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Assignment #3 – Use Cases

Assignment #3 ECSE326 
Assignment #3 – Use Cases (3%)

You are required to submit either an RUCM file or a PDF or DOC(X) file with your use case in myCourses.
If you are submitting an RUCM file, clearly state the course name and number, term, and your name in
the description of the use case. If you are submitting a PDF or DOC(X) file, clearly state the course name
and number, term, and your name on the first page of your file. If you are using an application other than
MSWord, then convert your file first to either a PDF file or a DOC(X) file. The assignment is graded out of
100 marks.
Use Case
Describe the "Book Hotel" use case based on the Hotwire website at Assume
that the customer does not have a Hotwire account and does not want to sign up for a Hotwire account.
Obviously, you are not required to actually make a hotel booking when exploring the website. You will
therefore have to extrapolate what happens after the "Book now" button is pressed. Describe what
happens after the "Book now" button is pressed with a single (and last) step in the main scenario. You
are required to include five alternative/exceptional scenarios in the use case. Use the RUCM tool or one
of the textual templates discussed in class to describe the use case. Even though you are reverse
engineering the use case from an existing website, do not use UI specific terms in your use case. Rather,
abstract from the current implementation and focus on the flow of information and order of steps.
Marking Scheme
Part of Assignment Marks
Actor(s) 8
Intentions 10
Precondition(s) 10
Steps of main scenario 30
Steps of alternative/exceptional scenario #1 4/20
Steps of alternative/exceptional scenario #2 4/20
Steps of alternative/exceptional scenario #3 4/20
Steps of alternative/exceptional scenario #4 4/20
Steps of alternative/exceptional scenario #5 4/20
Postcondition(s) 10
Proper numbering scheme 4/12
Proper use of vocabulary of the application domain 4/12
Proper sentence structure for steps 4/12
Total Marks: 100

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