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Assignment 3 Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD)

Natural Language Processing
Assignment 3
Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD)
Using Vector Space Model (VSM)

In this assignment, we will:
1. Briefly introduce WSD and the Vector Model.
2. Go through the basics of WordNet and scikit-learn.
3. Develop a WSD system based on the Vector Model with supervised learning
4. Use feature extraction methods to enhance your WSD system.
This document is structured in the following sequence:
WordNet and
WSD and Vector
Assignment Part A:
Basic WSD system
Assignment Part B:
Feature Extraction
Introduction to WSD and the Vector Space Model VSM.
Quick intro to WordNet and scikit-learn Python libraries.
We will create, train, and evaluate a WSD system using the
SENSEVAL corpus based on the vector space model VSM.
We will use feature extraction methods to enhance your WSD
Once you’re done, follow the instructions to submit.
Set up everything to get you ready to start the assignment.
Introduction to WSD and VSM
What is word sense disambiguation (WSD)?
Word sense disambiguation (WSD) is the task of determining which sense of an ambiguous
word is being used in a particular context. The solution to this problem impacts other NLPrelated problems such as machine translation and document retrieval.
What is the lexical sample task?
The standard WSD (SENSEVAL) task has two variants: “lexical sample” and “all words.” The
former comprises disambiguating the occurrences of a small sample of target words which
were previously selected, while in the latter all the words in a piece of running text need to
be disambiguated. In this assignment, we will be working on the lexical sample task.
Algorithms for WSD:
There are several types of approaches to WSD, including dictionary-based methods, semisupervised methods, supervised methods, and unsupervised methods. Supervised methods
based on sense-labeled corpora are the best-performing methods for sense disambiguation.
But such labeled data is expensive and limited. In contrast, dictionary-based methods and
unsupervised methods require no labeled texts and are more efficient, but have lower
accuracy. In the following part, you will see how two algorithms, a supervised algorithm
based on the vector space model and the Lesk algorithm, work on WSD.
What is the vector space model (VSM)?
The vector space model (VSM) is a widely-used model in NLP. The basic idea is to represent
each instance of an ambiguous word as a vector whose features (attributes) are extracted
according to some rules. Usually classification or clustering methods are then applied to
solve the problem.
The supervised approach to sense disambiguation can be based on the vector space model.
Here is a skeleton supervised algorithm for the lexical sample task.
Later in the assignment we will explain how to extract context vectors and what
classification method you can use in order to implement this algorithm.
1. For each instance wi of word w in a corpus, compute a context vector �⃗. Label the
class of each vector by the sense of word w in the context.
2. Train a classifier with these labeled context vectors �⃗.
3. Disambiguate a particular token t of w by predicting the class of token t with the
trained classifier.
What is the Lesk algorithm?
The Lesk algorithm is a well-studied dictionary-based algorithm for word sense
disambiguation. It is based on the hypothesis that words used together in text are related to
each other and that the relation can be observed in the definitions of the words and their
senses. Two (or more) words are disambiguated by finding the pair of dictionary senses with
the greatest word overlap in their dictionary definitions.
The pseudo code of Lesk is shown below.
You do not need to implement the Lesk algorithm in this assignment. But as an example you
should get a sense of what an unsupervised algorithm is like.
For our lexical sample task, assume we have a Lesk Algorithm implementation in the
following format:
lesk(context_sentence, ambiguous_word):
- param str context_sentence: The context sentence where the ambiguous word occurs.
- param str ambiguous_word: The ambiguous word that requires WSD.
- return: “lesk_sense” The Synset() object with the highest signature overlaps.
