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Assignment 3 Weather Widget

Weather Widget
We are going to be creating a React component that displays the
weather for the zip code 60654. While seemingly simple, this widget
will encompass multiple aspects of production grade web-applications
• AJAX: to get data from the server-side
• Material Design: Modern & thoughtful UX
• Accessibility: Leveraging semantic elements & ARIA
Starting ASAP is recommended.
The application should be a material design “card” comprised of three
sections – header, content, and bottom actions.
The header should begin with an image representing the weather.
Sunny clear weather would have an orange circle, partly cloudy would
have the circle partly obscured by a little cloud, etc. In the example
above, there is a clear sky at night.
The next item should be the title “Weather” and below it a description
field with the time that the displayed weather was calculated/derived
from. The format of the time should be dddd, MMMM Do YYYY,
h:mm:ss a Using a date/time manipulation library
like moment.js makes this easy.
Finally, right at the end, there should be a Refresh action with the
appropriate Refresh icon. Clicking this icon should result in a new AJAX
call being made to retrieve the most up-to-date weather information
the API has available.
The content of the card should be the temperature value for the zip
code of 60654. It should be displayed in prominent typography and
suffixed by a degree symbol.
Bottom Actions
There should only be one action on the bottom in the form of a Toggle
Button that lets the user select between displaying the weather in
Celsius or Fahrenheit.
Non-functional Requirements
The widget should indicate to the user when the content is loading
using some kind of indicator. Two examples that can be used are
a Progress Indicator (such as a linear or circulator loading indicator),
or skeletons. The widget should remain on the screen in an interactive
state while the loading progress is shown to the user (e.g. the entire
screen shouldn’t change and display one big loading indicator – it
should be encapsulated within the widget.)
The component should pass the WAVE (web accessibility evaluation
tool) assessment with 0 errors.
The component should be usable with a screen-reader. If the user
selects the weather image, there should be a description available like
“scattered clouds.” Another example is if the toggle buttons were
selected by a screen reader, the reader should indicate the following:
• That these buttons are toggle-able
• Which is currently selected
• The description of the button e.g. having the reader tell the user “F
degrees” is not good accessibility. Having it read “Fahrenheit” would be
more appropriate.
Testing a screen reader depends on what operating system you are
using. Windows has Narrator and OS X has Voiceover.
Submission Instructions
The submission should be a ZIP file with a name scheme of
Inside the ZIP, you should have your create-react-app generated
project. You do not need to upload the npm_modules folder (it will be
massive)! Your dependencies are already declared in
the package.json file, so I can get them locally by just executing npm
The way I will launch the app to grade/verify will be executing the npm
start command. If your website does not launch and work correctly
after executing this command within your project folder, points will be
How to Implement
First start off with the UI design. Fill it in with mock data. Everything in
this assignment can be completed by using out-of-the-box Material UI
components. The only custom CSS I used in my entire application was
to set the body background color, and set a maximum width for my
Then work on obtaining the weather data. We will be using
the API. Go on their website and register
for an API key – it’s free. Once you have the API key, read over the API
documentation on how to
obtain weather information for a ZIP code. This is also where the
weather image & description data is obtained, and it’s documented on
this page:
A useful tool for testing HTTP requests and viewing the responses
is Postman. I recommend trying the API out first in Postman to figure
out how to get your weather in Fahrenheit, Celsius, etc.
Next implement the refresh button functionality, and the temperature
scale toggle. A new AJAX call should be made whenever the user
conducts one of these actions:
• Toggles Celsius/Fahrenheit to a different value than the previously
selected one. Tapping on a scale selection when it’s already selected
should not trigger another AJAX call.
• Refresh button is pressed.
Now start working on the finishing touches.
Incorporate a loading indicator or skeletons for the information on the
widget that is loaded by AJAX. This would include the temperature,
weather image, and the timestamp of the weather datapoint. Test
whether this works as expected by simulating a slow network
connection. Throttling to a profile like “Slow 3G” will make it very
obvious if your loading indication is working as
Incorporate accessibility tags like aria-labels and image alt descriptions.
Install the WAVE Chrome plugin and run it against your web page.
Ensure that there are 0 errors.
Turn on your operating system's screen reader and try to navigate your
website. Close your eyes - would you be able to refresh your widget, or
toggle between the temperature scales? If not, then it's not accessible!
Extra Credit Opportunity
One of the things you may notice after completing the assignment is
that whenever an AJAX call is made, your loading indicator or skeleton
will "flash" for a very brief period of time before the new temperature is
displayed. This kind of flash can be a bit distracting and unappealing to
the user. Best practice is to delay showing the progress indicator. If the
AJAX call is taking a bit of time, the indicator will be displayed reassuring the user that we're working on their request. But if the AJAX
call returns very quickly, the delay will never have gotten the chance to
show the indicator/skeleton and the user will be presented with the
new value without an abrupt flash. This can be implemented in a fairly
simple way using the approach outlined here:
Completing this will earn you +2 points.

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