight resistive voltage drops can skew the results; you should minimize this effect by
sampling the temperature only when the LED display is blank.
Submit your “main.cpp” to the appropriate dropbox on Canvas by the end of March 11th.

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