WordNet is a lexical database (originally developed for English) that contains information
about words, their senses, and the relationships between them. A word with multiple senses
is called polysemous. A sense with multiple words is called a “synset” (synonym set). Synsets
may be related to each other in different ways, e.g., “cat” is a hypernym (more general
concept) of “lion.”
function SIMPLIFIED LESK(word, sentence) returns best sense of word
best-sense ← most frequent sense for word
max-overlap ← 0
context ← set of words in sentence
for each sense in senses of word do
signature ← set of words in the gloss and examples of sense
overlap ← COMPUTEOVERLAP(signature, context)
if overlap max-overlap then
max-overlap ← overlap
best-sense ← sense
Environment Setup
You can copy the provided code and data by running the following commands:
cd ~/hidden/$PIN/
mkdir Homework3
cp /home/595/Homework3/student_files/* Homework3/
Basic WordNet and scikit-learn tutorial
How to use WordNet in NLTK for WSD tasks
- Import wordnet
from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
- Get a word’s synset
A synset is a set of words with the same sense. It is identified with a 3-part name of the form:
word.pos.nn. Below are a description of the synsets function and examples of its usage.
def synsets(self, lemma, pos=None, lang='en'):
- Load all synsets with a given lemma (word) and part of speech tag.
- If no pos is specified, all synsets for all parts of speech will be loaded.
- If lang is specified, all the synsets in that language associated with the lemma will be
returned. The default value of lang is ‘en’.
[Synset('dog.n.01'), Synset('frump.n.01'), Synset('dog.n.03'), Synset('cad.n.01'), ...]
wn.synsets('dog', pos='v', lang = ‘en’)
- Get possible definitions for a word from its synsets
for ss in wn.synsets('bank'):
print ss, ss.definition()
Synset('bank.n.01') sloping land (especially the slope beside a body of water)
Synset('depository_financial_institution.n.01') a financial institution that accepts deposits
and channels the money into lending activities
Synset('bank.n.03') a long ridge or pile
Synset('bank.n.04') an arrangement of similar objects in a row or in tiers

- What languages can we use in NLTK?
The WordNet corpus reader gives access to the Open Multilingual WordNet, using ISO-639
language codes. For example, “cat” stands for Catalan (a language spoken in Spain, France
and Andorra, which is related to Spanish, Italian, and the other Romance languages).
['als', 'arb', 'cat', 'cmn', 'dan', 'eng', 'eus', 'fas','fin', 'fra', 'fre', 'glg', 'heb', 'ind', 'ita', 'jpn',
'nno','nob', 'pol', 'por', 'spa', 'tha', 'zsm']
How to use scikit-learn for machine learning tasks
- What is scikit-learn?
scikit-learn ( is an open source machine learning
library for Python. It features various classification, regression, and clustering algorithms
including support vector machines, k-nearest neighbors, logistic regression, naive Bayes,
random forests, gradient boosting, k-means, and DBSCAN. For this class, we don’t need to
understand all the details of these algorithms.
- Loading an example dataset
scikit-learn comes with a few standard datasets. A dataset is a dictionary-like object that
holds all the data and some metadata about the data. The data is stored in the .data
member. In the case of supervised problems, one or more response variables are stored in
the .target member. To load an example dataset,
from sklearn import datasets
iris = datasets.load_iris()
digits = datasets.load_digits()
- Learning and predicting
Classification is a basic task in machine learning. The task is, given a set of data, usually
represented as vectors, and several classes, predict which class each vector belongs to. To
solve the problem, we will first train a classifier (estimator) using some data whose classes
have already been given. Then we will predict the classes of unlabeled data with the
classifier we just trained.
In scikit-learn, an estimator for classification is a Python object that implements the methods
fit(X,y) and predict(T). An example of an estimator is the class sklearn.svm.SVC that
implements support vector classification.
from sklearn import svm
clf = svm.SVC(gamma=0.001, C=100.)
To train the model with all but the last item in our training dataset[:-1],[:-1])
Now you can predict new values by
Here is another example of how to use nearest neighbors algorithm to do the classification.
from sklearn import neighbors
clf = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(15, weights=’uniform’),
Provided Files
Provided data
We will be using data from the Senseval 3 Lexical Sample Task on multilingual WSD,
specifically the English, Catalan, and Spanish corpora.
All the data needed for this assignment are in this directory:
The data include:
English-train.xml Training data for English
English-dev.xml Development data for English
English-dev.key Answer for the development data for English
English.sensemap Sense map file needed for evaluation
Catalan-train.xml Training data for Catalan
Catalan-dev.xml Development data for Catalan
Catalan-dev.key Answer for the development data for Catalan
Spanish-train.xml Training data for Spanish
Spanish-dev.xml Development data for Spanish
Spanish-dev.key Answer for the development data for Spanish
The data files are in .xml form, where the tags are:
1. lexelt/lemma: Each lexelt/lemma represents a word to be disambiguated. The item
attribute indicates the word and its POS tag. One lexelt could have several instances.
<lexelt item="difference.n"
2. instance: Each instance is a case where the target word appears in a context. An
instance contains one context.
<instance id=" difference.n.bnc.00001061"
3. context: The context of the word from each instance. You can choose to use the entire
context or just some words from the context (e.g., common collocations, words within a
small window, words with high PMI values, etc).
In 1991/92 we shall need support even more . Every donation does help . That help makes
all the <headdifference</head to people sick with AIDS who want to stay at home , rather
than spend time unnecessarily in hospital . Please help ! SIR JOHN FORD KCMG MG
4. answer: The sense of the word in this instance. It only appears in training data.
<answer instance="difference.n.bnc.00001061" senseid="difference%1:24:00::"/
Note: For Catalan and Spanish data, you will also see <previous, <target, <following
tags in a <context tag. For this assignment we only use the text in the <target tag.
Note2: If an instance contains multiple <answer tags, we will only use the first tag for the
purpose of training.
You can use the xml package in Python to parse the .xml file.
WSD systems are evaluated by computing the percentage of ambiguous words for which the
WSD system has predicted the correct sense. We have provided an evaluator for you. You
will use it to evaluate the performance of the algorithms you implement.
The .key files and .sensemap files are only used for evaluation. You do not need to know the
meaning of these files. Later you will see how to use the evaluator with these files.
Provided code a baseline WSD system implementation
scorer2 a script to evaluate WSD systems
scorer2.c the source code for scorer2 written in C skeleton code for part A skeleton code for part B runs the assignment
Before you start
You will be implementing a supervised algorithm based on the vector space model according
to the description in the Introduction part. You will need to work on three languages:
English, Catalan, and Spanish.
As a baseline, we explain the sense of a word in any context as the most frequent sense of
this word. You can see the output of the baseline by running
python language
The output file is language.baseline, with the same format in the format below:
lexelt_item instance_id sense_id
Your implementation should get a better performance than this baseline. You will be graded
based on how good your implementation is.
Assignment Part A
For this part, you will be implementing a basic WSD system with two supervised algorithms
based on the vector space model VSM using the Senseval data set.
For each language (Catalan, English, and Spanish), you should follow the steps below.
1. Compute context vectors for each instance of a word. You will use languagetrain.xml as training data.
Suppose in a test instance Ti, the word you need to disambiguate is w. At the beginning
you need to tokenize the sentences in the context with nltk.word_tokenize(). Si is the
set of words that are within k distance of word w. Let S be the union of set Si of size n
which may contain duplicate words. Then each test instance will correspond to a vector,
where each attribute is the count of a word in set S. For this assignment, we set the
window size k=10.
Implement part A1 in the build_s and vectorize functions of
2. Train a classifier using the context vectors you obtained. You can use scikit-learn library
to conduct this step. Here you need to try two different classifiers, k-nearest neighbors
KNN (neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier class) and linear support vector machines SVM
(svm.LinearSVC class).
You will notice that there are several parameters for the classifiers. For this assignment
you can just use the default settings (k=5 for KNN).
Implement part A2 in the classify function of
You will disambiguate the target word in each test instance in the development data set. For
each classifier, the output should be a single file corresponding to language-dev.xml,
with each line for a test instance in the format below:
lexelt_item instance_id sense_id
Note: The lines in the output file have to be sorted in alphabetical ascending order (A-Z)
first by lexelt_item, then by instance_id. Also, please remove the accent of characters in
the output file.
3. Use the SVM classifier to perform disambiguation for each test instance in languagedev.xml. Write the output for the SVM classifier for each language to a file named by
SVM-Language.answer formatted as described above.
4. Use the KNN classifier to perform disambiguation for each test instance in languagedev.xml. Write the output for the KNN classifier for each language to a file named by
KNN-Language.answer formatted as described above.
Implement parts A3 and A4 in the print_results function of
5. In your report file, write and compare the performance of the two classifiers.
Assignment Part B
For this part, you will improve your WSD system. You will need to compare the performance
of different features and classifiers, find the best combination, and describe your work in the
1. Try extracting better features than just taking all the words in the window, and then
redo the classification. You should try the following approaches (it is not necessarily
that adding one of them will improve the system), also try to use different
a) Add collocational features such as: surrounding words w-2 , w-1 , wo w1 , w2 and
part-of-speech tags POS-2 , POS-1, POS0 POS1 , POS2.
b) Remove stop words, remove punctuations, do stemming, etc.
c) Use the method described below.
Suppose the word w that needs disambiguation has k senses. For a sense s of w
and a word c in the window of w, we compute the “relevance score” of c with s
log (
where �(�|�) is the probability that the word w has sense s when c appears, and
is computed using
�(�|�) = ��,�
where ��,� is the number of instances where the context contains c and the
sense of word w is s, and �� is the number of instances where the context
contains c. �(�̅|�) is the probability that the word w has sense other than s
when c appears and can be computed similarly.
For each sense s, we compute how relevant the words in the window are and
select the top words as features. The final set of features is the union of all the
top features for each sense.
For example, in English-train.xml, the word activate has 3 senses, 38201,
38202 and 38203. We now compute the relevance score for the word protein.
There are 10 test instances where the context contains protein and the sense is
38201. There are 8 test instances for 38202 and 1 for 38203. So the score for
(38201, protein) is log 10/19
9/19 . (38202, protein) gets log 8/19
and (38203, protein)
gets log 1/19
d) Add more features by obtaining the synonyms, hyponyms and hypernyms of a
word in WordNet; you should try different combination of these features rather
than combining all of them. For instance, you might add hyponyms only,
synonyms and hyperny, or combining all of these features.
e) Try good feature selection method. Hint: Chi-square or pointwise mutual
information (PMI) may be useful for selection features.
Implement part B1a-d in the extract_features function of Implement part
B1e in the feature_selection function of
In your report, describe how much each of the approaches above improves the
2. Find the best combination of the feature extracting approaches. Also, use the classifier
that gives better results. Submit your code with the best performance and the output
files from that code; name those output files Best-Language.answer.
Implement part B2 in the classify function of
3. You are welcome to add more features and to adjust the window size k and the
classifier parameters to get better results. If you use your own parameters or add
different features than above, include in your report how you obtained the settings and
what features you added. You can also try other classifiers if you want. We will compare
the performance of all the students’ classifiers, and give bonus points for the top
Finally, write the conclusions you draw from this assignment. Also, include any interesting
Discuss why are some languages are easier than other languages for WSD tasks (Extra
You will evaluate the result you obtained from the previous parts. Use scorer2 as shown
below to evaluate your output.
./scorer2 answer_file key_file [sense_map_file]
where answer_file is the output of your algorithm and key_file is the gold standard for
the test data.
Here is an example:
./scorer2 English.answer /home/595/Homework3/data/English-dev.key
Note: For Catalan and Spanish data, there is no sensemap file. So you do not need to
include it in the command.
Note2: scorer2 is written in C, and we have given you a compiled binary. We have included
the source code here in case you want to try it on other platforms.
Include the evaluation results in your report. Include any interesting findings and explain
why they occurred (up to 2-3 paragraphs and a table with results).
As usual, you need to create a directory named Homework3 in your hidden directory and
copy all the files into it. The files you should submit are:
As a final step, run a script that will setup the permissions to your homework files, so we can
access and run your code to grade it:
/home/Homework3/ <YOUR_PIN
Note: You can create extra source code files, but make sure we can run your algorithm
simply by running:
python <input_training file <input test file <output KNN
file <output SVM file <output best file <language
For instance:
python /home/595/Homework3/data/English-train.xml
/home/595/Homework3/data/English-dev.xml KNN-English.answer SVMEnglish.answer Best-English.answer English

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